king of power

Chapter 955 wants to start a business

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It's almost, and the two are hard to meet. Ding Ruo smart, put the pressure in the heart in the heart, and Chen Li has said with Paris Hilton.

Speaking, as the little princess of the Hilton family, Paris Hilton has never been such a novelty experience. The 10-year-old little girl is in a curious stage, seeing the donkey sold on the small booth. I was curious, I saw the meat of the road, she was curious. She saw the fragrant egg scubbus. She was still curious. I have been talking about the little call, but it is a small, my belly is not very big. I still can't eat something, I can't eat it, I smelled the fragrance to worry, provoke Chen Ming and Ding Ruo smoke.

In the evening, after returning Paris Hilton back to the hotel, on the way back, Ding Ruo smashed a thing and Chen Geng: she wants to resign from the unit, starting in the sea.

This is a thing that has not been there in the last life. Chen Geng is a bit surprised: "Do you not be very good? How did you suddenly think about business?"

"Nothing, I feel that I am not awkward."

Although Ding Ruo's smoke is not sincerely, Chen Ming has not hestructed it, he nodded: "It is also good, now there are many people who started from entrepreneurship, you have a parking payment for business, entrepreneurship is also a good choice ... Do you do it? "

"Not yet,"

Ding Ruo smokes a lot of hair, it is a bit embarrassed: "But I want to be an electronic product.

electronic product? Chen Geng wants to think, ask: "What about specific?"

"Specific ... no,"

Ding Ruo smoke seems a bit embarrassed, and it is low to say his mouth: "What advice do you have?"

Chen Geng He moved in the heart, smiled: What is thinking in this shanty, he probably has a number.

"How is it?"

Chen Geng asked.


Ding Ruo smoke big eyes Pu fan two times: "Are you talking about the dry battery with a flashlight?"

"No, it is a mobile phone, nickel-chromium and nickel-hydrogen batteries used on laptops,"

Chen Ge said: "I think the market prospect of this thing is good. If you decide to do this battery, I can help you recommend it to Motorola, and as long as your battery adopted the quality inspection standard of our company, I can purchase one Batch.

Although the desktop is still the mainstream in the mainstream in today's personal PC, the sales of expensive laptops is not high, but the annual sales of the world also have hundreds of thousands, even one tenth of one tenth to Ding Ruo smoke It is also enough to feed her.

Battery for mobile phones and laptops? Ding Ruo is not a small white, despite the reason for the work, she does not have a mobile phone, but she is not strange to this place, and knowing that the battery still is still very expensive, it is still very expensive. More than 4,000 pieces have a little love, you know that her salary is more than 200, and the wages of their two years are barely buy a mobile phone battery, and there is a little awkward when I am: "This ... This kind of battery is very technical? "

"It's not particularly high,"

Chen Geng Xinyi, said: "I heard that there are related technical reserves on the China Academy of Battery Research Institute and the Nonferrous Metal Research Institute. You can ask for money from their own technology, or simply Partnership with them.

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Nonferrous Metals have related technical reserves?"

Ding Ruo smoked: "Why don't they do battery?"

She is indeed some can't understand, a mobile phone compatible battery is more than 4,000 pieces, one year does not say more, sell 3,000 batteries, that is, 12 million business income, such a rich income, do they still not satisfied ? Besides, with the relationship between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Non-Colored Metal Research Institute, even if they cooperate directly with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, then there is no problem? Chen Mong smiled and said: "You are also in the system, do you not know what the country is? Related technology research, units and R & D staff take a prize, then this technology is thrown away In the information room, who is still the industrialization of this technology? Moreover, research and development is one thing, the specific industrialization is another thing, let me talk about the status quo of domestic finance in scientific research, let these Can I have such an entrepreneurial funds, even if these research units bite the teeth, they can squeeze out such a fund. If it is successful, how much benefits can relevant personnel? And if the responsibility is to bear? "


Ding Ruoyi is talking about it.

She knows that Chen Ge said is correct, on the one hand, the domestic scientific research and industry disconnection, the research and development of the research and development, production, research and development of scientific research and development, more is to prove that "foreign countries can do, Our Chinese people can do ""

As for it? Gone!

Too many resembals of scientific research results, how to put the country invested many funds to industrialize as soon as possible, how to make this project as a national export, and improve people's lives, there seems that there is no attention, except for those countries developed by those countries In addition, research and production of these two is like two parallel lines that never intersect; on the other hand, because the limited funds are used for the development of the economy, because our fiscal revenue is too low, leading to the country Insufficient investment in the scientific research, the research funds from all major scientific research institutions from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to the local hospitals are very lack of research funds, and some of the financial allocation of some research institutes even difficult to do the basic salary of the maintenance personnel. In the case, it is not necessary to say that the research results are industrialized. That is impossible, and there is no such money in the unit.

Moreover, even if it is able to bite the teeth from the teeth from the teeth, there is no one is willing to take the head, one is where to find business in the research institute? It is also everyone who is not willing to take responsibility; if it fails, it will not be poked in the unit in the unit in the future? Therefore, because of various reasons, Ding Ruo smashed, in fact, there are many technical reserves in China, but there is no way to transform to the industrial sector. On the other hand, the domestic industry industry does not know that there is related technologies in China. Only a large number of foreign exchanges can be spent annually from foreign introduction related technologies or products.

"How, do you want to try?"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "At least for more than ten years, the battery is still a blue sea.

"This one……"

Ding Ruo's smoke, finally nodded: "Can you go with me?"


Chen Li will have a good time.

.............................. The Non-Colored Metal Research Center boiled!

Just, I received a call from the office, saying that Chen Mong would come to the Non-Colored Metal Research Institute to visit and ask if the General Hospital is convenient? Convenience!


