king of power

Chapter 969 cultivates a successor?

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I don't know what I said with Linda Hamilton, Karren Capadi hangs, ready to call Chen Ge, but when she picks up the phone to prepare the familiar number. I suddenly lost: what should I say? Did you ask Fairnads, "Are you going to make me like Helen Millen?"

Just when Karren Karpete was killed, she suddenly rang, and Karren Karpeng, who was hesitant, was scared, and quickly took a good phone, so clearly. The caller number, the next moment, Karen Cabed stunned: Fernandes called? Although there is a bit of panic, Karen Karpete still rushed up the phone, just said "Hello"

I listened to Chen Geng asked: "Just Linda called you?"


Karren Coptene didn't expect Chen Pigong asking such a direct, but she was just busy: "Yes, she just gave me ..."

"What do you think?"

Chen Geng asked.

Karren Karpete's mouth was hitting: "What do you say ... What?"

"It's gradually letting you pick up my film,"

Chen Geng did not follow Karek Cabed, said: "Like Helen, if you like, this piece of business will gradually be stripped, becoming an independent subsidiary to operate, and you are responsible for this section People can take 30% shares.


Carel Karpete, she is very clear that this 30% of the shares means what they do, but at this moment, Karren Karpen did not hesitate, she bite his lips and whispered: "I am willing .


Chen Multi said: "After three months, the next movie I invest in started preparation, you will take Linda to participate in the preparations of the movie, and then slowly familiarize the business, and then strive for one and a half to two years. Time to take over the film and television sector, is there any problem? "

"... no, but ..."

Karenk Pien seems to have something to say.


Karren Karen had hesitated, or he tightly said softly: "I want a child,"

After saying, Karren Karpeng urgently explained: "I don't do anything else, I just want a child, I always feel that there is no child, if you ... if you ... if ......"

Listening to the voice of Karen Karen Karen Capan anxiously, Chen Mongxiao: "Okay.


I didn't expect Chen Pigang to promise so much, Karren Karpeng screamed, talented the tips: "You said ... it ..."

"I said: 'Good',"

Chen Mongxiao said: "In fact, I really want a child."

To put it, you are also more than 30, although the maintenance is excellent, the face and the twenty-five six are small, and the perseverance to perseverance, it is very good, but no matter how Said, thirty-five six is ​​thirty-five six, it is "greasy middle-aged uncle" in other people.

It's time to go to a child, as for yourself that you can't give Karen Cagpete a marriage problem, Chen Li does not think this is a big deal: Those who keep the same relationship, the child is a few, but a lifetime Didn't get married American families, is there less? Well, in addition to Karren Cabed, it seems to be with Helen Millen to have a child. Helen has hints about it several times and says that you want a child, even if your child doesn't care, as long as you can often Take a look at the child, she is willing to bring their children ... Although there is a little slag, but ... you bite me!

Capitalism is good, as long as you pay for your child on time, what is not married, who dares? Are you old? What made Chen Li did not expect that he heard that Chen Geng agreed to have a child. The phone of Karenk Point suddenly " ..."

Crying, Chen Geng Duo said: How can I start crying? "No, I am happy,"

In the face of Chen Geng's concern, Karren Karen Karpete is a bit embarrassed: "I want a child for a long time, you also know, my current age is already a big mother, I have been a few years, I don't know if I still know Can you be born ... I am too happy ... "


Chen Geng speechless, faintly feels that he is somewhat in Karren Cabed: What is this? It's not your own business, as long as Helen Millen, Karlen Capan The three people have no opinions, and others have two sentences "Breaky Chen Gengzhen's good luck"

It seems that the seemingly dissatisfaction is full of envy and hate, there is no less than half of the money, after handling this matter, the heart finally put down a stone, and finally had time to handle Another thing: establish a R & D center in Europe.

In fact, as early as two years ago, with the sales of AMC in Europe, the AMC Group has set up four production plants in Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium. All the annual output of all factories can reach 1.2 million, but Even if it is, it is impossible to meet the needs of AMC in Europe's speed-rapid development, each year is also required to send 300,000 vehicles from the United States to Europe.

It has only a problem like this, that is, because there is no European R & D center, it is not enough understanding of the local situation of Europe, resulting in a lot of decision-making merchants in Europe, and some models developed. It is not especially in line with the needs of the European market.

In this way, the establishment of the European R & D center is necessary, and even Chen Mong believes that it is necessary to set up an European branch. Today, Chen Geng and Jack Welch will talk about this, but let Chen Li are stunned. Jack Wellch wants to talk to himself, it is another thing ... "What do you say?"

Chen Geng is surprised to look at Jack Welch: "Do you want to cultivate your successor? It's too early?"

Jack Wellch, born in 1935, was just 56 years old. For a professional manager, it is almost his golden age, and he is in the age of Jack Welch. It is not a problem in 18 years. Now, this guy actually told himself that he is ready to cultivate his own successor? "Boss, you listen to me,"

Chen Geng's response made Jack Wellch's heart very touched, but he was still saying: "You know, I am a universal electrical training, which is influenced by General Electric, such as a leader. The sign is not only for its performance created, but also whether he selects an excellent successor, thereby maintaining a general electric base, which is also 'example spirit'.

I also think so.

I am very emotional about AMC, I can retire my current position is my honor, but because of this, for the AMC to be able to grow, I think I have to cultivate a qualified succession for AMC, this is my responsibility.

Chen Geng nodded.

Any big company, the big group has its own unique successor to cultivate tradition, and the tradition of General Electric training is especially special, why? Because General Electric's successor training plan and their "six Sigma"

The same name, roughly, this successor's training plan will start before the current president left or retired, and after the plan is launched, first, General Electric will be extremely secret to establish a "future CEO investigation, training, and selection committee "

And in general, it is a handsome man in person with current president / CEO.

After the establishment of the committee, you will first take a characteristic list of the future CEO, including the conditions such as honesty, honesty, values, leaders, fairness, experience, balance, courage, etc., only these indicators can meet the requirements. Can be included in the ranks of candidates, and also require candidates to have a strong desire to learn new knowledge, and have the ability to easily handle complex matters, patiently facilitating and handling bursts ... etc., Etc..

In general, the Committee can secretly select 20 to 30 medium-senior high-level managers with cultivation (usually the domain manager that is absent), these people are between 36 and 58 years old.

The internal evaluation of at least half of the people is HIPO (a person with high-level development potential).

At this time, General Electric will officially launch the succession of the successor, let the board of directors have a comprehensive understanding of the capacity, talents, and development potential, and in this process, General Electric Boards have two assessments each year. Every year, there are other talent development activities - here must be explained, all of which is secret, candidates are completely unhealthy; in the end, the Committee determines three options to conduct key cultures (of course, other Will not give up, after the previous cultivation, even if the election can be alone, becoming the group's handsome), then choose a picking of the CEO in these three people.

But after this is still not, the last winner has to spend the admission period under the leadership of the original president, it can be officially taken ... The whole process is extremely complicated and cumbersome, but there is no doubt that after such a selection, select it. The candidate must be extremely excellent, and obviously, Jack Welch is preparing to move the future CEO training system of Universal Electric to the AMC car, which is of course a good thing, but Chen Li is still frown: "You can do this, this plan is too early to start? As far as I understand, General Electric is starting to start the successor in the first 8 years before the current president, you are only 56 years old, and it is only 64 after 8 years. For a CEO, it is in an experienced golden age, and the development plan of the successor can wait for a few years. Is it necessary to retire with 64 years? "

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