king of power

Chapter 916 buy aircraft carrier?

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"Mr. Chen, is it ... What happened?"

Waiting for Zhang Wei and a group of people, then sent Nikola Mallov and others, accompanied Zhang Wei, Farro Kaigi and others came together, before the Secretary of Ding Navy, I just went to the European Division. Hao, hesitate to ask Chen Geng asked.

What happened? Zhang Wei and Faruk Legali heard the words, suddenly brushing the brush.

These are so good, the eyes are really good, Chen Geng is in the heart, nodded: "It is something wrong, but things are not big, I am talking about you.

Sure enough, I hope is something that is not a thing ... Whether it is Zhang Wei or Farro Lega, my heart is a tight.

"Mr. Chen, what is it?"

Zhang Wei is more technical work, some can't hold trouble, can't help but ask: "Is it a Soviewer repent?"

Fok Legali is also a nervous look at Chen Li, and the heart is silently praying: Don't do this, don't do this ... "That is not,"

Chen Mong smiled and shook his head: "Not so serious ... Well, there is no relationship with the Soviet Union, but this project itself has changed, resulting in the overall cost of this trainer to increase a lot again, so ..."

"This is ..."

Full face in Fok Legali is a bit ugly.

Originally, according to the calculation of Hondou Factory, after using the US TFE-731 engine, the overall cost of the L-8 trainer is about $ 2 million, which is so expensive because two imported Gate TFE- The cost of the 731 engine accounts for a big head, but after knowing the Commercial Flying Group introduced the full set of technology and patents of the Ivesko AI-25TL engine from the Soviet Union, Hondu factory has previously planned to have a plan for commercially flying AI-25TL engine. After technical verification, from the commercial flight group purchased domestic AI-25TL engines, a L-8 coach's factory cost is about 2.8 million to 3 million RMB.

Among them, Chen Geng said that the Soviet sales price of the Soviet Union in the Soviet Union is about 3 million to $ 3.5 million, although it is located compared to the intermediate jet coach machine than the L-8. Give a lot, but considering the technology of this coach machine is more advanced, Ba Fang feels that bitten is also accepted, but now, actually has to increase price? How much is it rising? Can the price still have to bear? What is the performance of this coach machine than before? Zhang Wei also asked again: "Mr. Chen has those changes? How much is the price increase?"

"It's hard to say, the specific range has not yet been calculated,"

Chen Geng shook his head, explained two people: "The Soviet Navy put forward the requirements, I hope to develop a carrier version based on this trainer, and have a certain combat power, you can implement some low-intensity combat mission senior coach / fighter.

The Soviet Union is even prepared to sell this ship-up senior coach / fighter to Argentina, India, etc. in the name of the shipborne light fighter, which is used to replace these countries. A-4, A @ V-8 and French 'super military flag', etc. Vintage carrier.

The carrier version ... Folk Legali and Zhang Wei's expression are a little ugly.

The two are the industry insiders in the aviation industry. It is natural to know what the trainer is the quote, and a shipborne light fighter is a quote, even if the Soviet fighter is always better than the US, the European is cheap, it can be cheap This is also a typical third-generation fighter, and where can I go? Compared with Faruk Legali, Zhang Wei's withholding ability is much better: even if you can't do it together with the old man, it is not easy to go back to L-8, it's okay!

With this layer of air, he is more in his heart, and asks Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Chen, these design bors' tractors are Aye-speed jet, changed to light carrier fighters, roughly Are there those improvements? "

"Mainly speed and load,"

Chen Geng explained: "The previous Soviet National Military Industrial Equipment Committee to Miashev Design Bureau, Yakov Lev Design Bureau, the Mi Gaoyan Design Bureau, and the requirements of the Sukui Design Bureau are the maximum speed that the body can bear. The limit is 1.

2 Mach, because this is an Ai-speed coach machine, this limit is sufficient, but now in order to meet the requirements of low-intensity air combat, the maximum flat speed is required to reach at least 1.

4 Mach; the second is the load, requiring the maximum weapon load to reach 2.

5 tons to 3 tons.

Zhang Wei is sinking.


4 Mach's maximum flight speed and maximum 2.

With a weapon load of 5 tons to 3 tons, it means that the aerodynamic layout of the entire body needs to be redesigned and reinforced, otherwise the aircraft flies in the sky and has a danger of disintegration; it also means the performance of the engine in the original plan. It has already been possible to meet the requirements, the Soviet Union needs to provide a new, stronger, engine engine with the engrave of the combustion room, but all this means ... money!

As a military aircraft, Zhang Wei is very clear, the old man is so tossing, the R & D cost is at least 35%, so, even if it is an ordinary version of the coach, how much is the cost? He looked at Faruk Legali.

No accident, the seriousness and entanglement of Farut Legali: This situation is completely unexpected, what should I do? Can the national finance still bear? Thinking for a long time, Faruk Legali came up to Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandes, what do you think of the land base version of the coach, how much is it?"

"This ... I am estimated that the price of me and you should be almost 15% to 20% more than before.

"15% to 20% ..."

The mouth of Faruk Legali is a bit bitter, and the small bar is not a rich country. It can even be said, but the per capita income is not much stronger than the Chinese, the reason is able to take the money and Huaxia "Joint R & D"

The L-8 coach machine, one of the important reasons is that the small bar does not have so many national defense research and development, but if a trainer has to rise 20% ... Obtain the funds of 74 L-8 coaches, Can I buy a few old margins? 30? Still 35? This is also too much about this with the 74 demand.

If this is the case, is it to restart the cooperation with the L-8 coach machine project of Hondu factory? After all, the L-8 trainer has found alternatives of the United States Gate TFE-731 engine, Fernandez Chen's Shangfei Group independently produced the Soviet Ivchen Design Bureau AI-25TL engine, when the L-8 coach The price can also drop a little, this lifting one drop, the difference during the period is great.

