King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 134 - Nekopara; World Eater

AN: Unedited chapter. Do not if find any mistake, thank you.


Transporting in front of Rias's house, Koneko silently stood there. She was still in shock that Wang Lei was a father. But she shook her head. It doesn't matter to her. As long as Wang Lei did not leave her, she did not mind him having more than one girl.

Getting out of her thought, she walked towards Rias's house. Opening the door, she entered, "… I am home."

Saying her greetings, she walked inside to see Rias sitting on a couch and watching anime on a big TV.

"Koneko?" with a raised brow, Rias looked towards Koneko, "Weren't you were following Issei? Did anything happen to him?"

To her question, Koneko shook her head. She thought whether she should tell Rias about Wang Lei or not.

"Nothing, huh… I thought Fallen Angel would be after him, but it seems that I was wrong," Rias wandered. According to her information, Fallen Angel's were after Issei or, more specifically, after his gear.

Rias wondered if they think he is dead.

"Anyway, since nothing happened to him, we can invite him to ORC (Occult Research Club) tomorrow," Rias said as she placed bisects in front of Koneko, who silently started to munch on them.

Hearing her, Koneko nodded before returning back to her eating.


Feeling the morning rays falling onto his face, Wang Lei opened his eyes.

Looking down, he saw Remia sleeping, using his ċhėst as a pillow. Her nȧkėd body was hidden under a blanket.

Smiling, Wang Lei bent down and gently kissed her forehead.

Moving a little, she adjusted her position, getting closer to him as their skins brush each other.

"Good morning," Wang Lei said, to which Remia nodded and closed her eyes.

Wang Lei also did not disturb her and enjoyed the peaceful morning.

"I was thinking of opening a café. Do you want to work for it? Since I don't want to hire other people as our café would be involved with the supernatural side of the world a lot."

"Are you not going to invite other girls?"

With a wry smile, Wang Lei sighed, "Don't you know them? They would cause chaos if they become part of the café. Leaving coffee part alone to Yue'er, every other aspect related to cooking is… not too good for them."

Remia chuckled, hearing him, "Not too good? Why don't you say that if they become part of the café, then this café would shut down the day it opened. And extra trouble with media and government for killing our employs."

Wang Lei giggled, "So you get it? Well, that's the point. I don't want people that come here to die."

Remia nodded.

"Okay. I'll become the chief of the café. Is mother also going to be part of it?"

"Why not? She is going to get bored soon if she didn't have anything to do. Becoming a part of a café can bring some fresh air to her daily life."

"What about Shizuku? She came here before us, right? I didn't see her yesterday."

"She…" Wang Lei smiled before replying, "went on a trip to the underworld. Saying stuff like she wanted to check all forms of magic. She is really treating this world as a part of an RPG game."

Remia didn't say anything and just smile. She knew Shizuku loved playing games. So, it was no surprise that she was treating this world as an RPG.

"But what should I name our café?" Wang Lei wandered. He has been thinking for quite some time, but he still could find a name for it.

'Yue's Café, maybe? Or Yue's playground? Primal Chaos Café? Primal Chaos Dimension Coffee Café?' Wang Lei was thinking of all kinds of names that came to his mind, trying to find a perfect name for his café.

"How about Nekopara Café? Myu, Nuwa, and Su Ling'er watched this… em… anime. They really liked it," Remia suggested, remembering her daughters watching this particular anime. It was also one of the anime that she watched.

"Nekopara?" Wang Lei suddenly remember watching such anime before.

'Catgirls, huh…,' with his hand on his chin, Wang Lei rubbed it in deep thought, 'Should I try it? I should.'

"Then Nekopara it is. Our café will be called Nekopara Café. But without the main cast, it will feel weird, don't you think?"

"You mean…," looking at the grinning face of her husband, Remia knew that she would be greeting two catgirls soon.


"This energy really is more versatile than Profound Energy… but weaker," the Brahma Goddess said as she raised her hand and a ball of fire created on it.

"I can interact with elemental laws more freely… really amusing," looking at the ball of fire vanishing and a ball of water being created, Ying'er narrowed her eyes.

"Can I use this energy to get more understanding of Elemental Laws?" she wondered. If she could get mastery of elemental laws, then she might be able to ascend to True God Realm!

"But before that," Ying'er closed her eyes as her consciousness sank into her body, to the seal on her veins, "I have to do something about this seal. It is using some kind of energy to seal my veins. But with enough energy, I can break it."

