king of power

Chapter 867 Visit the Soviet Aviation Industry

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No one speaks, because everyone is shocked by Alexander Holmorov, it is shocked: Fernandes Chen has just passed from the White House. !

On the face of Gobacchov, an unexpected expression appeared.

Gobyv's number one is trustworthy, the office teacher Boris Pan Jin immediately asked: "Do you know what they talk?"

Although it is impossible to understand that it is not big, the eyes of the people are still brushing to the body of Alexander Holmorov.

"I do not know,"

Alexander Holmorov is old: "I was brought to a movie in a movie in a movie, but ..."

"But what?"

Boris Pan Jin interrupted the words of Alexander Holmorov, and immediately asked.

"But when I am walking, I will send Mr. Fernandes Chen from Mr. Fernande, and his wife.

Alexander Holmorov said: "On the way from the vice president's official residence, Mr. Fernandez and his assistant talked about the next year's US election ..."

"I know!

Alexander Holm Doff has not finished, Boris Pan Jin suddenly shot the thigh, and said loudly: "Next year is the year of the United States, and the current vice president of the United States does not clearly say it will be necessary to participate in next year. The election, and the voice is very high ... "

It was reminded by Boris Pan Jin, others also reacted, a two faces looked at: What? At the same time, Fernandez Chen has a deep private sex with the existing director of the White House, and it is also likely to be a guest of the White House? This is also scary!

For a long time, I don't know who is said: "The damn capitalist ..."

Everyone understands this meaning in this: National leaders change, how much things are this in a country, how can a businessman affect president? It shouldn't be the people who have the right to have the right to sit together, is it possible to discuss a solution that everyone can accept? Everyone is actually agree with this country: such a big thing, how can you let a group of greedy, bottomless business people participate in? But no one speaks.

No one speaks, not to talk, but don't know what to say: US game rules have always been this, do you think is not right? The problem is that the United States is in such a great thing in such a great thing, it has always maintained the confrontation with the powerful Soviet Union without falling down, you said that this is what to say? Alexander Holm Doff next thing, such as Michigan is currently the state of the Finance, Caix Gdrridge, who knows Fernandes Chen back, McDonald Douglas Group President Mr. Xiaomi Diener took the initiative to invite Fernandez Chen to play the information such as Golf, and there is no way to attract this room, and have the attention of the big people in the Soviet Rights: What else can be more new than Fernandes Chen and the United States The president, and it is very likely that the current US president has excellent private vice news. Boris Pan Jin hooks hands to KGB's head Igol Rocironv, indicating that he can take Alexander Holmorov.

I have no "outsiders" in the room.

Boris Pan Jin looked at his own boss: "Comrade, the total Script, now it seems that Mr. Fernandes in the US politics and influence, it is better than our previous idea, but in this way, It is a good thing for our plan.

Gobyv did not speak, just a slightly: a strong energy in the US politics, and the current president and very likely to become the president, and there is such a huge guy in China, which is undoubtedly the Soviet Union. I have always wanted to find a "channel"

"Then follow the plan,"

After a while, Gobacchi was finally opened: "Let our friends have a good rest for two days, and they are very good to entertain our friends. After two days, I have to see it in the Kremlin and our friends.


Boris Pan Jin immediately remembered the instructions of Gobachev: "Dear Total S. comrades, have you still have other instructions?"

Gobacchov thought, said: "Two days later, I would be in the Kremlin to entertain him.

Boris Pan Jin is a bit surprised. At the Kremlin, Fernandez Chen, this is the glory of Fernandes Chen, but also set up a dinner. It's much higher.

................................ Chen Mong didn't expect Gobajov to be so anxious, two days later, I met themselves, and wrinkled.