Le Zuiss, I want to think of the determination, Farro Lega, finally bite the teeth: "This is a new situation, Mr. Fernandes, I need to report this new situation to the country.

"Of course, this is what it should be.

Chen Liquan did not stop, smiled and nodded, said that Chen Geng suddenly remembered something, a head: "Yes, there is a new situation to tell you.


Firuck Legali and Zhang Wei are a bit: new situation? What new situation? You didn't have the new situation of this senior coach machine? "This, after the idea of ​​developing a light carrier ultrasonic fighter based on this senior coach, the Soviet Union has an idea, which is based on the Moscow level or the Kiev compensation. There is a sliding panel and blocking, the full load of drain is 2 to 2.

50,000 tons of light aircraft carrier.

This is a aircraft carrier mainly used for export, mainly is equipped with this light fighter. In addition, it can also be equipped with card-27 transport helicopters, card-31 warning helicopters, if necessary, can even match customers Combine a small, regional aircraft carrier formation ... "

Chen Pang's words have not been finished, Futuk Legali is wide and wide: What? The Soviets will sell aircraft carrier? !

This is really good news for the bullying of the Victor Master who is suffering from India, especially for this time, after bought the Vilate aircraft carrier, India will get more The arrogance, more uncomfortable, if you have a aircraft carrier, and it is equipped with the third-generation light fighter, bullying India, the Victor-free version and Vilat The stupid stupid A @ V-8 "Hai Yan"

, Don't you play? He is eager: "Mr. Fernandes, what are you talking about? Soviet Union is ready to sell aircraft carrier? How do they plan?"

Not only is Faruk Legali, Zhang Wei also widened his eyes.

Although Huaxia does not necessarily have the need to purchase aircraft carrier, but it is necessary to pay attention to the country of purchasing aircraft carrier: will it affect the strategic security of the surrounding China? Especially ... I think of some possibility, Zhang Wei suddenly made a spirit, hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, the Soviet Union will sell this aircraft carrier to 4V?"

Now the military power of the strait is relatively poor than 4V, 4V and money. If 4V really bought such a aircraft carrier, even the light aircraft carrier, will greatly affect the military balance in the strait, although theoretically Said that the Soviet Union may sell such a aircraft carrier to 4V, but who dares to guarantee? "No.

Chen Piped nodded.


Zhang Wei heard half of it.


Chen Gei nodded again, and gave Zhang Wei explained: "Don't tell you, the proposal of developing foreign trade light aircraft carriers is what I came to the Soviet Union, Vi Lianjing Steliyevich Commit to me, will not sell aircraft carrier to 4V.

"That's good, then it is good ..."

In the absence of a breath, Zhang Wei looked at Chen Geng, the heart is already a stormy waves: the proposal for developing light foreign trade aircraft carriers is what Chen Geng is coming out to the Soviet Union? The key is that the Soviet Union actually agreed? Old days, Chen Geng's influence in the Soviet Union is still so big? Firuck Legali looked at Chen Geng, Chen Geng's answer, which was also exceeded by his imagination.

At this time, Chen Geng said to Farro Kaigali: "Selling, not selling, now I don't say good, I just put forward such a suggestion, um, there is such a suggestion, because this senior coach machine The project is our commercial flight group and the Soviet joint, and even this carrier high-end coach / light fighter is also under this cooperative framework. In order to be able to multiply, I have put forward this recommendation to the Soviet Union.

At present, the Soviet Union is very interested in this proposal, and they are also seriously discussing this matter, but can eventually be implemented, still not good.

"This is ..."

Fok Legali is also happy, it is regrettable: If the motherland can really have such a aircraft carrier, the dead Indian dares to arrive with us? !

Kill him!

I saw a mistake in the joy, and I was angry with Fark Legali. Do you really plan to buy a aircraft carrier? Say, do you start up? At the same time, Zhang Wei also began to ponder: the high-end coach / light fighter of the shipboard version is also under the framework of Shangfei Group and the Soviet Union? If this is said, if Hongdu is able to participate, isn't it familiar with a full range of processes and precautions? It can be facing the cost of re-increase, and the small bar seems to shrink, and there is no money in the hands of the Fang Fang factory. It has the opportunity to participate in this project, all because of the order of 74 coaches in the hand. And the startup fee of the project, if the Pakistan faces the cost of increasing the increase in increasing, and the Hongdu factory is taken out, is it qualified to participate? But if you don't participate, I always feel that I have lost a few billion ... Also at this time, Faruk Legali finally decided, and the face of Chen Ge said: "Mr. Fernandes, you can help us Does the Soviet Union really have to develop such an export type aircraft carrier? What is the price? In addition, how long does you think the Soviet Union takes a decision? "


Chen Geng was surprised to see Faruk Legali: What? Are you really ready to buy aircraft carrier? Zhang Hao is still surprised by Chen Li: You don't actually have to buy aircraft carrier? Don't say the problem that I don't buy it, even if you bought it, do you raise it? Zhang Wei is clear, although it is not cheap to add a aircraft carrier, it can be compared to the pre-procurement cost. The post-maintenance cost is a swallowing beast, with the financial resources of the small bar, they actually want to nourish mother? !

Take a laughter? Surprisingly surprised, Chen Tong still nodded: "Okay, I will help you, but ..."


Faruk Legali hurriedly asked.

Chen Ge said: "The current situation is that the Soviewers don't know how this aircraft carrier is, some hesitated, if you expressed intentions, it is estimated that they can quickly take out the design. This kind, you at least There is also a reference.

That is the Soviet Union, can you still do this? When Chen Pigang, let Faruk Legali have been surprisingly wide.

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