She has been examining this seal since she has come here, in this world. Even while talking with others or going out with Wang Lei, she has been examining this seal.

Qianye Ying'er was a genius. She had a great comprehending ability and with enough focus, she finally could see a way to break this seal. Though her method was a forceful one. For a mellow one, she needs to examine it further.

"It will take some time, but I can break this seal if given enough time."



Two lolis, one with silver platinum hair and the other with red, were glaring at each other with their aura flaring around them, distorting the space between them.

"To think we will meet again, my rival," Albion said as she raised her head, looking down on Ddraig.

"Yeah… who knew we would meet again… especially, daddy," Ddraig nodded.



"Do you want a fight? Today is the day that I will prove to the world that I, Albion, is the strongest Heavenly Dragon!"

"Heh! That is what you said the last time before getting sealed!"


"I, what?!"

As Ddraig and Albion were glaring at each other as if to eat the other alive, some distance away were sitting tree lolies as they were silently eating.

One of them was eating a sword — a quite bizarre scene — while the others were eating cakes.

The one who was eating the sword seems to enjoy it a lot, evident with the blessed expression on her face.

While the other, the one with long silver hair, was silent. She did not have any facial expressions. With her stoic face, she quietly ate her cake.

While the third one had long black hair that was releasing black miasma around her and mumbling to herself.

"Master's sword is really the best!" said the red-haired loli — something that could be mistaken easily.

"Hm," the black-haired loli nodded in agreement, even though she was eating cake and not a sword.

While the third one just kept muttering, "Master is really a pervert! Giving birth to dragons here and there! A pervert!"

They were the trio sword spirits of Wang Lei — Hong'er, You'er, and Evil.

"You should not eat this much, Miss Hong'er, Miss You'er," a girl with long silver hair tried to stop them. She was wearing a maid uniform with a rapier attached to her hip as she stood beside the lolies like an attendant.

She was also one of Wang Lei's sword spirits, AnBai.

"It's okay~! I won't get a bad stomach from eating much!" Hong'er said and continued to chip on the sword — really makes one wonder about how she was eating a sword that could be considered a legendry sword.

You'er just nodded her head in confirmation.

"How can master be so rude?! He has me so why he goes for other girls?! So indecent!" Evil did not seem to hear AnBai and was still in her own fantasy.

Seeing this, AnBai shook her head. She really was having a hard time taking care of these girls. Every single one of them had its own perk.

"Ara~, such a lively atmosphere~," Dongxue, who was sitting on the terrace from where the sun rays were coming, and drinking tea, said.

Just then, Wang Lei came out with an absent face — as if thinking about something.

"Good morning, master. Do you need tea?" hearing AnBai, Wang Lei came out of his thoughts and nodded, "Where is per—I mean, where is Ying'er?"

"She is still in her room. It seems that she is still sleeping," Anbai replied as she poured a cup of tea for him.

"I see… can you wake her up? I need her to come with me somewhere."

AnBai nodded before leaving towards Ying'er's room while Remia joined Dongxue.

'Yue, can you tell me the specific coordinates of a certain universe?' Wang Lei questioned his system.

'Hmm… as long as master pays for it.'

'How much?'

'10k SP for a single Universe!'

'Can you show me my currency?'


[Current Currency: 864,824 SP]

Looking at his currency, Wang Lei nodded.

'Give me the coordinates of Nekopara Universe.'

[Ding! Sending coordinates!]

[Universe: Nekopara]

[Coordinates: XXX/YYY/ZZZ]

"You have called me, master?" smiling gently, as if an angel, Ying'er asked.

"Yeah, we are going somewhere… to pick some cats," nodding, Wang Lei said, ignoring the fact that he could feel mana circling around her.

"Cats?" Ying'er asked confused. Why are they going to pick up cats?

"Yes," with a smirk on his face, Wang Lei continues, "Cats. Special cats for our café."

Looking towards Dongxue, Wang Lei asked, "Mother, where are Myu, Nuwa, and Ling'er?" he looked around but did not see them. He wondered if they were still sleeping.

"They have gone out to look around the town and getting more familiar," Dongxue replied while sipping her tea.

Wang Lei nodded, "When they come back, tell them to ready themselves to go to school."

