king of power

Chapter 883

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Of course, Balent Hilton.

Just look at Frank Wafena's face with Frank Wafena, you can think of this old man with a footboard: In addition to the Hilton family, the family Baren Hilton, who is eligible for Frank. Watts stands behind him with such a humble gesture? Not to mention that this little girl has already shown his identity: she, Paris Hilton, the first part of the fourth generation of the Hilton family.

Barron Hilton friendly to Chen Geng out: "Mr. Fernande, I am Barund Hilton, I am very happy to choose our Hilton Hotel.

"Hello, Hilton,"

Chen Mong also friendly reach out, and the bar of Baren Hilton together: "It's really clever.

"Oh ... it's not wrong, tell me after Frank, I am waiting for you here, I am waiting for you here.

Barron Hilton laughed.

He uses this way, implicitly recognized the general manager of the Hilton New York Center, revealed that Chen Geng's news in two-story room here is to his own business.

Chen Geong has not been unhappy, Frank Watts is normal. If Frank Watts will open the two-story news in this hotel, it reveals to the media to live anything else, then he is serious. The dereliction of duty, but Barron Hilton, his boss, telling his boss's confidence that the heavyweight guest arrived, this is what the professional manager of Frank Watts must do.

Smiling Frank Wartz, standing on the side, Chen Geng point: "White told me that Mr. Frank provided us with maximum convenience in his permissions, Mr. Hilton, my congratulations, you There is a very good professional manager.

Frank Watts obviously did not expect Chen Geng, which ranked a few in the US rich list, actually knew his name, and will be a good job in the face of his own boss, he suddenly became a good, and he would have a good time. Just just, he is still worried that you will not provoke.

It is very happy to be awarded by people in their own hand. Barron Hilton is very happy. He told himself: "Haha ... Yes, Frank is a great young man, he is very good.

If Chen Mi's praise is just letting Frank Watson's breath, then Baren Hilton appreciated, let Frank Watts are happy in the heart: The boss praises me? God, I am not in front of the boss. It is: Frank Wafz instant entered "Don't take long after it, I will be promoted, when the general manager, the CEO, Ying Bai Fumei, the peak of life"

The mental state, that is, the young Papris Hilton is too small, otherwise, if it is, Frank Watts, I want to think about what I want to with the little Paris's child.

"So ..."

Looking at Baren Hilton, Chen Dynasty is like laughing: "Mr. Hilton is really just happening?"

What is the meaning of the words, let's talk about it.

Barron Hilton hunts, I didn't feel embarrassed, I was here, I would like to wait here, Xu I am waiting here, I don't wish someone directly to ask? Since Chen Geng said directly, he will no longer wind a circle: "This is the case, Mr. Fernande, you have two layers of our hotel in our hotel ..."

Speaking here, Barron Hilton suddenly lowered the sound: "Do you have any big actions?"

Chen Geng's brow wrinkled.

He decided to pack the Hilton Hotel, not to find a villa, in addition to considering this, mainly due to this approach to supporting facilities: Whether it is a dining, communication or electricity, Hilton Such a high-end hotel has enough backups, even the entire New York's big power outage, the hotel also has its own alternate generator, but Barron Hilton suddenly came out at this time, which made Chen Gengxin are somewhat uncomfortable: how ? Have you planned your car? Seeing Chen Pang's expression change, Barron Hilton knows that things should be bad.


Who is Fernandes Chen? That is the world's high-visa, and the relationship between Barron Hilton and the US political world, he is very clear that this guy is very good, not only doing business, but also many senior, cabinet members and even Li Genzhang Have a good private education, sinned such a person in the world, it is indeed not wise.

He immediately pressed the voice to Chen Geng explained: "Mr. Fernande, you don't misunderstand, I don't want to have your mind, I don't know what you plan to do, just ... If you do have big move, you can't allow Hilton The family also will be included? "

Ok? !

Hilton family intends to mix a foot? Chen Geng was surprised, his first reaction is: lying in the groove!

