King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 20 - Cang Yue!

"haa~" Wang Lei woke up and stretched. He looked out the window and saw that it was morning. He stood up and went into the bath. Coming out he went towards the dining table.

It's been three years since he has introduced his guild to the Asgard and they have become part of it. In these years he has created many sub-branches on the profound continent. He started with Blue Wind Empire and gathered mortals and rogue cultivators and provide them with profound techniques and circulation methods. First, most people and sects ignored it but as more and more people found out that they can get basic cultivation techniques for free, it started to get famous.

Since it was quite profitable business other sects started to salivate after it. Well, not three Major Sects as they thought it was just an organization for mortals or weak cultivators but soon they realized how wrong they were like those little sects that tried to monopolize the guild just vanished within a day. When the investigation team was sent to check what happened they found out that the place where those sects once existed has become deserted with no living. Soon it was connected with the guild but no one had met or has seen its master before which made it even more mysterious. If that was not enough, the guild published that cultivators can get their entrances open with enough pay. Cultivators could give profound crystals, treasures, techniques, and information and the guild will decide its value accordingly.

This news sent the whole Blue Wind Empire or even those of other empires who got the news in turmoil. They started to send out their forces to find out whether it was true or not. But to their surprise it was. Some sects spent an enormous amount of crystals and other items to test it and were astonished as per the agreement, the guild opened all the entrances. With this, even other Empires started to salivate after guild. But their efforts were in vain as they could do nothing to the guild.

Other sects even tried to kidnap guilds workers but they found out that sometimes either worker was stronger than the kidnaper or before they could kidnap the kidnaper would vanish without anyone knowing where. With no choice of finding what was happening, they gave up. But then they found out that Asgard has become part of the guild. First, it was a rumor as most of Asgard's new disciple or even old disciple were found visiting the guild regularly, some even worked at the guild to gain CP. This sends another wave in the Blue Wind Empire as they thought that maybe Asgard was behind the guild but soon it was rejected as Asgard hasn't had such methods that the guild showed.

Heavenly Sword Villa's master, Ling Yuefeng, finding that Asgard has become a sect under the guild sent a letter to the Asgard Mistress for information. After finding out that he could also join the guild with certain conditions he talked with his father Ling Tianni about it. Ling Tianni hearing the preposition wanted to meet with the guild's master but his request was denied. Ling Tianni was angered by the arrogance that the guild showed to him. He wanted to attach it but was stopped by his son as there were too many unknown variables about the guild.

In the end, thinking about the benefit they could get by getting under it, they ended up joining it. Ling Yuefeng personally visited the main branch in the Blue Wind Capital and stated his thoughts of joining the guild. After reading the contract given to him by the worker there, he dropped a drop of blood on it. He started to hear a mechanical voice in his head. After talking with the worker about it he founded out that it was something called Assistance System which made the guild even a bigger mystery.

The news of Heavenly Sword Villa joining the guild made other sects shocked and started to contemplate whether they should join or not. In the end, all the Four Major and most of the small sects joined the guild.

After getting all the sects of Blue Wind Empire under the Guild, Wang Lei started to expand it to other Empires without getting their permission. Some Empires wanted to retaliate but after finding out that most of their sects were already under the guild they could only swallow the hard pill.

Divine Phoenix sect's master saw that the guild was taking over the whole Profound Continent wanted to stop it or at least let it get under him but when he attacked one of the branches he saw a massive island showing above his sect which released a beam that destroyed a massive portion of his sect. After that, it vanished with a warning of never to go against the guild or next time it would not be the area where no one lives but the whole Sect. He was angered but could do nothing. Just seeing that island he could tell that it was a profound treasure and with the destructiveness, it showed it was definitely above the mortal realm. In the end, he gave up. Since the guild was not ruling or taking any land under it except the place where its branches were built. It was a neutral organization that didn't interfere with others.

Of course, Four Sacred Ground also tried to investigate it but they got the same result, nothing. They didn't join the guild, instead, they started to make plans of taking it by force. Just the fact that it has a weapon above the mortal realm was enough to salivate most of the people.


"Can I have some juice" Wang Lei, the instigator of all this was sitting in the garden and was enjoying his breakfast. He has sent Qingyue to Asgard as it was the best place for practicing ice arts. She will be coming back soon as he has decided to go on his first World travel. He was 18 this year. He wanted to get bloodline now. He was already immortal as he has drunk <Drink of Youth> he created with <Ark of Embodiment> from the seven sins. Now he wanted a bloodline that would make his soul Immortal too. He has already selected the world from where he can get that bloodline. He has given the same drink to both of his parents and was waiting for Qingyue to completely grow before giving it to her. Same with Yuanba.

He was chilling when a servant came and told him that he had a guest waiting outside for him. He raised an eyebrow as it was rare for him to get a guest. Mostly came for medical treatment but today was his day off. Thinking he told the servant to bring them in.

"It is my pŀėȧsurė meeting you, Medical Prodigy" A beautiful and melodious sound came from his behind. He looked back and saw a girl about 17 with a man that looked to be in his sixties.

The girl was beautiful enough to make one's heart tremble; a pair of beautiful sparkling eyes with a gaze as soft as water, not containing even the slightest hint of arrogance. She exudes a noble and graceful aura that added to her charm. Her cherry-colored lips have the ŀuster of a smooth seashell. Her elegant eyebrows are crescent-shaped with beautiful pitch-black hair. The light smile that graced her lips that were as heartwarming as the smell of incense in a gentle breeze

Wang Lei smiled, "And who might be you, Little girl?"


"Father everything will be alright! You don't have to worry! I will go and meet Medical Prodigy. There are rumors that he can cure any disease!" A girl in her 17s' says to her father. Her father, Cang Wanhe, Emperor of Blue Wind Empire was laying on the bed. One could tell by seeing his face that he was ill. He worriedly looked at his daughter, Cang Yue.

