King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 132 - Pervert Maid

"..." right now, a young fox and Brahma Goddess were staring at each other as the silent stretches in the bathroom with nothing but the sound of water droplets falling from Wang Lei's hair could be heard.

'Hmm... now this is new. Just what the hell happened in ATGverse? And who is she?'

Wang Lei wandered as he stares at the turtle bondage blond in the gift box.

Ying'er kept looking at Wang Lei, trying to understand her situation.

'I can't use my powers.' she calmly tried to understand her situation. She knew, right now, she was vulnerable and at the mercy of the man in front of her.

'Who is he? Is he the dragon from Snow Song Realm? And what is this place?' she tried to examine her situation to her best, trying to figure out what was happening.

"... you have some wild kinks, Miss... I don't mind though," Wang Lei nodded, already moving from the fact that this girl was 'presented' to him. I mean, he knew that his girls had done this. Except for them, no one was able to access <My World> after all. Leaving some people that is.

Qianye Ying'er, hearing him, tried to protest, but due to her mouth being stuffed, she could only wiggle at her place.


Wang Lei snapped his fingers as the gift box vanished, leaving the Brahma Goddess on the floor with her mouth free.

"Free me this instant!" was the first word that came from her mouth as she coldly glared Wang Lei as if to eat him alive.

She could not believe that she would ever be humiliated this much. A now a man was looking at her shameful behavior, even calling her shameful. Unforgivable!

Wang Lei raised a brow. He did not know her, but he has to say that she was beautiful, really beautiful. It would be an exaggeration to say that she could capture any man with her looks alone. She was like a poison to man -- a poison that they would happily accept.


"Yawn~, you are taking forever, daddy~. I want to explore some shops in this town and see if there are sweets worth for this Heavenly Dragon to eat," just then, the door of the bath opened, and Albion entered.

Albion's eyes fell upon Qianye Ying'er and then to Wang Lei before she silently left the bath, "Sorry to disturb you. Take your time. I'll be waiting outside."

"..." the silence returned to the bath as both again looked at each other.

Ying'er was gritting her teeth so hard that one could hear the creaking voice coming from her mouth.

'If only I had my powers!'

"Well... if you excuse me, then I'll continue taking my bath. You can take your time. No one will disturb or judge you here," Wang Lei moved back to the bathtub, sinking himself.

Ying'er's mouth was open. She wanted to refute him, saying that it was not she who wanted to be like this, but then she kept quiet. If someone appears before her in such an ambiguous position -- leaving the fact whether she will kill them -- even she would not believe that they were normal.

Instead of calling Wang Lei again, she closed her eyes and tried to check her body's condition and found out that her veins had some form of seal on them that she had never seen.

'What is this seal? It is as if my own energy is sealing my veins.'

As she was examining her body, she found unfamiliar energy in the air, something she never felt before.

'This?! There is no Profound Energy in the air but something completely different!' she was astonished at this prospect of finding a new form of energy.

Wang Lei, who was relaxing in the bath, was staring at Ying'er, who had her eyes close.

'Hm... given her looks, she might be one of the Two Goddesses. But I wonder why is her cultivation sealed? Did she have a fight with girls?'

He wandered as his ears and tails popped out. It had become a habit of a while ago. Whenever he relaxed, his ears and tail would pop out without him doing anything. Not that he minded since he felt more relaxed with them out.

Ying'er was brought out of her thinking when she heard the sound of water splashing and looked towards Wang Lei, making her eyes go wide.

'What is this?! I have never seen a dragon with such... features before... is he something else than a dragon?' though she had to say that those tails and ears felt soft to touch.

"Don't stare at me like that. I know I am devilishly handsome, but I am also quite a shy person~," Wang Lei hid his face between his hands, making Brahma Goddess's brows twitched.

"Can you free me?" since she was in a bad position, she tried a more civil approach.