If it is the role of the other A cat, the role of the A cat, is of course not convenient, but if it is Chen Geng, the world's world rich, the old friends of the Chinese people are visiting, when is the Non-ferrous metal research center, when is it convenient? If you want to visit three in the morning, it is convenient!

In determining this phone is indeed Chen Geng's secretary: Kelly Hicks is called, and Chen Li is indeed intentional to have a colored metal research terminal to visit and investigate, although the leadership of the general hospital for Chen Pigang's purpose A mist, but this does not hinder the leadership of the general hospital immediately, first convene a meeting, discuss how should be reception, after opening the meeting, the whole hospital urgent mobilization, whether it is the employee of the post or family, Get up, big sweep!

It is necessary to let Mr. Chen Geng Chen see a clean and unhealthy metal research office ... in short, because Kelly Hicks' call, the non-ferrous metal research school is suddenly a chicken flying dog jump!

A "chicken flying dog jumper"

The result is that when Chen Geng saw the "warm welcome of the famous entrance entrance of the non-ferrous metal research terminal" "Warmly welcomes the world's famous entrepreneurs, the world's richest" Mr. Chen Geng came to our hospital to visit and guide ""

When the big red banner, only the mouth of the mouth is slightly ignorant, and then it will restore normal: this situation he has too much, except for more people, there is nothing ... but Ding Ru smoke It was shocked by the banner and the lively scene, and I couldn't help but rely on Chen Geng. What is the situation? The eyes of the leaders of the non-ferrous metal research terminal, that one, more toxic, although Ding Ruo's movement is very slight, there is no action in Chen Geng's hand, but with Ding Ruo smoke just The reaction of the next consciousness, let those girls who have recognized the girls around Chen Li, who have the leaders of the children, and they have a dark self-disc ... The two sides have no need to mention it, and they will visit it, in the afternoon. At the tea party, facing the eyes of the colored metal research terminal, the eyes expected, Chen Geng Xin smiled, said: "I didn't expect that everyone's research conditions were so hard, I decided to give our Non-colored metal research terminal 50 ThinkCenter Computers and 500,000 RMBs are used to support the research work of the Nonferrous Metals Research Institute.

"thanks, thanks,"

The main leaders of the Nonferrous Metal Research Institute suddenly became the spirit. Zhang Shaoming, the Dean, was a busy standing, holding Chen Geng's hand, smiling mouths closed: "Mr. Chen, thank you for your work stand by.

50 ThinkCenter personal computers and 500,000 RMB, single 50 THINKCENTER computer, the total value is not less than 800,000? If it is configured, it may not be able to take it down, plus 500,000 RMB cash ... Hey, the world's richest is the world's richest, and the money is not finished, even if they don't have What is the relationship with the Non-Colored Metal Research Institutes, they are able to have such a big benefit.

At the same time, Zhang Shaiming also understood that if not, it would be a meat, it should be a meat: I have never had any intersections and the colored metal research terminals, this time people are 50 personal computers and 500,000 RMB, really do people are learning **? "You are too polite, you are very polite ..."

Chen Ming Xiao and Zhang Shaomin have passed a few words, then the topic is turned, and asked Zhang Shaoming: "When Zhang Po, just visited, I saw the technical reserves of our hospital with nickel-chromium batteries?"

Where is the technical reserve with nickel-chromium batteries, and he even saw the boatfrie's classmates, which were different from a few years after a few bonuses. The boatman is still a small scientist, let Chen Geng was laughing.

Is the purpose of Chen Pai Is the nickel-chromium battery? Zhang Shaiming was a bit surprised. He did not understand that Chen Li also interested in this backward battery technology? I heard that in Europe and the United States, the updated nickel-hydrogen battery is mainstream.

However, this does not prevent him to answer Chen Geng: "Yes, our Non-Metal Research Garden is also the most advanced battery technology research and development unit in China. We not only have the related technology of nickel-cadmium batteries, but also chasing international levels, research and development More advanced nickel-hydrogen batteries.


Chen Gerai picked his eyebrows, the Non-Colored Metal Research Center has begun to develop NiMH batteries? This is an unexpected message: "What exactly we do in the development of NiMH batteries?"

Zhang Shaoming did not hide, or said that he himself wanted to Chen Geng Shu Yao two: "If you have a smooth, because there is a technical reserve of the nickel-chromium battery, I expect that we can break through the next two to three years. All technical difficulties of nickel-hydrogen batteries.

Can I get a complete nickel-hydrogen battery technology in two to three years? Even if Chen Tong is not a person in the battery industry, not how to understand battery technology, but since the group's computer company needs to purchase batteries for laptop, he has a quite understanding of NiMH batteries, knowing compared to nickel-chromium The battery and nickel-hydrogen batteries are very difficult, if they have not remembered the wrong, Zhang Shaoming gives himself to himself, saying that the Non-ferrous metal research office has already completed "new battery" in the beginning of this year.

, This "new battery"

It should be the NiMH battery.

This year, I can achieve results in two to three years. Talking about this, Chen Ming no longer selling Guan Zi, looking at Zhang Shaiming: "The Dean, this is the case, my friend Ding Ruoyi Miss I want to stop paying for the entrepreneurship. I recommend the battery project to her, so I want to ask, can we transfer it? If you can transfer, how much is the price? "

Sure enough!

From the beginning, he would come from him from its own unit. Why did Chen Tong would have a strange Non-Colored Metal Research Center, which would have a strange Non-Colored Metal Research Center, which is finally realized: the original root is here!

Sure enough, the hero is sad and beautiful, hey ... I didn't expect Ding Navy, and there was such a hand!

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