Dongxue raised her brow but did not question him and nodded. If it was something Wang Lei decided, then she knew that it would be beneficial for them.

"Let's go," Wang Lei said before placing a hand on Ying'er's shoulder before vanishing.


Appearing on the roof of the building, Wang Lei touched his chin.

'Now I have coordinates… let's try messing with world boundaries then,' he thought before raising his hand in front of him.

Primordial Energy started to gather as space started to shake.

Ying'er eyes opened in surprise as she could tell that the energy, he was using was not mana or Profound Energy.

'What energy is he using?'

Ying'er's whole focus was on the energy Wang Lei was using, trying to understand it.

Seeing that he has gathered enough energy, Wang Lei gripped his hands as the space distorted and broke into tinny fragments.

A black hole opened in front of them, but it did not have any attraction. — in a sense, it was just a wormhole and not a black hole.

"Let's go," taking Ying'er's hand, Wang Lei walked into the wormhole and vanished from the DxD Universe.


Pitter-patter* Pitter-patter*

Heavy rain was falling, wetting the inhabitant of this city — Tokyo!

In a certain park, there was no one. Not because it was raining, but because it was also afternoon. And no one would visit apart during the heavy rain.

At the entrance of the park, there was a small box with the words 'Please Pick Me!' written on it.

Tak* Tak*

A male and a female were walking in the direction of the box when suddenly the space in front of them, not so far away, started to show distortion.

Both the boy and the girl stopped in their tracks as they saw the weird phenomena happening in front of their eyes.

As they were watching, the distortion stopped. But, to their astonishment, small cracks started to form in the air — a complete inexplicable scenario.

"Onii-sama… are you seeing what I am seeing?"

"I am Shigure, I am."

As the boy and girl conserved, space completely shattered and from it came two people.

On was a male with long beautiful silver hair as it drops at his back. He was wearing loose Yukata with Haori.

With him was a girl that had long blond hair. She was wearing a French maid uniform. She also had a mask on her face.

Seeing these two, the boy and the girl froze in their tracks. They have never seen such… beautiful people before. Well, though the male was more handsome than beautiful.

"Hm… I think we are at the right place," Wang Lei said as his gaze fell upon the frozen boy and the girl.

"Where are we?" Ying'er frowned, feeling no energy in the air.

"Didn't I tell you? We are here to pick up cats."

Ying'er remained silent as she knew talking with Wang Lei was useless. This guy never told her anything and would continue to beat around the brush.

The boy and the girl saw the man's gaze leaving them and landing on the box near the park entrance.

"There it is. It seems that we entered the right timeline," Wang Lei said as he walked towards the box that was getting wet due to the rain.

A frown took on his face as he waved his hand.

The boy and the girl dropped on the buŧŧs as they saw the sky split into two! Not in the literal sense, but that is what they were seeing currently.

The clouds above the sky were split into two as a long divide was created between them. It felt like someone has cut the sky into two pieces.

Going down to his one knee, Wang Lei opened the box.

Inside the box, there were extremely cute two girls. One with brunette hair while the other with a white and subtle pink undertone.

Both were tightly closing their eyes with a frown on their faces. They had water droplets on their body, must have fallen from the box — water of rain that it could not stop.

As the rays of the sun fell on their faces, both little girls opened their eyes as it fell upon Wang Lei.

Smiling gently, Wang Lei cleaned the water droplets from their faces, "Let's go. From now on, you will be part of my family."

The two girls kept staring at Wang Lei until they felt their eyelids getting heavy as they fell asleep.

Seeing they slept, Wang Lei smiled before picking them up.

"Come here, Ying'er. Pick the white one."

Hearing him, Ying'er curiously looked at the girl and picked her up. Looking at her cat ears and tail, with her cute face, a little blush float on Ying'er face that vanished right away.

Picking and carrying the other one in his hand, Wang Lei again raised his hand and rip open space.

"Let's go. We'll go back."

"Did we come here for them?"

"Yes," Wang Lei confirmed before he walks into the wormhole with Ying'er following behind.

The boy and the girl were still there, sitting on their buŧŧs.

"Onii-sama… was that God?"

"I don't know…"


"Look, look, look! How does this look?" Myu asked as she jumped happily while checking different clothes on her.

"Hm… I think the other one suited you better Myu," Su Ling'er gave her opinion as she pointed at the previous set of clothes.