"Hm? I don't mind. But you know, my hardcore maid has still not returned yet. She said; she would be back in a month. I need someone to take care of my daily needs. But it is quite hard to find someone worthy to become my maid, don't you think so?" with his head resting on his hand, Wang Lei softly smiled.

"... then how about I become your maid? I am quite good at 'servicing' people~," with little seductiveness, Ying'er licked her lips.

And him being their husband, he had to know the secret. So, she did what she was best at, seduce the man to do her biddings. But she did not know that she was playing with fire here.

Wang Lei raised his brow, quite amused by her reaction. Though he pitted her since she was too green to play a trick on him.


With a snap of his fingers, the ropes binding her vanished. But, at the same time, Ying'er's clothes changed into a swimsuit, showing her smooth clear skin. If there was a normal man here, he would have lost his soul. But who was Wang Lei? He was a Primordial. It was not so easy to enchant him, especially with the body alone.

Looking at her appearance, Ying'er tried her best not to shout at the person in front of her, who had an amusing smirk on his face.

"Come here and massage my shoulders; they are quite stiff."

Controlling her urge to kill him, that she could not, without her powers, Ying'er walked to him.

Reaching his back, she used her hands, which has never touched the nȧkėd skin of a man to massage his shoulders.

"Hm... you said that you knew how to serve others, but your massaging skill is quite disappointing."

The hand that was holding Wang Lei's shoulder tighten, hearing him. She really wanted to kill this man. This was the first time that a man was not fascinated by her looks. She, one of the most beautiful women, even gave him a massage and yet he said that he was disappointed.

"Please forgive me that I am not at your standard, 'master'!"

"It is alright," nodding his head as if forgiving her, Wang Lei stated, "Once Grayfia is back, she will teach you about how to become a 'proper maid'."

Ying'er did not reply; instead, she was trying to understand this new energy she found in the air.

'Such fascinating energy... it is weaker than Profound Energy but more versatile.' though she had figured out that she was not in Primal Chaos, she still had a hard time finding where she was.

Everything around her felt unique to her.

'Maybe... I have a chance to control this man, after all. If there is not Profound Energy in the air, then this man should also be training in this energy. If I were able to control it... then it would not be hard to unlock the seal on me."

"You never told me your name? By the way, I am Wang Lei. Young Noble for you," despite her almost-none-existent massage skill, Wang Lei still seems to enjoy it.

"... Qianye Ying'er, master," said Ying'er before she bent down, her brėȧst touching Wang Lei's back, pressing them, "Say master~, your wives have sealed Ying'er's strength. Can't master unlock the seal?" she gently said into his ear, trying to get him to unlock her seal.

"They indeed did. But you need to prove that you are a good maid, only then can I unseal your strength," with a little smirk, Wang Lei looked back at her.

Ying'er had a bad feeling, but she still smiled, "Then... why don't master tell me what to do?"

Wang Lei's smirk widened, "Why not? For the starter, why don't you wash me completely as what a good maid would do?" he said as he left the tub and went to sit on a chair, throwing his towel that was covering his privates.

Ying'er's eyes roamed around his nether region before she was brought back by his voice, "What are you doing, little Ying'er? I thought you said that you are quite good at servicing people. Master is waiting, you know."

Coming back to reality, Ying'er tried to control her nervousness. This was the first time she has seen a man thing. Normally, she would have killed the person. But, right now, she was as vulnerable as she could be. She was at mercy of Wang Lei. She knew, if he decided to do something to her, she would not be able to stop him. Increasing her nervousness even more.

Gritting her teeth as if ready to walk on the path of no return, she walked to him. Taking the cloth that Wang Lei gave her, she started to clean his back.

Her mind, the mind of one of the wicked people on Primal Chaos was in chaos. (No pun intended.)

She tried her best to calm it, but she was bound to fail as she finished cleaning his back, Wang Lei, without any form of shame, changed himself to the front, waiting for her to clean his front too.

