king of power

Chapter 925 True Fragrance

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"Mr. Chen, I heard a news two days ago, saying that India intends to order a aircraft carrier from the Soviet Union, is the light aircraft carrier you said before, is this really true?"

From Moscow straight to the airplane of Huaxia, Zhang Wei asked Chen Ge.

The plane is of course Chen Geng's private aircraft, the Soviet is almost the same, Chen Tong should go to Huaxia to deal with some things, just have a lot of vacancy on the plane, Zhang Wei and others will take this opportunity The plane returns to China, all the way is boring, everyone talks, talking about India to buy a aircraft carrier from the Soviet Union.

Chen Geng nodded and said: "You can only say that India has this meaning. After all, Wickland is aircraft carrier built in the 40s. This has been more than 40 years, and the design life of the aircraft carrier is about 50 years. India Buy Vilate, it also has the meaning of the class of Villate to pick up the Camplag-based code, but now I have the opportunity to build a double aircraft carrier fighting group, I estimate that India will not miss.

"Double aircraft carrier battle group ..."

Zhang Wei muttered, and his eyes were very complicated: "When will we have its own aircraft carrier?"

In the 1980s, in the 1980s, India is still very strong, the Air Force, not only MiG-25, MiG-29, Phantom 2000 and other international fighters, but also in self-research LCA "Glorious"

Fighter and "Aqi"

The main battle tank, the naval, India is more cattle, not only has the first aircraft carrier in Asia (the aircraft carrier of the Soviet Pacific Fleet is not counted), but now there must be asia's first double aircraft carrier battle group, vibrant Sitting is a big man, how can I not envy in the hearts of China's 59-style main battle tanks and MiG-21? At this time, the Chinese will never think of India's LCA "Glorious"

Fighter and "Aqi"

The main battle tank actually became a domestic netizen to laugh at the three brothers in a number of years, contributing to another smile.

Chen Mongxiao said: "How long should I don't have to use it, I am estimated that I should be almost 20 years.

"20 years? That is, 2008?"

Zhang Wei thought, suddenly shook his head: "It is impossible to ... that is impossible ... Don't say 20 years, 30 years later, our Chinese nation can have airs aircraft carrier, I can laugh and close your eyes ... "

Also, in 1988, I dared to believe that in 2010 after more than 20 years, Huaxia has already become the world's second largest economy, and after seventy-eight years, it has become a worldwide. What is the existence of the planet? "Do you have so confident to your country?"

"This is not a confidence,"

Zhang Wei Zheng's color: "We have to face the facts, the gap between our country and the world's advanced level is too big, saying this L-8 coach machine in Hongdu factory, divided according to technical standards, which belongs to the world's first generation The jets, senior coaching machines, now have developed to the third generation, and we don't say that the third-generation jet coaches that design the third generation technology are still in the case of the first generation of special organs. The level of imitation, you said, let's build aircraft carrier? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei moved his head.

"This is the problem,"

Chen Wirong smiled and asked: "Old Zhang, have you not realized that his own problem is?"

"my question?"

Zhang Wei smashed: "What is the problem I have?"

"The question is, what you think is' Huaxia's own sailing mother ', that is, the aircraft carrier you think that Huaxia's agency should be manufactured by Huaxia, not like India, to buy a aircraft carrier',"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "What kind of mentality do you think of your mentality?"

Ok? Zhang Wei suddenly stunned.

Chen Li did not say that Zhang Wei found himself really didn't realize this problem, but now I listened to Chen Li, I realized that my idea is somewhat unsatisfactory: Yes, why I think that "Huaxia can make a ship Aircraft carrier

Not "buy a aircraft carrier" like India

? Zhang Wei was caught in meditation.

Looking at Zhang Wei, I was caught, Chen Geng didn't speak, my heart said silently: Do you haven't realized that old Zhang, this is the fundamental cause of the Chinese nation to stand in the world.

.................................. "Mr. Chen, I am sorry to let you run,"

Wang Xiaodong apologized, his face also took a little exhausted: "But this time, our Xi Fei is really no way, can only ask you ..."