"Eh, really? Hmm… do you think Papa will like it?" Myu asked with a little blush on her face, making the near customers have weird faces.

"Hehehe! Do you think Big Brother cares? As long as it is you who is wearing, it would be beautiful in his eyes," Nuwa giggled, hearing Myu.

"Hehehe~, really? You are making Myu blush. Stop it~!" with both hands on her face, Myu wiggled at her place, embarrassed.

"But… we have to find a way to make Big Brother notice us as a girl!" Nuwa said seriously.

"I don't think we need to do that…" Su Ling'er mumbled to herself. She was the oldest of the bunch and knew that if they were to confess to Wang Lei, he might take them to the bed without any further talk. Thinking this, a blush crept on her face as her imagination went wild.

'He will make me do this and that! D-Do-Doggy style and other styles!'

After spending their time in Arifureta, on the internet, none of the three girls had pure mind any longer. It seems that their minds were corrupted long ago.

"Say… should Myu start calling Papa, Daddy?"

At her question, both Nuwa and Su Ling'er looked at her weirdly.

"W-what a-are you guys looking at?!"

"Nothing… but I didn't know that you were into that big sister Myu…" Nuwa said with a little blush on her face.

"Hm, Hm! Myu is a girl of culture!" Su Ling'er nodded like a wise sage. After watching anime for 7 years, she was proud of Myu.

"W-what?! No! Myu thinks that it is cute… since sister Albion and sister Ddraig also call him Daddy," Myu tried to justify herself, but it was all in vain as Nuwa and Su Ling'er were staring at her.

"A-anyway! Let's buy the clothes," averting her eyes from them, Myu went back to choosing clothes.

Su Ling'er and Nuwa smirked before following her; they all ignored the people around them, who were looking at them with suspicions and weird eyes.


As space was ripped open in front of the soon-to-open Nekopara café — Wang Lei and Ying'er exited the portal with two little cat girls in their hands, who were sleeping soundly.

Both entered the café, gaining the attention of the girls.

"O my," the first one to say something was Dongxue, who saw two little girls in his hand.

'Did he put his hands-on child now?! Damn son!'

Remia, who saw the two girls smiled wryly, 'He really brought them…'

"Who are they, master?" Evil asked, curiously looking at the two girls in his hands.

"They will be your sisters in the future, take care of them, okay?" patting her head, Wang Lei said before placing the girl in his hand on the couch. Ying'er also laid the girl on the couch, though one could see the reluctance in her eyes that was hidden well.


"With this, our café is ready to open!" Wang Lei clapped, gaining everyone's attention, "But… since it is called Neko-para café, we will have cat uniform as our main theme," looking at confused Ying'er, a smirked took place on Wang Lei's face, "So, I'll order some perfect clothing for our pretty perverted maid."

Ying'er did not know what cat uniform was and seeing Wang Lei's smirking face did not help at all.


Walking in the streets of Kuoh was a silver-haired boy.

He was gaining the attention of people in his surrounding but he ignored most of them as he kept walking. As he took a turn in the street, he crashed into someone.


Hearing the girlish sound, the silver-haired boy looked down at the blond-haired nun before extending his hand in her direction, "Are you alright?" asked the young man with a slightly low voice.

"Eh…yes!" seeing the confusion in the eyes of the girl, the man was confused but he did not question her.

"Thank you for helping me!... I am really glad since… umm… I've been trouble since I cannot speak Japanese."

The boy's eyes widen slightly as he nods, understanding her confusion.

"I see. You are new to this town? Where are you going? I'll lead you there," the silver-haired boy said, 'And I don't want to go to Wang Lei's shop so soon… since that bastard is going to make me work and would laze around! Dammit! I'll call Kaori once I am back, I really miss her,'

"Um… yes!... thank you!" the nun thanked Hajime, flustered, "I was looking for a church here, but due to not able to speak Japanese, I was not able to find it yet…" she said with a little troubled face.

"Church…," an unnatural expression floated on Hajime's face before turning back to normal. He really did not have a good experience with churches, "I see… there is only one abandoned church here. If you go in that direction, then you will reach it," pointing the direction of the church, Hajime said.

Taking a note, he wrote something before passing it to the blond nun, "Here, I have written the address on it. If you lost your way again, just show this to anyone and they would lead you."

"T-thank you very much! May God will bless you!" saying, the blond girl took the note from his hand before bowing, "Again, thank you. My name is Asia Argento!"

