king of power

Chapter 845 is a game

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Xue Song is very headache!

Previously, Chen Geng's application information submitted in China in China in China, the application information of the high-end sedan Lexus ES road test is inexplicable, although it is listed as confidential restrictions, but he is actually knowing, now, Chen Geng's Lexus ES The pre-feet of the application is just lost, the foot, the Shangfei Group will reveal the "grabbing the power"

It means, if Wang Dazhi and Zhang Ying are still in the Ice City, this matter can also be qualitatively "has different opinions and differences in some reform opinions on the internal management of the company."

Now, Wang Da Zhi and Zhang Ying have directly ran here. If this is passed to Chen Pie's ear, what is Chen Wong will see? It will definitely believe that the high-level is unloading killing, crossing the river.

In the past, the brain sent a powerful Zhang Ying and Wang Du Zhi, and finally realized the seriousness of the problem: the follow-up impact of this matter is not limited to Shangfei Group, not exaggerated, and the entire investment of Huaxia It will have a big impact, and the two may be ... is a big disaster? !

Grand, Xue Song did not dare to neglect, and immediately made reports to Guo Wenxiang - As for how to deal with Wang Dazhi and Zhang Ying's two idiots, it is the next thing, now how to solve it now Trouble.

Not thinking, after listening to Xue Song, Guo Wenxiang is smile: "Good little bodies ..."


Xue Song stunned, did not react, what is the meaning of self-family boss.

"You think that Chen Geng's wisdom, he will not know what the two idiots do you have?"

Guo Wenxiang asked.

"That can't.

Xue Song did not think about shaking his head: What jokes, don't see Wang Daxi and Zhang Ying are "negotiated with 331 factory - 6 engine"

The reason came out, and Chen Li also pleaded the holiday, but if Chen Li did not know what the abacus of Wang Dafu and Zhang Ying, Xue Song did not believe, but so! "

Recognizing this, Xue Song reacted: "What do you mean, Chen Li him is deliberate?"

Guo Wenxiang, said: "You haven't seen it yet, why did Chen Geng did not reform to Shangfei Group, and he did not reform to Shangfei Group later. He was reforming Shangfei Group at this time?"

This is because the previous information is exchanged, in this way to try our cooperation sincerity.

Xue Song sighed, he finally understood why Chen Li did deliberately to do this, first with Lexus ES's road test application information inexplicably weak, followed, there is a situation in which Shangfei Group seems to be uncomfortable. Oh ... Chen Geng can use such a senseous way in this case to deal with the cooperation of himself, and it is no wonder that people can do so big, just to come ... "We have to take advantage of sincerity. coming.

Xue Song said.

"Yeah, you must have sincere.

Guo Wenxiang came with sigh.

This sincerity can not be taken.

...................... In the same time of Guo Wenxiang and Xue Song, the same time, the distant ice city, Chen Tong is discussed with the Y12 Transport Machine Project Team to improve the improvement opinion on the US market And these improvements will eventually be implemented ... "Our Y12 is on the basis of Y11, in particular, especially the cabin space, more than Y11, so some existing customers in North America Ask me, whether I can extend again in the cabin of Y12, increase the business to 2.

5 tons? "

"This is no difficulty from technology,"

The teacher of Lu Yiren said: "Our Y12 is a PT6A-27 engine of Pratt Whitney, this engine has only 620 axle horsepower, and the PT6A-63 of the 750-axis horsepower is sufficient. However, PT6A-63 is much more expensive than PT6A-27.

After the fuselage is long, in order to ensure the lifting resistance ratio, the wing area should also increase accordingly. Considering the increase in manufacturing costs, the overall cost of the whole machine is about 20% ... "

Is cost increased by 20%? Chen Mong Xiaojing: Because it is purchased, Shangfei Group gave an internal price: the price of each Y12 transport plane is $ 1.9 million, how is the price of light fixed wing transport aircraft in the US market? It is not less than $ 4 million, that is, even if the cost is increased by 20%, it is only $ 2.3 million to give yourself, and there is a huge price advantage.

However, these don't have to say that the chief of Lu Kenren said. He said that he knows: "The other two need to improve the plane of the wing and the landing gear, the slanting of the wing must be removed, our customers It has reacted that there is that ramp, the whole plane is too ugly; it is the uncomprotable landing gear, must be changed to the income, this is wrong? "

"This one……"

The general of Lu Yen is difficult: "From the perspective of technology, it can certainly do it. If the slanting, it involves the redesign of the overall frame structure of the fuselage, most of the data is recalculated. And the cost is also increased ... "

"It's ok,"

Chen Pomantly hooks: "I just forgot to say, compared with the equivalent commercial level of the international market, the self-weight of our Y12 is significantly higher, just through this improvement opportunity, you want to take the plane. The self-weight also dropped, as for the funds required to R & D, you don't have to worry, your project team applied directly to me, I personally approval.

You can really don't know Chai Mi expensive.

Lu Yen's general teacher's heart spit, can be Chen Geng's promise to ensure the development of funds, but the chief of Lu Kairen is gratifying, but though, he still needs to explain to Chen Geng explained: "Chairman, this is not only R & D funds. Things, such a large amount of changes involve a lot of data calculations, but the project group is only a few 286 computers, this ... "

Understand, the calculation resources are not enough!

Can Chen Multi-Congwei be worried about the problem of insufficient resources? No, he is a full use of his computing resources.

Laughing, looking at Lu Yen, Chen Geng: "So ..."

Lu Yen's face is a red, knowing that he is very embarrassed, it is a bit embarrassed, it is a bit embarrassed, you are embarrassed, you still have to say: "So you can give us a little Galaxy-I When? "

"This is good,"

Chen Geng Da Hand Well: "When you give you 5 hours a day, if you work overtime, then give you 6 hours of night space machine, is it enough?"

------------ PS: The brothers are embarrassed, this chapter is only 2,000 words, and I owe you 2000 words.

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