King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 117 - Himejima Clan; Suzaku Himejima

After coming out of the Shinto shrine with Himejimas following after, Wang Lei burned the shrine to cinders.

Shuri was reluctant about burning it, but Wang Lei was not in the mood the reason with her.

Burning the shrine, they started to descend the stairs – down the mountain. No one spoke the whole way down the mountain.

Akeno would look at Wang Lei's back with worship eyes. Now that she finally calmed down, she started to remember the time Wang Lei saved them; it was as if the picture of that time was printed in her mind.

Feeling an intense stare, the dragon looked back. His red slit eyes met with purple eyes. Akeno hurriedly ran back to her mother.

"Please don't mind her; she is a little shy with outsiders." Shuri, smilingly, explained. She did not want Wang Lei to feel bad.

Shaking his head, Wang Lei said, "Nothing. I don't really mind." Looking again at Akeno, Wang Lei took a candy out of nowhere, "Here. Do you like candies?"

Akeno's eyes blink before she rushes towards Wang Lei and took candy from him. Tasting it, a smile forms on her face, "It's tasty!"

Wang Lei chuckled slightly and pets her head, "Is it? Then you can eat as much as you like. Just ask big brother."

Little Akeno looked towards Wang Lei before asking, "Who was that black uncle?"

"Hm? Black Uncle? Oh! You are talking about Utiss!" Wang Lei said, realizing that she was talking about the shadow warrior.

"Um! It was so cool! I want to see it again!"

While petting Kuro, the young dragon chuckled at the enthusiastic little girl. For some reason, she reminded him of Myu and Nuwa – innocent and oblivious of the world.

'Hm, I should call those two here. Since I am thinking of becoming a teacher, it is good that Myu and Nuwa study under me.' He thought.

He did not care much about social etiquette, but the knowledge they will gain from studies will broaden their visions – unlike normal cultivators, who cannot think out of the box.

"Well, I do not mind if it's Little Akeno who wants to see him." Wang Lei said before picking Akeno and placing her on his shoulders.

Akeno happily sat on his shoulders as she listens to him completing his part, "But after we inform your cousin about your situation. I will give one shadow warrior to Little Akeno to play then."

Wang Lei finished speaking, brightening the mood of Little Akeno as she giggled happily. Just then, her eyes fell upon Kuro, who was sleeping in Wang Lei's hands. Although she did not know why, but she felt that Kuro was not an ordinary cat. It was as if she was hidden behind a veil.

Of course, Shuri also felt the same. But since Wang Lei himself was abnormal, she ignored it thinking it might be his summon beast (familiar) or something.

After booking two rooms, Wang Lei said goodbye to both Akeno and Suri before entering his room.


After closing the door, Wang Lei examined the room. It was a standard room, with one bed, bathroom, and a terrace, giving the view of the outside.

"Utiss. Go and make sure nothing happens to the mother-daughter pair." His lazy voice resounds in the once silent room.

"As my King wishes," Utiss replied. A black shadow left Wang Lei's shadow, and went towards the mother-daughter pair's room, safeguarding them.


"I am tired~. It has been a while since I felt tired." Wang Lei said before talking his haori and yukata off, leaving with trousers. (AN: I have no idea what it is called, but his yukata is the same as in bleach – albeit a little different.)

After slumping on the bed – Kuro jumped and sat on his ċhėst, closing her eyes.

"You will become a lazy fat cat if you sleep all the time Kuro." Wang Lei, gently stroking her fur, said.

Kuro seems to be dissatisfied by his remarks as she growled at him.

"Hehehe! You really are a cute girl, Kuro. We are going to spend a lot of time together from now on." Wang Lei said. closing his eyes.

Purring, Kuro also curled up and started to sleep.


After Akeno and Shuri entered their room, they started to get restless. They were afraid. Although they looked calm from the outside, that was only because they were with Wang Lei and knew that they would be safe beside him. But now that they have separated, even only for a night, both mother-daughter pair started to get restless.

Any sane person would be if they faced death some hours ago.

"…Mother…" Akeno called her mother, closing on to her.

Seeing her daughter's worried face, Shuri smiled. She thought she should not show weakness or Akeno will not feel safe.

"It is alright, dear. Let's go. Wang Lei-san is in the next room. Nothing will happen." Shuri tried to ȧssure her daughter, who seems to buy it as her scared expression softens to that of a sleepy one.

She laid beside her daughter, who was already in her dreamland. Shuri gently ċȧrėsses her head with loving eyes.

Recalling today's event, Shuri started to tremble. She could still feel the sensation of a cold blade piercing her body, sending her towards her death. She knew if Wang Lei did not arrive on time, then she and her daughter would have been killed by now – and she was grateful to Wang Lei because of that.

Gently hugging Akeno into her bosom, Shuri felt her eyes becoming heavy. But before she went to sleep, she was sure that she saw the shadow warrior standing in the shadows, overlooking them. It made her feel safe as if Wang Lei was still there – beside – protecting them.



