king of power

Chapter 951

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After a wonderful performance, according to the previously scheduled arrangements, India can arrange a pilot with Victor Puggache, and experience the excellent performance of Jacques-130.

In the face of such a rare opportunity, India is really free, and the people arranged is a military officer called Javalhar Cola.

Looking at this healthy middle school military officer at least 40 years old, Chen Geng asked A Shakk Kangt: "Mr. Ambassador, this Karrien is a carrier pilot?"

"Calchers and colons are our best carrier pilots,"

A Shawk Kangrt is proud: "He is the captain of the Victor carrier, with more than 800 hours of carrier flight experience.

No wonder!

Chen Geng suddenly realizes: In order to learn more about the performance of Jacques-130, India is indeed purchasing this money.

It is still slipping takeoff, a series of wonderful air motion, then accurately uses the ship with a ruler, when Javalhar Cola is down from the back seat of Jacques-130, face The shock of a face.

Jacahar Colan Just came over, the members of the Indian delegation suddenly fought, and he kept asking him: "How do you think this plane?"

"Which airplane is even more powerful than the 'Haizhen' you flying?"

.......... Javalhar Cal, did not deliberately put on the British face. After all, India has many years of experience in the use of Soviet equipment. It is still necessary for the Soviet and Soviet equipment. Now I have to give people a face, and nodded again: "Very good!

Although the performance of the radar system has not experienced the performance of other electronic systems, it is at least 500 kilometers below the aerobics of the aircraft. This plane shows the motor performance of this plane. Perfect in our MiG-29.

Not inferior to MiG-29? !

Javalharharhal's words shocked the senior in India and the officers and officers!

The MiG-29 of India is divided into two categories, namely the "fulcrum -a", respectively.

And the "fulcrum-B" of the double seat

, "Fulcrum -a"

Is "monkey version"

MiG-29, equipment's radar and electronic systems have a gap with the Soviet Union, while the double-seat "fulcrum-B"

Then there is no radar, the position of the head radar is installed, but even if so, MiG-29 is still the most powerful, motorized fighter, the best motor performance, no one.

After the first batch of MiG-29 in 1985, India only had a hilarity in the conflict in the conflict with the small bar, and the MiG-29 can be described as the killer and the ace in India. The best in India, the most experienced carrier pilot actually said that the motor performance of this trainer is not less than Mi-29? This is really scary!

If this Jacques-130 motor performance is quite true with the MiG-29 flag in India, then if it is with the "Hai Yan" in India

Compared to "Haishu"

Isn't it the life of being abused? Anyway, this is just a trainer, how can it be so powerful? - They have been forgotten, Javalhar Cal is said to "500 km speed"

During this speed, there is no way, in order to enable people of the Indian delegation to see the Macation of Jacques-130 as much as possible, the shipping version of the ship version of Yakdor Pugjor-130 is the most There is no more than 450 kilometers, think about it, you are too fast, "Express"

Flight out of the sight range of Indians, what is the use of the aircraft performance? Indians can't see it.

"I didn't joke,"

Looking at the expression of everyone, Javalhar Cal, knew what they were thinking, he was close to: "At least my experience, Jacques-130 is really not more than Mi-29, I can be this The sentence is responsible.

Just I thought that Jacarar Cal is not an exaggerated person, and suddenly it is quiet.

You know, "responsible"

This word is not just talking, don't say this sentence, but if you have to be responsible for this sentence, but actually the performance of Jacques-130 does not meet this height you said, this For the same time, it is not possible to step on the way, and if it is serious, it is not possible to be refracted from the position of the carrier deputy captain.

Don't say that it is nothing to be refrigerated, the age, qualifications, qualifications and his family background, and his family background, and a navy will be properly, that is, this guy is a general seed. In this case, you said, if there is not a full grasp, Javaharhar Collinary said? Seeing everyone is quiet, Javalhar Calt is then said: "As far as I know, Jacques -130 equipment is two AI-25TL engines, the total thrust is less than 4,000 kg, and the fighter version The Jacques -130b will be replaced with a total thrust of 5,200 kg, and the total thrust of more than 9,000 kilograms, the maximum flight speed can reach 1.

4 Mach, if this data is not wrong, I am full of look forward to Jacques-130b.


A group of officers, senior officials, you see me, I see you, Suddenly someone asked Javalhar Calc: "Calchers, Middle School, you think this Soviet slip take off, blocking the landing mode how about it?"


Along with this problem, everyone reacted: this is a highlight!

"Sliding Takes, Vertical Falls" compared to Victor Trustees and Villat

Lakeback mode, Soviet "" Sliding Takes, Blocking "

The take-down model is obviously more efficient, but the theory is theory, and the pilots are attid, this is the main factor considered in India.

"I feel good,"

Those who are unexpectedly, Javalhar Cal, gave the Soviet descent model: "Compared to the traditional penetration model, the Soviet descent model is for pilots. Technical requirements are higher, there may be some people who are not suitable, but higher requirements also means stronger combat power ... "

Speaking here, Javalhar Cola didn't say, while other Indian officers, the eyes of the high officials were also bright: if the shipped fighter pilot in this mode has a more powerful combat power ... a little bit no What is adaptable? !

Everyone exchanged each other: It seems that the Soviet new aircraft carrier and chooses to accept the Soviet "gift"

Between, or "gift"


.................... After the internal reached a preliminary, Ashk Kangt came to Chen Li, asked him: "Mr. Fernandes, can I ask you two questions?"