I am very familiar with you? You say that I want to constrict the shares, let you give you a shares? But the next moment, Chen Geng's brain turned, did not immediately answer the words of Barund Hilton, but looked around.

Baren Hilton smart people, immediately understand Chen Geng's meaning: Are you going to talk to me in this place? Baren Hilton took a head, can't help but worry about it, I made such a naive mistake.

Now nod, whispered: "Please come with me.

........................ "Cooperation ... nor can it,"

After landing in the luxurious small session, Chen Geng slowly said: "What is the problem you can take?"

For Chen Geng's question, Barron Hilton is not angry, immediately: "I can transfer $ 30 million in funds.

"30 million US dollars ..."

Chen Mongyi smiled: "If you are this money ... Forget it, just when I borrow you, borrow a month, give you 3 million US dollars.

10% monthly interest rate? !

Baren Hilton's pupil is aware of awareness.

Although Barron Hilton still does not know what Chen Geng is ready to do (in fact, even if it knows it, even if Chen Geng told Barund Hilton, he prepared to be on the global stock market, but if there is no Chen Towed guidance, Barron Hilton knows how to operate?), But just borrow money to Chen Geng to make a net earning 10% interest, this is a properly high lever.

Most importantly, Barron Hilton is very clear that Chen Genggen can't see his own money, he feels too much.

In the moment that Chen Geng is less suspected, the first reaction of Barron Hilton is ridiculous: This is a $ 30 million cash, don't look at "American Regal TOP500"

At that, the total assets that want to enter this list have reached the threshold of $ 80 million, and it is necessary to be a rich asset of more than $ 300 million. He does not necessarily can be able to do not affect his industries. Take out $ 30 million in cash.

It can be such a huge money, Fernandes Chen This guy is still less? !

The first reaction of Baren Hilton is this group of people? Next moment, from Chen Geng's expression, Barron Hilton finally confirmed that he is really a less than, he can't see your own money - although "this money"

It is 30 million US dollars - that is, Fernandez Chen is preparing for the capital of at least ten times in $ 30 million in order to do. That is to say, at least 3 billion US dollars? !

This may come out, Barron Hilton himself was scared.

The money is the hero, originally, Barron Hilton's reasonable and Chen Geng talks, it is the 30 million US dollar, which can be realized that his 30 million US dollars will not be seen in the eyes of each other, and each other For this reason, the funds for this are at least ten times, Baron Hilton's will be agenious.

"This ..." like this ... "

Barron Hilton has a few times, a bit bite: "If I can raise a billion?"

A hundred million? Chen Geng was surprised.

He is really surprised.

Surprised to Baren Hilton, after a while, Chen Li finally said: "If you can really take a hundred million in mid-September ... After two months, I even gave you 100 million 30 million US dollars, um, I used AMC stocks to mortgage.

Baren Hilton's heart is once again: the monthly interest is increased from 10% to 15% ... it is tempting, just borrowing money to Fernandes Chen two months, two months, you can make it more The principal ... The problem is that since Fernandes Chen Dou gave himself such a return rate, then he will definitely get more, then the problem is coming, two months later, Fernande is using this billion How much can you earn? 50 million US dollars? $ 100 million? Al or ... 1.

$ 500 million? Thinking that Chen Geng may earn two billions of billions, Barron Hilton suddenly feel that people are alive and not interesting: poor self-hard work hotel, the annual net profit is just between 7% and 9% ... ... but Barron Hilton is Barron Hilton, as a head of a total asset of more than $ 1 billion, the head of the Empire, the wind and rain in the years, have long been made as steel in the heart of the Baren Hilton Generally, after the initial depression, Barron Hilton tried to ask Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Fernandes, if ... I don't want interest, but want to participate?"


Chen Wirong Xiao said: "Then you have to think about it, now I will give you the treatment of drought and flood, no matter how much earnings, you have a stable income to take, even if I lose, you have it. I mortgage to your AMC stock, but if you are shares, I will lose you.

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