Seeing her stun in one place, Wang Lei amusingly said, "What are you doing, little Ying'er? At this rate, you would never be able to get yourself unsealed. You need to show your value as a good maid, after all."

Listening to him, her hand holding the cloth tightens. Her bountiful ċhėst going up and down, begging the attraction of every man.

"... yes, master," after some time, she couraged herself and started cleaning his ċhėst. But as she slowly went down, her nervousness increased with it. But she can't let it show on her face. So, she did the bold approach.

"What are you doing?! Shameful! All I asked of you to clean me, not to please me. As I thought, you are quite a perverted woman little Ying'er," Wang Lei said as if could not believe that such a beautiful woman was a pervert.

This made Ying'er almost lost control of her emotion. She was about to separate his member from his body, if not for Wang Lei to teleport at the given danger.

Looking at her, Wang Lei started to walk outside while shaking his head, "What a pervert woman. God! Youngsters these days... always in heat."

After Wang Lei left, we could see Ying'er smiling in the bath with tightly clenching her fists, "Hehehehe~! I'll kill this man. Even if it's the last thing I do, I'll do it. I'll make sure to torture him until he begs for death!"

Ying'er's every word was filled with enough killing intent to make even a veteran piss his pants.


Leaving the bath, Wang Lei was now sitting on the sofa, drinking tea with Albion sitting in front of him.

She was feeling intense killing intent coming from the bath that she completely ignored.

"Emm... Can I have some more chocolates, daddy?" she cared more about her sweets.

"Let's go and take a walk around the town. We are new here after all," Wang Lei said as he looked in the direction of the bath, from where one could hear muffle laugh with killing intent, "Once our new maid is ready, we will go for the walk."

Albion nodded and started to eat the cake, waiting for Ying'er to come out.

After 15 minutes, Ying'er came out in her swimsuit, all smiling as if all that killing intent was just an illusion.

"You are finally here, pervert maid. Let's go. We were waiting for you," Wang Lei said before changing her clothes in a French maid uniform.

Ying'er did her best not pounce on him right here and now.

"Where are we going, master?" with her mask still on her face, Ying'er asked. She did not like to show her face to the world; she did not take her mask off.

Wang Lei also did not bother asking her to take it off. If she did not feel comfortable, he would not force her. He was a gentleman...

"We are going to take a walk around the town, girl. Hurry up! This Heavenly Dragon is getting bored with all this sitting," Albion said before standing up and following after Wang Lei, who already started to walk towards the gate.

"Heavenly Dragon?" Ying'er questioned, trying to get as much information as she could.

"Yes, Heavenly Dragon! You don't know? Did you live in a cave or something for you to not know the prestige of Heavenly Vanishing Dragon!"

Ying'er decided to add this Heavenly Dragon to her list of people to definitely kill'.

"Forgive me, but Ying'er has no such knowledge. I have only heard about Azure Dragon God."

"Azure Dragon God?" it was Albion's time to get confused.

'Was there such a Dragon God? Maybe a random God after my death?'

Albion was sure that she has never heard of such God before or after her semi-death.

"First time hearing about Azure fella. Are you sure it is not just some random dude calling himself Dragon God?"

Ying'er frowned, hearing her.

'She has not heard about Azure Dragon despite being a dragon?'

"If that guy was alive, he could have to kill you thousand times over, little Albion -- if it is pure power contest," Wang Lei added as they existed the two-story building, stunning Ying'er as she saw the outside for the first time.

Her eyes moving left and right, trying to understand the place.

'What a weird place... I don't feel anyone strong here; in fact, it is filled with nothing but mortals. A mortal realm?' she was not sure. There were many realms in Primal Chaos; it could be one of them. Though she knew that this was not Primal Chaos due to the absence of Profound Energy, she could simply not believe that she has left her world.

"What?! Why didn't I have heard of such God?" Albion asked, shocked by the fact that there was a dragon that could beat the shit out of her, and she did not know about it.