Yes, Chen Li came to China this time, mainly because of Xifei.

After you have been busy with the Soviet Union, he is ready to go back to the United States, but in the first two days before Chen Li prepared to get up, Wang Xiaodong sent a fax by Chen Geng in Moscow through Chen Geong, hoped him. It can come to China to communicate some communication on both partnerships.

Although I didn't know what happened to Xi Fei, since Wang Xiaodong even got the procedure and the procedures did not contact themselves, Chen Geng nature did not dare to neglect: the problem is very serious.

"The king, you don't worry,"

Chen Genglian nodded, comforted Wang Xiaodong: "I am not coming, what is your problem, slowly say, let's take a way ... Well, what happened?"

Wang Xiaodong took a breath and said: "Our 4-release H6 has encountered some difficulties.

Said, he pointed out the finger.

Chen Geng smashed, when he came, he thought of various possibilities, but he didn't expect Xi Fei to find himself, it was because of this matter: The 4-release H6 problem? "what is the problem?"

Chen Geng wrinkled with a brow, I can't understand: "According to the progress you have given me, this project should be basically close to the completion?"

"There is no problem with the progress of the project, our prototypes have been made,"

Wang Xiaodong smiled and said: "The problem has some leaders think that our planes and the US B-52, the Soviet map -95 is all outdated, which is now increasingly developed ground air defense systems and empty pairs. In front of the air guile, it is an expensive living target. In today's technology, there is no survivability, so ... "


It is to feel such a big and slow big guy, in fact, is an expensive waste.

Also, in this era, the bomber can only take the B-1B, Figure -22M series and Figure -160 these supersonic bomber high-altitude / low-altitude high-speed road (F-117 and B-2 have not publicly unveiled The US government did not even admit that the existence of these two invisible bombs, the first public unveiled in B-2 was on November 22, 1988, like this slow swallowed in B-52 and Pictures -95. There is no motoristic ability, like the bomber swallowed like the old cow, only destined to have the same thing in the trash pile that can only be thrown into the history.

And since this place has been destined to have been thrown into the trash pile of history, why do you have to worry about money? Develop two -7, -8 upgrades improve, is it not fragrant? In this era, this idea is absolutely no problem, who can think of it, after the Gulf War, people suddenly surprised the discovery, the slowly swallowed like the old yellow cattle in the impression, only becomes a local ground air defense firepower And the large bomber of the fighter airway to the empty missile, actually jumped into an aerial precision strike platform, with a range of 10 long-range cruise missiles, outside the enemy's air defense fire circle. Conduct "point"

The exact fire of the style, slowly swallowing the bomber, with the advantages of their own strength, becomes the strategic weaponry of Meisu, and even perform global strategic strikes, you said that the gas is not angry? "I understand,"

Chen Geng Microphe: "I want to ask, what is our attitude?"

"If possible, we certainly hope that this project will continue,"

Wang Xiaodong is also really anxious. Did not follow Chen Geng around the circle, straightforward: "But the problem is that there is a leader above, saying that we have made this project from our West Fei's own funds, even if this project is true. The success is successful. It is impossible to allocate this plane, so the comrades are now a bit confused. I don't know if this project should continue ... "

Even if Xi Fei made this 4-release H6, it will not allocate purchase procurement? Chen Geng's brow wrinkled. From this perspective, Xi Fei's confused and hesitation is completely understandable: for this 4-release H6, Xi Fei is not only to pay for funds, but also face to Chen! " borrow"

4 "TAY"

MK650-8C engine, waiting for the success of this project in the future, the country is equipped with a large number of equipment, and Xi Fei can earn a future investment, but now, what should I do in Xi Fei? Now stop, although it will lose a loss, it can still stop the loss, and the loss is controlled in the controlled range. If you continue, a series of test flights and testing require a lot of funds, the key is to provoke Some leaders are not happy.

But Chen Li is laughing: Zhexiang Law, don't look at the individual leadership now, I am very annoying about this 4-release H6, but soon, they will find that this is true.

"If, I am saying if,"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "If this project will turn it in three to 4 years, do you want to continue to stick to it?"

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