king of power

Chapter 933 Super Melon

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"forget it,"

Chen Li didn't hesitate, shake his head: "I haven't married it yet, how can I do some of my godfather?"

"Then I am thinking about it ..."

Cameron did not stick to it.

Although it is usually available, it is only a godfather who can do someone else, but there are always exceptions in the actual situation, such as Fernandes Chen, although he has not married, but if he wants to see Do a child's godfather, the child's parents will express it? Kid!

The world's richest is to be a child's godfather, which is so happy that the parents can be happy? In Cameron's view, Chen Li's refusal is just right, is it qualified to be a teach of the world? In fact, if Chen Geng is really promised, it is really unexpected - saying straightforward, Edward Fulong has no qualification.

"Right, talk about this, are you interested in letting" Terminator 2 "is released in the Soviet Union?"

Take "Terminator 2" to the Soviet Union to release? Cameron's eyes suddenly rolled away: "You joke?"

Although these more than 40 years after the end of the World War, the United States has not stopped the penetration and corrosion of the Soviet Union, but the truth, the United States and Su, the United States, exchanges in the cultural field with official or semi-official form, then It's really almost, whether it is the United States or a Soviet Union, all about the other's movies, even if some government departments have passed the film through some special channels, and the crown is "criticizing capitalist / socialist decay."


After all, even if you want to criticize people, explain capitalism to the people / how much socialism is, how much is the people's life, which is also a little evidence? And these movies that have passed through special channels have become the best evidence.

For the movie director of Europe and the United States, if you can get your own movie to the Soviet Union ... Although this difficulty is the hell level, it is basically no possible ... that is, it is a great honor, but as long as it is not ugly The United States, ugly capitalism, can even get the dark subsidies and support of the US government: to export capitalism to the Soviet Union, this is of course supported.

Chen Geng picked his eyebrows, asked: "Do you think I am joking?"

Also, since Fernandes dare to say this, then he must have some grasp, but ... "how is this possible?"

Cameron felt that he was going crazy: "That is the Soviet Union ..."

"Things are people,"

Chen Ge said: "Although I don't want to guarantee it to be successful, don't try to know?"


Cameron was silent. After a while, he was hesitant, and he he was half a suspect to ask Chen Ge: "BOSS, are you really joking?"

"You know, I know some of the big characters of the Soviet Union, which even include Mr. Gobyv,"

Chen Ge said: "Mei Su Culture exchanges, nor is there a chance, the key is that things are people ..."


Cameron was again silent. Mr. Fernandez and a number of politics and even the predecessor of the United States, the current president had a good private sex, this Cameron is known, and he heard that Mr. Gabapent's end of 1987 The United States is also the trip, Mr. Fernandes is helping to coordinate. If this is the case ... Cameron lifts the head, looks at Chen Li, the expression is particularly serious: "Mr. Fernandes, do you really have grip?"

"Try it, try not to have any losses.

Chen Pill shrugged, the expression is quite a hanging genus.

"Is also!

Listening to Chen Li, Cameron smiled: "Well, try it.

It's like Mr. Fernandes, trying to, anyway, no loss, but if it is, the benefits can be too big, and the relationship between Fernandes and the Soviet high-level relationship, if not Have a certain level of grasp, will he say this? For this reason, James Camelon suddenly felt that it was great.

A good mood, James Cameron also has a smile and Chen Geng joke: "Boss, you are waiting, it is estimated that you have to occupy the headline of the media every day.

...................... Cameron said, with this "Century Gamble"

Chen Li once again got a headline.

Even the roots did not wait until the next day, on the evening, in the efforts of their own reporters, Fox, ABC TV, NBC TV, CBS TV and CW Joint TV, almost all of Chen Geng and American media This bet has given a big level, long report.

This, the evening newspapers and radio are naturally more unhabited, almost all overnight, countless American audiences know, the "Terminator 1", "Abyss", "Alien 2", and participate in the first drop James Cameron, a script of blood 2 film, a movie, a movie called "Terminator 2".

This "Terminator 2" is the world's richest, AMC Auto and Data Research Company's big boss Fernandez Chen's wholly-owned, Fernandez Mr. Chen is full of confidence in this "Terminator 2", when promoting At the scene, more than 300 reporters and photographers of more than 100 media, the assistants made a gamble, but they believe that "Terminator 2" not only gets the 1991 North American and global box office, but also in 1191 to 1994 North America. And the champion of the global box office, if he lost, he will lose to the reporter per person per million US dollars, each 1 million US dollars ... In the end of these TV stations, radio and evening newspapers, they have no exception of the prostitute. This means that if "Terminator 2" has not been able to get 1991 to 1994, the world's championship, our world's richest Fernandes Chen will lose at least 3.

$ 200 million, of course, this money is not worth mentioning with the huge wealth of Mr. Fernandez Chen, we believe that he will pay as scheduled ... and even the relationship with Chen Pai is a good FOX TV station will also be at the time. The picture recorded is given up.

This is fine!

The entire US, the entire North America is discussing this gamble.

10 million melon people are very bad, this melon is really big, really sweet, except for the world's richest, the world's richest, the losing to win is a hundred million US dollars, but also Those "lucky" present at the time

The eyes of the eyes are popular: Yes, we admit that James Cameron director is a very good director, with "Terminator" this big IP, we also believe that the box office of "Terminator 2" will not be too bad. Maybe "Terminator 2" really has the opportunity to take this year's North American and the global annual box office championship, but it is a championship for 4 consecutive years? Are you other actors, are you a dead? So the guys who participated in this gambling will definitely win. It is a born that is lucky to be lucky. When you earn money, you can't make money in your life. Hey, if I am also present, I am also present. ... Chen Geng grabbed this opportunity to promote the "Terminator 2", other director nature is not a fool, facing such a rare publicity opportunity, whether there is a movie is about to be released or already started, when interviewed by reporters In addition to the routine boasting of your own movie, although it is congratulations on Chen Mei and James Camelon's new work, it is all or all of them, or directly expresses the North America in the next four years. And the global box office champion? Honestly, this is too difficult ... "

At this time, the latest survey of the company surveyed the company summary to Chen Mi and James Cameron.

"Really so high?"

Looking at the numbers on the survey report, Kameon's hand is a little trembling.

Although he is full of confidence in his work, this report is the final "Willing to spend money to the cinema to see" Terminator 2 ": 92.


The survey report, or the feeling of Cameron's feelings: this means that every 10,000 people, there are 9278 people will spend money to go to the cinema to see their "Terminator 2", before this, there is no one The film can get such a high intent.

And this sample survey of more than 28,000 major cities across the United States, which is also full of gold.

"It should be no problem,"

Chen Geng also sent a sigh of relief. He gently bounced this report, he was said: "You have to understand that in order to this report, we can spend a lot of money.

The investigation company will help you work free.

"... also!

Camelononned a sigh of relief, next moment, his face suddenly was red: "Fernandes, you said, our movie is ... isn't ..."

"It is absolutely able to create a miracle!

Chen Geng would like to say Cameron, but did not dare to say that there is an export: "Don't forget, this time I took out more than 3 billion to talk to people.

"Oh ... it's also ..."

Cameron touched his head, smirking: Yes, Fernandez motto has invested such a big bloodbook, even in the "Terminator 2" to promote, if there is no good market performance, isn't that a big? ? "James, I can do so much,"

Chen Geng's shot Kameron, said: "The movie is about to be released, and the next propaganda will be given to you, you can take this time to drop the chain.

"do not worry!

When I said this, Cameron's expression is finally serious: Since Mr. Fernandes has set the stage to yourself, he will definitely contribute a wonderful performance to the world.

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