"Well," with his hands on his chin, Wang Lei spoke, "If we were to take only raw power, then that guy is definitely thousands of times stronger than you. But if we include personal skills, then it is hard to say. Your concept of Supremacy makes many things different; especially, your skills such as <Dividing> and <Reflect>. In a real battle, it is hard to predict who would win and who would lose."

Albion pridefully puffed her ċhėst, "Of course! I am Heavenly Dragon, after all. There is no one equal to me."

Wang Lei shook his head. He knew that both Heavenly Dragon just liked to boast, especially, Ddraig. He took the concept of a boast to a new level.

After that, both followed Wang Lei as he walked throughout the town, attracting everyone's attention to them.

It was no surprise as Wang Lei, Albion, and Ying'er, everyone was special in their own way. The one with the most attention would be Ying'er, who despite hiding her face with a mask, could not stop the attention of the male group.

Even with her face hidden, it did not hide her natural countenance that attracted everyone's attention. And let's not forget about her perfect body that was showing its curve and contour with tight maid uniform.

"Damn! Who is that girl? Is she cosplaying?" a random person said as she looked at Ying'er. He couldn't help but gulped hard, seeing her.

Wang Lei group ignore them as they kept walking, checking the area around them until both Wang Lei and Albion felt something familiar. They both looked in a certain direction, where a big school stood with the words 'Kuoh Academy' written on it.

"Oi! Matsuda! Look! Damn, she is sėxy!" a boy with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes, said.

"I know dammit! And look! She is even wearing a maid uniform! I also want a sėxy maid!" the person, Matsuda, who had shaved hair with unbutton blazer under his uniform said.

"Control it, Matsuda! We can feel you! Look at that handsome dude! He must have felt her day and night!" a person wearing glasses said as tears flow down from his eyes.

"Motohama!" spiky brown hair boy gripped the glasses guy's shoulders, seriously looking into his eyes, "What are the three sizes of that maid girl?"

"Leave it to me!" Motohama said, raising his glasses with his finger before gazing towards Ying'er, "I can't!" he shouted as if he could not believe what he was seeing.


"Are you saying that the famous 'Three Sizes Scouter' is not working!?"


The trio does not seem to believe what just happened.

"... can I kill them? I can, right? Don't worry. It will be over in second," Ying'er coldly looked at them as her killing intent was obvious. If she had her powers, then these guys would have been dead.


"What was that for?!" Ying'er glared back at Wang Lei, who hit her on the head.

"Calm down, pervert maid. You can't just kill anyone for being a pervert. Men are perverts, to begin with," Wang Lei said as he looked back at the spiky-haired guy, from which he could feel Ddraig's aura.

'Now, how should I deal with this?' Wang Lei wandered, looking at the perverted trio.

"Does that include you too, master?" Ying'er asked, trying to get back to him.

"Of course," Wang Lei nodded without any shame. He was a man, after all. There was no way he did not feel attracted to another gender. He was not gay after all.

"So, you are a pervert?"

"Not as much as certain someone who likes to be tied in a turtle position and then would grab someone's privates in the disguise of servicing them."

"Hehehe!" seems like Wang Lei again remembered the thing that happened in the bath, making her start to laugh with killing intent again.

Wang Lei ignored her and looked back at the Issei while other girls from the school were pointing their fingers towards him while whispering to each other with blush faces.

"To think that Ddraig would have the host this weak. It is disappointing," Albion said as she looked at Issei, who was laughing creepily.

"Sigh... it is also a form of fate, I guess. Let's go. We are going back."

"You are not going to take Ddraig?"

"Not yet. I'll do it later. For now, I have guests to receive," Wang Lei shook his head as he started to walk back to his shop.

It was not that he did not want Ddraig to come back, just that it was time for his daughter and little sister to come here. He did not want to make them wait.

Albion shrugged and followed after Wang Lei with still mumbling Ying'er.

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