"Hm. Hajime Nagumo," nodding, Hajime replied.

Asia thanked him one last time before leaving in the direction of the church as Hajime's eyes narrowed, 'She has been followed by crows… I can also feel the aura of Sacred Gear from her.'

Hajime thought. He did not spend these seven-year doing jobs. He has collected enough information to know about certain things.

'But… the most important thing in this world will be "World Eater",' Hajime thought.

World Eater, as the name suggests, eats the world. It had first appeared during the Great War but vanished after that.

No one knows where it came from and where it went, except that it ate and killed most of the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels during the war before vanishing.

The leaders of the three sides fought it together, but even they could bȧrėly put a dent in it. After doing the carnage, it vanished — as if it was only giving the message of its arrival to someone.

'It doesn't matter anyway. If it came in our way, then all we have to do is to destroy it and eat it,' ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips, Hajime started to walk in the direction of the shop Wang Lei has to tell him about.

After walking for some time, he reached a shop. It was a two-story building with Nekopara café written at its entrance.

"Nekopara… he really is an Okatu," Hajime, as a fellow Otaku, nodded in understanding.


The bell rang as he opened the door. It was a normal café from the inside with a light theme in it and was lightened by dim yellow lights. It really made one relaxed just by staying inside.

Ignoring the first floor, Hajime walked to the second floor. As he opened the door to the second floor, a big spacious hall presented itself in front of him — something impossible if we take the size of the building into account.

"Mastha mastha, let's play~!"

"Hm, let's play."

Hajime's eyes fell upon Wang Lei, who was silently sitting and reading a book with two girls, one hanging on his long hair and pulling it, while the other had his robs in her hand and was pulling it.

Seeing the two girls, Hajime's become quiet. No matter what he thought, he was sure that these girls were definitely Vanilla and Chocola from the anime Nekopara — they were one of the main casts of it!

"This… he really went for full Nekopara theme!"

Shaking his head, his eyes now fell upon the blond girl that was releasing intense killing intent. But that was not what surprised him, but that the girl was wearing a mask and cat girl outfit.

"You are back, Lord Hajime. Please come in," looking at the last member of Sword Spirit God Clan, who was wearing silver cat ears with a silver tail behind her, Hajime one's again become quiet.

'… I should have Kaori wear this,' nodding, Hajime thought.

"Oh! You are back Hajime. I was waiting for you. Here, this is the accounting book of the café. Take care of it and tell me the normal budget of the café," throwing a book to Hajime, whose brow was twitching, Wang Lei said.

"And… what will you be doing?" Hajime asked.

"Hm? Me? Isn't it obvious that I'll laze around? I am the boss, after all."

"Bosh?" Chocola tilted her head, "Bosh," while Vanilla nodded her head as if she understood the meaning of life.


"What are you doing, little Hajime? Don't you see that there are kids here? Please your appropriate language," Wang Lei shook his head as if completely disappointed in him.

'I knew it! I should not have come with this bastard!'

"Jokes aside. Did you collect the information about this world?"

Seeing him asking a serious question, Hajime calms down.

Ying'er's attention also diverted towards them as now that she knows that she was not in Primal Chaos, she wanted to know more about it.

Nodding his head, Hajime started to explain what he learned during the past seven years.

After hearing everything, Wang Lei's eyes narrowed as a golden glint passes from it, "World Eater?"

He was sure that there was no such thing as World Eater in the cannon of DxD.

'So there is also someone else who is not from this world. Interesting.'


"Have got any information on him?"

"Yes. He has been reincarnated. It also seems that this one has the memories awaken completely."

"So His Excellence is finally here."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Heh! Don't worry. Lord has given us this. According to him, if it is fully grown, it can eat a whole system from the Lord's world! You understand what it means, right? Eating this whole word would not be far."

"Good! Just don't rush it. We don't want him finding of us. Lord is already getting impatient with all of this. The only reason you were reincarnated into this world is to full fill the wish of the lord. If you do that, the lord will give you the power to travel through different worlds."

"Different worlds, huh… can I go to Kuoh Academy now? I want to start my harem already!"

"…alright. Just don't let anyone know about your identity."

"Hm. Leave it to me. I have full knowledge of disguise art from the MC of Against the Gods. I can even disguise my aura so no one would be able to find me, not even the so call His Excellence you are talking about."

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