"You said.

Chen Geng nodded.

"When is the Kiejia number to retire? How much is the cost of modification costs and fighter procurement?"


Chen Wiring said: "The original plan of the Soviet Union is the secondcycle of the Coznezov aircraft carrier, starting to retire a Moscow stage after forming the combat power, and then retreats an old ship with a new ship in a new ship. The model is one after another updating the navy's equipment.

However, if India chooses to accept the gift of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union can retreat one of the courage.

A Shakk Kant is a two ship that Kuznezov's aircraft carrier has been on the vessel, according to the construction progress of Zeng Ge project, the construction progress of the entire hull has been completed by about 50%, that is, time, About a year, you can go to water, plus the static water mooring test, the electronic system compatibility test, and a series of sea trials and modifications, it will be officially delivered after three years, that is, three After the year, the "sliding takeoff, blocking" in India

The aircraft carrier can be officially modified? Think of this, A Shakk Kangt is done!

"As for modification costs ..."

Chen Geng Shen, said: "It is about 5 to 600 million US dollars.

"How much is it?!

A Shawk Kangt was a surprise, hurriedly asked.


? Do you feel expensive? "

A Shawk Kangt was very surprised. Chen Li seems to be more surprised. He is surprised to look at ADo Kangt, incredible, and is a shado Kangt: "How can you think this price is expensive? "


A Shawk Kangrt said, Chen Geng, then said: "Kiev level is a standard medium-sized aircraft carrier's foundation, full-load drainage is as high as 41,000 tons, how much is the full-load drainage of Clemon aircraft carrier in France? To 33,000 tons!

As a aircraft carrier with all decks, you asked the French, $ 600 million to buy their Clemon aircraft carrier who had served for 30 years, did they sell? "

"This one……"

Although A Shakk Kant also agreed with Chen Pang, it was the time when it was compatible. A Shawk Kant had to fight the score: "But the Clemon has a steam bullet.

The fixed is looking at A Shake Kangrt, Chen Mong suddenly laughed: "The ambassador of Kangt, it seems that you still have not figured out the situation, now the problem, not the Soviet Union is looking for India to buy aircraft, but the Soviet Union In Su Yindin friendship, it is willing to help India to enhance its own national defense strength. After all, Pakists have begun to consider the purchase of the second batch of F-16 fighters. The Soviet Union does not want India to be in the F-16 fighter chart of the upper bus. There is no effort, but now it seems that the friendship of the Soviet Union seems to have any misunderstandings? In this case, then, if you think, I will explain this situation with the relevant leaders of the Soviet government, let the Soviet government will follow the original The established plan, first retired Moscow level.

Compared to the Kie-Free level, Moscow level is more like a large number of weapons, which can take off and landing of helicopters, and there is no way to compare with Kiejiao.

A Shakk Kanton is anxious, he is a heart, hurriedly explains: "Mr. Fernandez, you misunderstood, we ..."

"I don't misunderstand?"

Chen Geng became off, and asked if he did not ask: "I ask you, 5 to 600 million US dollars, do you think is unreasonable?"

"This one……"

I am a narchemic, and Chen Geng has asked. "Don't say that you can buy it, there is no country to sell to you, I will ask you, assume that in addition to the Soviet Union, France and The United States is willing to sell to you India's full-loaded airborne ship, you don't think this price can be taken? "

A Shawk Kangrt smiled: "I am afraid ... it is a bit difficult ..."

He didn't dare to say, talk about it? The chaos are responsible.

"It is not a bit difficult, it is impossible,"

Chen Geng snorted: "All the countries around the world, there is a calculation, do you count a few aircraft carrier that can create this kind of tonna? Who is it is willing to India provides this strategic weapon platform? "

A Shawk Kangt dumbs speechless.

Yes, the world can make 40,000 tons of regular motivation, only three countries with direct deck aircraft carriers: the United States, France and the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union is too close, India wants to get this from the United States and France At first-class aircraft carrier, it is impossible.

Perhaps you have to say, how can India get a Victor-free version of Victor from the UK, and why India can get two retired brains from the UK, this is actually historical reasons: Who let In the past few hundred years before World War II, India is the colony of the UK.

Looking at A Shakk Kangt, Chen Gengxin, smiled: Some people, it is a natural leather, you said to him, he thought he was a uncle, but if you give him two He immediately realized that he was actually a grandson.

"So, do you know clear? This is just a good heart of the Soviet Union. If India is not, there is no problem in the Soviet Union ... Well,"

When it comes to, Chen Geng's eyes suddenly litigate: "Maybe we can give him to Huaxia?"

After saying, Chen Geng seems to feel this is a good idea, and some nodded: "Well, yes, you can do it to China.

what? !

Give it to China? !

A Shawk Kangterden is in a hurry!

Because since the home has two aircraft carrier, India is extremely eye-catching, nor because of what, anyway, it is a honey juice, but now listening to Chen Geng's meaning, they are really intended The Kiev level is given to China, which makes ADo Kangter can't accept it: How can you give the aircraft who belong to us to others? !

If there is a aircraft carrier in Huaxia, can we continue to maintain high superiority? And the most fascinating, with the normalization of Huaxia and the Soviet Union, with the normalization of Huaxia and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union has bought the most advanced fighters from the Soviet Union. -27, this makes Indian eye-catching fighters, India have not been able to have it, from this perspective, the Soviet Union gives the Kiejia aircraft carrier to Huaxia, which is completely possible.

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