A smooth jade-like hand knocked on a wooden door, trying to call the one inhabiting the other side of it.

The woman – with long black hair and brown eyes; she had creamy smooth skin – continue to knock at the door.

"Elder Brother is still sleeping? He is lazy even though he is an ȧduŀt!" The little girl – with the same black hair as her mother and purple eyes – said.

"Shhh! You should not say that about your benefactor Akeno. And also, he is older than you. You should show respect to your elders." Her mother reprimanded her, making Little Akeno pout cutely.

Just then, the door of the room opens, showing an almost nȧkėd young man with a perfect physique and long silver ŀustrous messy hair. He looked ethereal, totally out of the world. It felt like his body was specifically crafted by the Gods, leaving no mistake and blemish.

Waving his hand in front of a dazed milf, Wang Lei asked, "Hello~, are you here, little Shuri?"

Shuri came out of her dazed state – her face red of embarrassment.

'What am I thinking?! I have a husband!' She thought before taking a long breath to calm her breathing.

"Nothing. I just thought I should wake you up, but it seems that it is unnecessary." Shuri said, trying to hide her blush.

"Big Brother, you look so handsome!" Akeno exclaimed. Unlike her mother, she was more open as she was a child.

She went closer to Wang Lei, touching his skin all over.

Chuckling, Wang Lei spoke, "If Little Akeno wants, then she can touch me anywhere she wants."

Shuri hurriedly took Akeno's shoulder, reprimanding Wang Lei, "What are you teaching a young girl?"

Amused, Wang Lei closed his face to her, almost touching her, "I don't mind if Shuri, who is an ȧduŀt, wants to touch me too."

Feeling his breath and his face that was only inches away, Shuri hurriedly looked the other way.

"We will be waiting in front of the Hotel." Saying, she left with giggling Akeno.

Wang Lei smiled while looking at the buxom back before going back inside to change his clothes.


"Hmm…, is this Himejima Clan?" Wang Lei asked, looking at the huge traditional Japanese house, or was it a mansion? He did not know as he was not that familiar with Japanese culture. Even most of his reincarnation reborn in the underworld or in Heaven.

Shuri nodded, "Yes. It is the Himejima clan, one of the Five Great Families. The beast that it represents is Vermillion Bird." She explained.

"Does every Family represents a beast? If so, what represents what?" Wang Lei asked. He had little to no knowledge about Five Great Families. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/king-of-seven-realms_17747148405674105/himejima-clan-suzaku-himejima_50967306196535578">/book/king-of-seven-realms_17747148405674105/himejima-clan-suzaku-himejima_50967306196535578</a> for visiting.

"Indeed. Every Five Great Family represents a beast and element corresponding to it. Kushihashi Family represents Azure Dragon; element, Wood. Douman Family represents Black Tortoise; element, Water. Shinra Family represents White Tiger; element, Metal. Himejima Family represents Vermillion Bird; element, Fire. And Nakiri Family represents Yellow Dragon; element, Earth." Himejima Shuri explained.

Wang Lei made a thinking face and nodded. It was all new to him, so he was quite thankful for Shuri for explaining it.

"Here, take this candy for the explanation." Wang Lei brought out candy and gave it to speechless Shuri.

"…" She speechlessly looked at the candy in Wang Lei's hand. But she did not deny it and took it. She thought she will give it to Akeno, who was sleeping in her arms.

After getting the essential knowledge about Five Great Families, Wang Lei and Kuro in his hands, followed by Himejima entered the premises of Himejima Clan.

"Halt! This is premises of Himejima Clan!" The guard standing at the gate yelled, stopping them at the gate.

Shuri walked forward, "Stop it, Aki. It's me, Shuri." She spoke to the person name Aki, the guard.

Aki, listening to her, looked at her. His eyes widen as he exclaimed, "Sister Shuri! What are you doing here?! You should know that the Clan does not welcome you. You should leave before others find out about it!"

Shuri, smilingly, shook her head. Though she was thankful for him to try to protect her, she needed to meet her niece.

"It is alright. I will leave once I meet with Suzaku. Can you take us to her?" She politely asked.

"Sigh*…You always has been like this Sister Shuri…anyway, I will inform Young Miss about your arrival. In the meantime, you can wait in the guest room." He said before his sight landed on Wang Lei and Kuro, seemingly not caring about what they were talking about. "This person?"

"Ah! He is Wang Lei-san. Don't worry. He is with me." Shuri did not know how to explain about Wang Lei. She cannot just say that he killed the current Clan Head and saved them from the ȧssassins sent by Himejima Clan, now can she?

Aki did not inquire more and lead them to the guest room. After leaving them, he went towards the Suzaku's courtyard.


Gently hitting the door, he waited for the response. The door opened, and a maid came out, "What is it?"

"Informing Young Miss that Himejima Shuri and her daughter Himejima Akeno has come to meet with Young Miss."

