king of power

Chapter 959 Expanding Scale

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Chen Wirong smiled at the back of Xiaomi Donner, he was very clear, this family moved.

Heart is a matter of course, and the big BOSS as the McDark Group, Xiaomi Tangja should be very clear that the problems inside the McDe aircraft and the disadvantage have a serious, and these recommendations, for the current wheat, The words have immediate results.

However, Chen Li also understands that the old man is to face, of course, I will not agree, but I don't have the relationship, slowly waiting is, I will take this effort, Chen Geng goes to the Shangfei Group, look at it Make static test F120 No. 1 prototype.

Yes, based on the F100 of the F100, the fuselage sections before the wing are thrown separately from the fuselage sections.

5 meters, the maximum number of passets from F100 has improved to the current 120 F120, and the prototype is now manufactured, and the static test to be carried out is the aircraft. Many key tests in many critical tests before the plane. The ring is used to verify that this plane meets the structural strength required by the flight, and is an important means of ensuring the flight safety of the aircraft.

When Chen Geng arrived at Shangfei Group's aircraft static test laboratory, that has been assembled, and all the test devices of the F120 prototype of static testing have been all in place, and the civil aviation plane we are familiar with The aircraft that receives the static test basically does not install any electronic devices and instrumentation systems. As for the seats, it is, it is a complete "naked @ machine".

Not only don't have a slightest decoration inside the aircraft, but the painting outside is just a layer of primer, but the bare look is awkward.

The F120 that has been installed in the above test decoration, Chen Geng asked Fang Zhiqiang: "Founder workers, which test items have been completed?"

"Pre-load test and full load test have been completed,"

Fang Zhiqiang quickly said: "Now is ongoing the damage test.

Chen Geng nodded.

The so-called pre-load test is also the first part of the aircraft static test. Simply, use a load tensioning test piece with 20% to 30%, eliminate the gap, and uninstall the load after this step is completed, then step by step Load to usage load.

The requirements for this trial are the deformation of the body structure that cannot hinder the normal operation of the aircraft, and the corresponding portion does not have obvious residual deformation, such as the residual deflection does not exceed 5% of the total deflection under the load., Residual The strain does not exceed 0.

2%, etc.

The destruction test is also a test of the overall design intensity of the aircraft, such as the location of the wing, the design standard is 100, in order to keep sufficient safety, usually have a redundancy of about 10%, which is in the design design. Designers will set strength to the wing on 110, and the demand for damage test is to test the design and engineering implementation: If the wing is 105 or even 103, it is broken, not said, unqualified, intensity Not enough; if the wing has not broken when the wing has reached 115, it is also unqualified, because this means that the strength of the wing is too strong, and the intensity is also meaningful to the weight of this position, need Reduce.

The speech has been arranged, and the special hydraulic machine has begun to pressurize the body and wing. As the pressure applied to the fuselage and the wing, the wing has begun to show a significant curved deformation, but On the front display of Chen Mong and Fang Zhiqiang, the status of the pressure is also increasing: 85%, 86%, 88% ... When the pressure applied to the wing is 105% of the design intensity, the wing has been bent. It's very powerful, but the wing is still not broken. The most important thing is that the wing skin does not have obvious wrinkles. It is not only a Fang Zhiqiang. The other leaders of Shangfei Group have also followed a breath: 10,000 When the big BOSS is broken, it will be lost.

"Chen Dong, are we continuing?"

Fang Zhiqiang asked Chen Geng asked.

Chen Geng looked at Fang Zhiqiang and did not answer, but asked: "How? I haven't confident?"

As if I asked this, Shou Zhi Qiang suddenly took a little wax.

Why is this wax? Because F120 is a little more than 3 meters, wing, and the end tail is not changed on the basis of F100. When F100 is doing experiments, now you haven't confident in F120? This means that BOSS has begun to doubt it to himself.

In fact, in accordance with international practices, like this improved type, it is actually unnecessary to perform full-size body damage test. After all, all of the body components before, and verified, similar improved Need to test the improvement site, determine if there is no problem, when doing such a body? "Any modified type of body failure test"

It is the rule of Chen's down, who can oppose? Fang Zhiqiang naturally did not dare, he dared to oppose him, and he dared to hesitate.

"There is confidence."

Chen Geng nodded, did not say anything, so wait for Fang Zhiqiang to continue to command.

"The group listened to my order,"

Fang Zhiqiang used a walkie-talkie and told: "Continue to test according to the established procedure.

Next, with the change in the pressure value of each test point on the screen, the load on the fuselage and the wing has been coming to 109%, and with a bursting, a harsh metal friction When the load comes from 111% and 111.

When 04%, the F120 fuselage and wing were cracking.


Looking at the fracture fuselage and wing, the people in the command room do not have any lost, but it is a happy and happy, everyone spontaneously, enthusiastically: The fracture strength of the body and the wing, The intensity of F100 is completely consistent, which means this time the improved model of F100, which is completely independent of Shangfei Group, has been changed in the body structure!

For this result, Chen Geng is also very happy. He loudly announced: "Everyone will continue, put follow-up work, I invite everyone to eat, everyone relax!"

As for the issuance of award, the holiday, Chen Mong did not say.

Although Chen Mong did not say, no one was disappointed, and now Shangfei Group is already a highly mature company, and the employee's salary, bonus, and holidays have clear regulations. Everyone knows a certain job. After you can get what you can get, if Chen Li is chaotic with your mood, it is to interfere with the company's normal operation.

From the test center, Chen Geng asked Nie Guang: "Comrade Nie Guang, when can I put into the market when F120?"