He has been ill for a year now while his health kept on deteriorating. Many doctors have checked him but they couldn't find the reason for his illness. Even, Gu Qiuhong, Medical Saint couldn't solve the disease. They all said that his life vein was damaged and he had only five years to live. They even posted a Quest in the guild but, those who picked it said the same thing.

They were losing their hopes when a worker in the guild recommended Medical Prodigy. They all remembered that a Medical Prodigy was leaving far from the Imperial City. There were rumors that he could cure any disease. Knowing it, Cang Yue decided to go and meet him. For her, it was better than doing nothing and wait for death.

"Humph! What can a brat do? These are just rumors, princess! Not any can get the title of Medical Prodigy. It's just exaggeration!" Gu Qiuhong was quite annoyed. He didn't like this Medical Prodigy. According to the rumors he was just 18 this year. How could a boy of age 18 solve any disease? It was the same as saying that he has wasted his whole life doing nothing since he could not cure all disease but a boy of 18 could.

"Even if its rumor I want to give it a try! Who knows he may know the cure!" Cang Yue said. She hadn't wanted to lose hope yet. Her mother has died last year, now her father was ill and had only five years to live. How could she accept that?! She at least wanted to try.

Gu Qiuhong wanted to say something but was stopped by Cang Wanhe.

"If that's what you want then you can go, daughter! But take Qin Wuyou with you. He has just broken from Earth Profound and has entered Sky Profound! He will protect you" Cang Wanhe said. Even if he was ill that doesn't mean he was neglecting his duty as an emperor. He has sold many treasures, medicine, and profound crystals for the opening of Profound Entrances of Qing Wuyou and his brother Qing Wushang and other disciples from the inner palace, and because of that, their strength has tremendously increased.

"I understand father! Wait for me! I will heal you!" Cang Yue said with determination. She asked the servant to bring Qing Wuyou and walked towards the entrance of the castle.

"Princess, were you waiting for me?!" Qing Wuyou asked.

"Nothing! Let's go!" Cang Yue said and a flying profound beast appears in front of her. They mounted it and flew towards the Floating Cloud City.

It took them a day to reach the city. landing in the city they went towards Xia Manor. Reaching they asked the servant that they were here to meet Wang Lei. After some time, he came back and told them to follow him.

Reaching the garden Cang Yue saw a man sitting under the shade of a tree drinking juice. Seeing him her heart skipped a beat. She was mesmerized by the beauty that the scene was portraying. She looked towards him and did a graceful bow. "It is my pŀėȧsurė meeting you, Medical Prodigy"

She saw him checking her and then smiled, "And who might be you, Little girl?"


"I am Cang Yue and this is Qing Wuyou," Cang Yue said blushing.

Qing Wuyou was worriedly looking towards his princess. Seeing her blushing he didn't know what to say. He could tell that she has fallen in love with him. He could only sigh and bow to him in greeting.

"So it's our little princess and her guard." Nodding Wang Lei said, "Please come and sit."

Hearing him calling her little princess, Cang Yue felt buŧŧerflies in her stomach. She blushingly nodded and sat beside him. Qing Wuyou could only shake his head from the innocence of his princess and sat on the chair.

Seeing both of them have sat he passed the dishes and juices to them.

"Thank you!" Cang Yue said while drinking the juice and kept looking towards him. shyly. Qing Wuyou could only shake his head at his princess.

"So, why are you here, little princess?" Wang Lei asked while taking a sip from his juice.

Cang Yue started to explain about her father's illness. How they had called every doctor but none could save him. How they have posted a quest in the guild but those who took the quest said the same thing as other doctors. And that they have heard about him and thought of meeting him.

Throughout the whole talk, Wang Lei didn't say a thing and just listened quietly. He thought that the Emperor was quite an unlucky guy to get betrayed by someone who he believed completely. 'Hardest thing to predict is probably a man's heart'. In the end, Cang Yue had tears in her eyes.

"Then you want me to check your father and if could, prescribe him?" Wang Lei saw her nodding "Then… what is my payment?" Wang Lei asked shamelessly.

Hearing him both Cang Yue and Qing Wuyou's eyes went wide. They thought he would be touched by the story or show some other emotions but they never thought that the thing he would ask would be about payment.

"He is your Emperor! You should help if you can!" Qing Wuyou said, not believing what he heard.

"Indeed, he is. But there's no such thing as free lunch!" Wang Lei said nodding.

Wuyou wanted to say something but was stopped by Cang Yue.

"Then what is that you want, Sir?" Cang Yue asked.

Wang Lei had an ugly face "Please don't call me Sir, Little princess. Do your thing I am that old? You can call me Lei'er, Wang Lei or Young Noble"

Seeing his face, she apologized and blushed." Then Le… Le…"

"Hm?" Wang Lei smiled.

"Wa… Young Noble!" Cang Yue said. She was embarrassed right now. She wanted to call him intimately but could not. She wanted to find a hole and jump in it.

Qing Wuyou could only facepalm.

"Ahem* about the price…" Wang Lei made a thinking face while looking towards her. "How about you become my maid?"

"MAID?!" Qing Wuyou shouted. "Impossible! She is an imperial princess! How can she become your maid?!"

"Alright! I will become your maid if you can cure my father!" Cang Yue said with determination but one could see a light blush on her face.


"Enough Elder Wuyou! I have made my decision. If Young Noble can save father than I shall become his maid!" Cang Yue said.

Qing Wuyou hearing her could only stay quiet. He could not say anything but he thought he should talk with the emperor about this.

"Since it has been decided then let's go!" Wang Lei said while standing up.

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