How good the eyes of the deputy director of Wailajing Steliyevich, although Chen Pi's brows wrinkled very little, but how can I get his eyes? When the heart is sudden, there is a little unhappy: What is it? Our respected total S remember comrades to meet you, you still embarrassed it? The heart is unhappy, if you don't even press this, Watan Steliyevich is not eligible to become one of the most trusted people around Gobajov: "How? Mr. Fernandes you have what's the plan?"

Chen Geng nodded: "I don't know if you are convenient to arrange me to go to Tuto Lev Design, Yakov Lev Design Bureau, Takika Design Bureau, Solitiv Design Bureau and Kuznetsov Design Participation? "


Watan Steliyevich is a bit stupid: Fernandez Chen Diji wants to go to the Soviet Aircraft Engine and the Airlines Design Bureau visited? Before Chen Geng's opening, no one thought that he would make such a request, even if Waton Steliyevich, did not expect such a situation.

Say you don't want Chen Li past visit? Not reason.

Allowing the other party to visit our country, it is to release goodwill to the other party; if you take these design bureaus, it is not necessary to think if it is half a month.

I hesitated, Watan Steliyevich didfully asked Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernande, can I ask why?"

Chen Li also asked Guan Zi, asked to Watan Steliyevic: "Mr. Stallievich, you don't know that I have investment in the aviation field of Huaxia, and I have formed a group of Huaxia Airlines Industry. Corporate called Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group? "

"Yeah, I know.

Wailajing Steliyevich nod, Chen Geng's information, including Chen Geng in Huaxia's investment is open, as long as you collect it, you will definitely master it.

In fact, Vairin Steliyevich also knew that Chen Geng also officially cooperated to work in a business flying group, and pulled the Netherlands Falkland - United Airlines Technology, British Robs Royz Engine Company Cooperation, so ... "Do you want to cooperate with the Soviet aviation company?"

Wailajing Stelievich tried to ask Chen Geng asked.

Chen Geng nod: "I want to see if everyone has a chance to cooperate.

Wailan Steliyevciqchi is exciting.

To put it, don't look at the Soviet military power, but in some extent, the Soviet Union is also very hard. For example, in addition to crude oil, logs, and some basic raw materials, the Soviet industrial products basically buy internationally. Move, whether it is a light industrial product or a heavy industry product, the proportion of international economic and trade exchanges is very low.

What does this mean? This means "dollar" held in the Soviet Union

This kind of international hardware is actually very few, and there is no "dollar"

This hard-selling, a lot of things have no way to buy hands through some special channels.

Therefore, don't look at the Chinese in the era, in fact, in fact, the Soviet Union is also the same, and because the Soviet Union is sanctions by the entire Western world, they want to get too much than Huaxia.

Dollar, no dollar, European expensive luxury, cosmetics, Damui people love Europe, fresh, rare stuff, all can't buy, now Fernandes Chen actually interested in cooperation with the Soviet Union ? It is not too bad that I don't say that the tart is not too.

Wailajing Stallievich is a machine-made: "Mr. Fernande, you can't see it ... these two days, take a break, wait for you to meet with the respected total S, you want to go I gave me a list, I will help you.

Wailajing Steliyevic said this, what can Chen Li still say? He nodded: "Of course no problem.

From Chen Li, I got a definite reply, Watan Steliyevich rushed: he needs to report this news as soon as possible.

As for the process of visiting, it will not cause the disclosure of the Soviet military secret ... Just joke!

The production of aviation engines, the production of the aircraft, can you see something to steal something? Some things, even if you take a camera shoot, you can't learn, and from Fernandez Chen wants to visit the company, it is obviously the scope of direct use, then there is nothing worry.

Kelly Hicks looked at the back of the Vairi Steliyevich, and also saw their own boss, couldn't help but curiosity: "Boss, when do you interested in the Soviet aviation industry? ? "

"Oh ... curious.

Chen Geng touched his nose, but all of the Chinese military fans did not interested in the aviation industry giants before the Soviet Union? Now I have a chance to see, how can this be missed? Curious? Kelly Hicks can't help but joke: Let you blame.

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