A surprise passes from the maids' eyes. It was no secret that Himejima Shuri was a deserted member of the Himejima Clan. She was an outcast for breaking the Himejima Clan rule and marrying a Fallen Angel. She was surprised that she had the guts to enter the premises of Himejima Clan again.

Nodding, she hurriedly ran inside to inform Suzaku.

Near the pond in Suzaku's courtyard, a beautiful, young buxom girl who had long, flowing black hair and red eyes was sitting. One could not tell from her figure that she was a 15-years-old girl. She looked to be 20-year-old due to her well-developed body.

Droplets of water dropped from her hair into the pond. One could clearly see her skin, every curve, and contour due to her white yukata completely soaked in water; due to being wet, one could easily see through it.

{print 'Picture Here!'}

She was Suzaku Himejima, niece of Shuri Himejima and cousin of Akeno Himejima.

A maid came rushing in, startling Suzaku due to her panicked expression. Her cherry soft lips parted, making one mesmerized by her every action, as she asked.

"What happened? Why are you in a rush?" Her voice was soft and gentle as if soft whispers in the wind.

"Young Miss! Your Aunt and her daughter have come to meet you!"

"What?!" Suzaku's eyes shot open in exclamation as she stood up due to shock, making her bountiful brėȧsts to jiggle, enhancing her beauty to a new level.

The maid was fascinated by her, but she knew right now was not the time – she hurriedly nodded.

Suzaku hurriedly left the pond and went to her room to change. After changing into traditional Japanese attire, tying her long ŀustrous black hair into a ponytail – reaching up to her hɨps; that, with her personality, made her personification of Yamato Nadeshiko.

She rushed towards the guest room where Wang Lei and Shuri were resting with her maid following after her.

A moment later, she reached the room and hurriedly opened the door.

Inside, her eyes first fell upon the young man, casually sitting as if he owned the place. He was wearing a black yukata and a white haori with different golden and red outlines that made Dragon, Phoenix, and Golden Crow. He had a black cat with two tails resting in his hands as Akeno was sleeping using his ŀȧp as a pillow.

Suzaku could from a single glance tell that the black cat was a Yokai.

Her eyes then landed on her Aunt as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Aunt!" Suzaku yelled, rushing towards Shuri and hugging her.

Even as a member of the Himejima Clan, Suzaku did not care much about its ancient teachings. For her, family mattered more than the ridged teachings of her Clan.

She also cared for and loved her Aunt and her daughter. She used to play with Akeno but become sad when they were exiled from the Clan.

But she did not have any power to stop her Clan and change their decision.

"You have grown a lot, Suzaku," Shuri said as she hugged Suzaku tenderly.

"I missed you," Suzaku spoke, feeling the gentle touch of her Aunt that she missed.

"Why are you here? You should know better than any other how dangerous it is for you to come here!" Suzaku parted from her hug and said.

"Well…" Shuri made a troubled face and started to explain what happened to them.

Suzaku silently listened. She became wide-eyed when she heard that the current Clan Head was decapitated by Wang Lei. She looked towards him with astonishment as she knew how strong the current Clan Head was.

Killing him would only mean one thing, that the person sitting in front of her was probably strong…strong enough to start a massacre in their Clan.

After a couple of minutes, Suzaku understood everything.

She nodded, "I understand Aunt. You do not have to worry. I know someone that will take care of you and Akeno." She said.

Shuri gratefully nodded. She knew that she could rely on her niece as she was quite intelligent. And as the next Clan Head, she had many connections that she could use.

"Also, I would like to thank Wang Lei-san for saving them." Suzaku bowed towards Wang Lei.

Looking at her, Wang Lei checked her body from up to down without any civility. Suzaku shivered to feel his gaze. It felt like she was nȧkėd, and nothing could be hidden from him.

"Hm, you're not bad…well, you do not have to worry about them. As long as I am here, even if your whole Clan tried their best, they would not be able to lay their hands on them." Reassured the young dragon as he waved his hand.

Suzaku nodded.

"Then I will call 'them'. They are part of Dukedom in the underworld. I have been in contact with them. Aunt and Akeno can live with them." Suzaku said, looking at sleeping Akeno with gentle eyes.

Shuri nodded gratefully. She knew her niece would definitely have some solution. She cannot depend on Wang Lei all the time.

"…Suzaku…can you get any information regarding Barakiel?" Shuri requested her niece with a troubled expression.

Suzaku was silent for some time before she nodded. It was not hard for her to get information about him with her Clan powers. Now that the current Clan Head has died, she was particularly the next Head. She could use its resources to find about Barakiel.

Just then, the door of the room forcefully opened. A middle-aged man with different scars was standing there with different men.

He looked towards Wang Lei, Kuro. Then his eyes fell upon the sleeping Akeno – disgust was evident in his eyes.

Looking at pale Shuri, he bellowed. "How dare you enter our Clan with your filthy child, Shuri!"

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