Nie Guangxi has a mouth, saying: "The fastest will two years.

"Two years?"

Two years is actually slow, although it is just a small change model, but the test fly will not be less.

Chen Geng nodded: "If you guarantee the quality, you still try to speed up the speed.

In addition, he is still a bit unsatisfactory for this progress.

Nie Guang has some doubts: F120 is now in the market, because of the high quality and low price, the domestic airlines like the F100 very much, and now the orders have been ranked for three years, and the scale of the domestic aviation market The more and more people who choose the plane will be more and more, and the F120 and the next F150 just meet the market and the needs of major airlines. If they are big, they will be from the Soviet Po Lev Design Bureau. The fuselage of the introduced picture -204 is the foundation, with the avionics system and computer system of the F100 series, the commercial flight map -204, which can be combined with the commercial flying group, and the market needs to meet the needs of the market - That is a large narrow-body trunk plane of more than 200 seats. It is the standard big plane, so that what is Chen Mo Chairman not satisfied? But Nie Guang didn't say, just nod: "Please rest assured, we must speed up the progress of the entire project under the premise of quality and quantity.

Speaking of this, Nie Guangmi is: "In addition, the chairman, there is one thing.

"Oh? Talk about it, what?"


Nie Guang explained: "Let's do the second phase of construction, the leaders of Jinmen hoped that we can increase the scale.


Chen Geng has a look: "What is this? Is it? Is it necessary to insert a foot inside?"

Nowaday, the commercial flight group, the annual production of Fuk F100 aircraft, this production capacity is degraded, even if it is the transportation of Xi Fei, the passenger is not reached such a large capacity, but according to the previous planning, the second phase capacity is The annual production F100 series (including F120 and future F150) 36, so that after the completion of the second phase of the project, the annual production capacity of Shangfei Group Jinmen Manufacturing Factory will reach 60, which is a very horrible number. .

And Nie Guang mentioned things, let Chen Geng have no way to think: What is the leader of Jinmen? "Unlike,"

Nie Guang shake his head and said: "According to the contact of my leaders before and in the city, they just hope that we will expand their production capacity ... Tax paramount, this is not going to pass, our capacity, the more sales The higher, the higher the tax they can receive.

Also, if we have expanded the scale again, it is necessary to recruit more workers. At that time, these workers' drive effects on the economy of Jinmen are not a small number ... "


After Nai Guang, Chen Li has roughly understand the idea of ​​Jinmen's leaders: they don't intervene the idea of ​​Shangfei Group, but they see the driving role of the local economy after the production scale of Shangfei Group.

However, in Chen Pomanti, this is not a bad thing, Shangfei Group and local governments have helped each other each other, this is what it should be, and the local government puts forward some requirements for their own interests. In fact, the leaders of Jinmen This requirement is considerable.

He thought about Nie Guang: "This way, you and Jinmen's leaders say that I can communicate with them, everyone has any appeals, you can sit down and talk.

Nie Guang did not expect his boss to talk so much, nodded: "Okay, let me talk to them ... BOSS, you are also ready to expand the scale?"

As a deputy head of the original development factory, the Nie Guang's brain turned, soon, she would have to react to the chairmanship. Why did this move: Is the boss already want to expand the second phase of capacity? Chen Mong smiled and laughed, and did not hide: "What ages when we decided to build a Jinmen plant? Who thinks that the size of the domestic aviation market has developed to this extent? If you keep this speed, domestic aviation How much is the market's demand for the aircraft? If the market is developing faster than now in the next decade? "


Nie Guangzhui nodded. When I thought I, Chen Tong Chairman decided to set up the annual production capacity of Shangfei Group Jinmen Factory. The entire group is almost opposed by the whole group. Everyone feels that this production capacity is too He is high: 24 can be produced in one year. It is 120 in 5 years. So big production capacity basically meets the needs of major domestic airlines, who is produced by the aircraft produced after five years? Is the factory waiting to stop production? In the end, it is still in the power of Chen Li's chairman, and this capacity is set.

And the facts also proved that Chen Mo Chairman's high-sighted: With the continuous expansion of the domestic aviation market, the 24 annual output can not meet the needs of the market, and the orders held in the hands of Shangfei Group have become more and more. After three years, these years, relying on these F100, Shangfei Group can be earned, but rely on cooperation with Shangfei Group, several domestic aviation companies are also full of effort.

Now think about it, if the domestic aviation market continues to maintain this development scale, the newly added 36 annual production capacity is really not necessarily able to meet the needs of the market - the chairman can just say it, we can't only be satisfied Domestic said Wang said, when we cultivate "internal strength"

After that, you have to go on the international market and compete with the international giants.

Nie Guang felt that it seems that the chairman is ready to go through the opportunity to carry out the second phase of construction.

............................. I learned that Chen Geng will personally come over the second phase of capacity planning in the Communication Group Jinmen Factory, and the leaders of Jinmen are highly valued.

I can't pay attention to it. In the past few years, the Jinmen plant has been in the past few years. After some high-tech enterprises, they can follow their large light: the merchant Flying Group Jinmen Factory High-tech companies and scientific research institutions related to multi-family and aerospace sectors have settled in Jinmen, the latter settled a branch, and these units that arrived in Jinmen, plus Shangfei Group Jinmen Factory, and Jinmen City The economy has played a great action. The leaders of Jinmen City have long stared at the second phase of the Shangfei Group, and now heard Chen Geng, the leaders of Jinmen City immediately realized: opportunity coming!

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