king of power

Chapter 853

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"I will think about it.

Chen Geng nodded and his expression was light.

For Chen Geng's vigilance, Alexander Holmorov has pre-expected that he has never expected how enthusiastic, slightly, Alexander Holmorov, who has never expected Chen Geng and his first time. Word: "Mr. Fernande, I wish you a happy play in Bangkok ... Well, you have any need to contact me, I am very willing to provide you with any force,"

Speaking here, Alexander Holmorov added: "Yes.

Chen Geng nodded again: "If you need it, I will.

Alexander Holm Doff is also very knowledgeable. The first time, I didn't ask Chen Geng to call the contact information, but for almost everything KGB, they want to contact Chen Li, but also simple The two sides just met, Alexander Holmorov has a savings "" Our Soviet "has been concerned about you, and has a strong interest in working with you."

After that, I will go to the saying words.

Alexander Holmorov, from the past, since the entry of this cafe, the nerves have been tight, Alefit, Andi and others have long been a breather - although everyone has never been Didn't turn over the Soviet KGB, but in the year, the Soviet KGB of the Soviet Union, or the name of the wrong name, the name of the KGB can be almost the same as the devil, now actually and the devil. How can everyone not tense? Instead, it is Chen Geng, very clear that the Soviet Union and Russia go, calmly, even watching Stanson, etc., as if Stanson, etc., if you have a long time, and even looked at Stanson, "I said that you are so tense?"

Stanson wiped the cold sweat of the forehead, couldn't help but defend the words: "BOSS, not us nervous, we are facing now, but the murderey does not blink, the devil is average KGB!

Alefit is here, followed by: "Yes, this is KGB!


Chen Geng is speechless: "Is the KGB still eat people?"

Ale Ford can't help but say: "What is the difference between the damn KGB and the devil's devil?"

Others suddenly, in their opinion, damn, the Soviet KGB of hell, and the devil's devil did not distinguish.

"I still say that when I wait, go to the Soviet hall to see it, you can see your look, ..."

Chen Geng shook his head: "If you are scared by KGB's name, how do I assured me to you?"


"BOSS you have to go to the Soviet Union? Are you not joking?"

.......... When Chen Ming's words, Stanson and others were scared: Go to the Soviet Union? What is the difference between the mouth of the sheep to the wolf? Looking at the reactance, it seems that he is not going to have a normal country, but is ready to go to the hell, Chen Geng can't hurt his head, he is even a little disappointed: "I know how the Western media screwed and demonized the Soviet Union But don't forget, during the Second World War, the Soviet Union is also our allies. They also fight side by side, although the Soviet selection political system is different from us, but does not mean that we can't be friends, can't do business ... Before I take you in China, your impression of Huaxia is better than the impression of the Soviet Union. You can wait until we have seen it after the Huaxia, what is the experience? Stanson, You are the earliest to come to Huaxia, do you remember what is the Huaxia at that time? "

"Hey ... Huaxia people are very enthusiastic, very enthusiastic,"

Stannsen scratched his head: "I can't imagine the enthusiasm, I have never thought of an American in China.

Donned, Stanson added: "I didn't expect that we will make so much money in this country.

"now it's right,"

Chen Ming's answer to Stann's answer is very satisfied, it is a long-term old man with himself, very clear what you want: "Next, the Soviet we have to go, in fact, you can see it as another one. Huaxia.

Andy couldn't help but inserted a mouth: "But BOSS, I have not remembered, no matter whether it is China or the United States, and the relationship between the Soviet Union is not good?"

Chen Geng is looking at him: "Andi, who tells you that there is no business in two countries that don't have normalization,"

Yes, although the diplomatic relations between China Sap have not officially returned to normal, it is actually that the relationship between the two countries in the 1980s is not so hostile, Huaxia and the Soviet Union have been launched in the northern border area for their respective national planning. Border trade, single last year, that is, in 1985, the total value of the goods exported to the Soviet Union has been as high as 3 billion 25.78 million 4,310 yuan RMB, the frequent trade is often the imagination of superchard.


