king of power

Chapter 967 helps you

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With the attention of the United States, the Los Angeles Local Court called a speed of the case, after all, the eyes of the whole world are staring at them, less than half a month, the Los Angeles local court made a judgment: Edward Middot Fulong's agent temptation and tempted Edward middot; Wyon suction D is conclusive, you can stop it with Edward MIDDOT; Fulong's brokerage agreement, without any compensation, at the same time, according to "Mini Protection Law ", In accordance with the law, the five-year imprisonment is imprisoned; secondly, Edward Middot; Fulong's parents did not fulfill its support against Edward Middot; Fulong's support, evidence is conclusive, given it in temptation and temporary Midd 2; Wulong D. The discreced role played in the matter, the court decided to cancel Edward middot; Fulong parents on Edward Middot; Wulong's monitoring.

As for Edward MIDDOT; Fulong's custody, original time and space, Edward Middot; Wulong's uncle and my aunt In order to get Edward Middot; Wulong's custody is not easy (of course, it is also money), but this time Different, in James Middot; Cameron, Arnold Midd 2; Schwarzene and Linda Middot; Hamilton and other best applications, while consulted Edward Middot; Fulong himself, Hollywood Local Court Declare, after the Edward Middot; Fulong completed the forced drug rehabilitation, his custody was made by his aunt, his uncle and Linda Middot; Hamilton had a total of Hamilton, and his uncle, aunt may not intervene in Edward Middot; Fulong's personal property, Edward Middot; After the individual's personal income reserved 6,000 US dollars per month, the remaining funds all deposited a special account, staying to Edward Middot; Fulong is 18 years old, there is a personal self-owing only.

In other words, regardless of Edward Middle; Wulong's uncle, how to make Edward Middot; Fulong's idea, they can calculate only $ 6,000 per month, as for the remaining money? Sorry, regardless of Edward Middot; Fulong earned how much money, these money have nothing to do with them.

At this point, this matter is a success, the only little trouble is: Edward Middot; Fulong's eyes are popular in Chen Ming and Linda Middot; Hamilton, it seems that I want to say something, but I want to say Also stop.

"Don't worry, little guy,"

Looking at Edward Middot; Fulong wants to stop, Linda middot; Hamilton time music: "Mr. Fernandes has already greeted with the drug rehabilitation, you will never be bullied, and it will be a month, Don't worry, it will pass it in a month.

Yes, Edward Middot; Although Folon is still short, it is still to be enforced, but in the United States, this is good, as long as you have money, energy is big enough, although it is forced drug rehabilitation, but drug rehabilitation Can you be like a drug? Coupled with Edward MIDDOT; Wolong's time is still short, and it is not so strong that D numbness is that D-numbness is not so strong, according to the description given by the drug rehabilitation expert, and a month is enough to complete compulsory detoxification.

"Good, Miss Linda,"

In the end, it is 14 years old and started to live independently. Although the heart is in this place to live in this place, there is a fear of the ability, cute Dehua Middot; Fulong also knows that this is for himself, he is a spring, or I nodded: "There is also Mr. Fernandes, you can rest assured that I will quit D.

Know what this kid is worried about, Chen Geng said: "Edward, good at the doctor, you can rest assured, after you come out, I will help you find a school, every year, I will help you pick up two movies, let your life not Will be troubled for money, in addition to weekends and holidays, you can go to my house, Miss Hamilton, and all our people welcomes you.

Edward middot; Fulong is of course not stupid, very clear about what you can get Chen Pai, what you don't know, not to know, no one is unclear, who can refuse to be better than the world Relationship? He said he quickly said: "That.

Mr., give you trouble.

"What is this trouble?"

Chen Ming haha ​​laughed.

There is Chen Li, the world's richest and Linda Middot; Hamilton's Hollywood when the Red actress personally "escort"

, Detoxification, this side of Edward Middot; Fulong's "station"

Also attaches great importance, the heads of the drug rehabilitation have been waiting in the door early. They are very clear in their hearts. It is clear that today will definitely have countless journalists and media. This is a great way to promote their own opportunities. .

It is, I have known Edward MIDDOT; Fulong will be sent to her own forced drug rehabilitation, the head brain of the drug rehabilitation institute immediately made a decision, specially as a media opened today, lend Fernandes Middot Chen and Linda Middot; Hamilton sent Edward Middot; Fulong came in to enforce the opportunity to compare drug rehabilitation, invite all media and reporters to visit.

It means that the media and reporters will help themselves: You see, our teenary drug rehabilitation all from humanities, you are full of love and sunshine for young people who come to detoxification, is the best adolescent detoxification of the United States. All you can rest assured that there will be no more people who are chaotic, in short, if your children are not careful to contaminate D addiction, let us pay for it.

For Edward Middot; Fulong can have a comfortable point inside, Chen Geng also cooperates, helping the drug rehabilitation says a lot of good words, so that the head of the drug addicts will have a flower.

"Mr., it seems that Edward will be more comfortable in it.

Looking at the head of the head of a lot of antiques, Linda Middot; Hamilton said softly to Chen Geng.

"Well, there is an effect."

Chen Wirong Xiao nodded, then turned to look at Linda Middot; Hamilton glance: "It's you, Linda, have you considered quit smoking?"

According to Chen Geng's observation, Linda middot; Hamilton's smoke addiction is large, almost two or three packs per day, and the cigarette is not something, now Linda Middot; Hamilton is still young, plus living conditions good The material conditions are preferable, pay attention to maintenance, the harm of cigarettes to her body is still not seen for a few years, and it can be a few years. As the age increases, the cigarette will have an outbreak of the hazard of her body. Middot; Hamilton's beautiful appearance will be affected, and for a female star who is egg, once there is no good look, good-looking figure, means that it is unpredictable.

Chen Geraia is not ready to make a lot of mouth, but since everyone is so familiar, Chen Li does not mind.

"Quit smoking?"

Linda middot; Hamilton did not expect Chen Geng Meng and himself, and stunned.

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