Andy scratched his head: It seems that he is indeed an extremely stupid problem? "I tell you, the more this situation, the more we are in the heaven of our business people,"

Chen Geng didn't have a good way: "Think about Mr. Hammer, who respects our respected capitalist, how much is he earned in the Soviet Union? Think of the earliest to enter Huaxia, how much is it in China?"

Although Hammer is not the most money of the United States, but "red capitalist"

The outer number made him a special one in the US billionaire group, especially if he had a big bold and the Soviet and Soviet experience, not only has a legend, but also makes countless people worship him. Now Chen Li also took out this example of Hammer, but also took out himself, just to tell these Soviet colors, smelling kgb color guys: Don't be succumbed by those capitalists and the dead media deliberately created you. The eye, the more this, the more you make big money.

After Chen Ming, he was full of public bodyguards, and suddenly he had some.

In the end, the old man is so good, Raraft asked carefully: "So ... boss, you are going to see the Soviet Union?"

"What's the problem?"

"No no,"

La Lefurt urgently shakes his head: "Just ... I want to remind you, it seems that the United States and Huaxia are not very related to the Soviet relationship ... Hey, Boss, you understand what I want to say.

"I know what you want to say, but what do I want to say, how can I have a stupid guy in my hand?"

Chen Geng Dao's good way: "Huaxia and the United States are not good to do business with the Soviet Union. Do you want to do a way to do? Can I do business with Thailand? Can the United States do business with Thailand? Thailand can do with Soviet Union? Does business? "


If you don't wait Chen Geng, the eyes of the bodyguards are already bright: US, Huaxia and the Soviet diploma is not normal, but what is it, as long as the US, Huaxia and the Soviet Union's diplomatic relationship with Thailand is normal. Is the US government and the Huaxia government also ban a Thai company purchased their products? As for these products, they were sold after the Thailand, this is the United States, the Government and the Chinese government!

For a time, the expression of everyone is relaxed: Since the Soviewers ask us to do business, it should be not so dangerous.

...................... The café has gone on the café, and Kelly Hicks whispered: "BOSS, I am worried.

Will there be a KGB person in the cafe? "

"of course,"

Chen Li also answered the same whisper: "There will be there will be.

"Then you still ..."

Kelly Hicks took a look, and then suddenly realized: "Ah!

I understand, you are deliberately talking about it ... "


Chen Ming smiled and said: "I really want to go to the Soviet Union.


Kelly Hicks was surprised to open his mouth. She thought that her own boss was only intended to say, the purpose is to say to the KGB of the cafe, did not expect BOSS to play true? !

"Huaxia has an old saying, called rich and noises,"

Chen Geng said: "If you want to make money, make big money, how do you do not take a risk? In my opinion, what is the money to make the money is proportional to the risk of your risk, the greater the risk, the benefits The higher it ... Kelly, then you tell you this time, this time I go to the Soviet Union to do business, I will allow everyone to take the money to let go, you ask everyone who is willing to go to the Soviet business with me to do business, make big money? "

Chen Geng He also known that under the Western media and the government for decades, he wanted to contribute to the Soviet Union with himself to persuad himself, it is too difficult to be a person, the best way. And bundle everyone's interests together.

Kelly Hicks was shocked by Chen Geng's words, and it was more than ten seconds. She was shocked to Chen Geong to recognize Chen Geng: "Boss, you mean ... Can we invest? "


Chen Geng nod: "You can be my partner.


What I said below, Kelly Hicks has already can't hear, she only feels messy in her mind, only one thought in her mind: I can invest, I can be BOSS partner ... ... Although Kelly Hicks is not the earliest followment with Chen Pai, but as Chen Geng's second private assistant, Kelly Hicks is very clear about how much it has invested in China in China in China, how much it has got? A generous return, that is not 30%, 50% of the return, or even twice the return, but ten times, dozens of times return!

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