King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 31 - Orochi

AN: Artemis name is changed into Yue///


'Why? Why is this happening? It's still the same! Even with the warning that person gave me I still couldn't save myself… Dammit… dammit! … I want to go home…' The boy looks up at the wall of the cave that he created from were some kind of liquid was dripping with a constant interval. Seeing the roof, he remembers the word of 'that person'. "If in the future you think this world doesn't deserve you then find me, little Hajime". Remembering it Hajime gritted his teeth, 'I have to find him… Fu*k this world! Fu*k the God… Fu*k everyone! I will survive and go back!'


Wang Lei who was walking at the 150th floor of the Orcus labyrinth looks at the roof and grins.

"What happened, Wang Lei?" Yue asked, seeing him looking at the ceiling and grinning. Qingyue also stopped and looked towards him.

"Nothing," Wang Lei said and started to walk, again.

Yue looked at the roof, then followed after them. It's been three days since she has been freed and every day, for her, was more enjoyable than the last one. In these days, she found out that both, Wang Lie and Qingyue, could use magic directly like her that made her surprise and happy at the same time. She was not alone. She also found out that they were not from this world that made her scared, thinking that one day they will leave her, but Wang Lei ȧssured her saying that he will take her with him that almost made her cry. At the moment, she kissed him which didn't end well with Qingyue hitting her head. She was sure if she was not a vampire than her head would have popped with that fist alone. But she could tell that Qingyue was not angry and just a little jealous.

Her life has turned from a girl sealed, in the depth of the abyss for eternity, into a girl that now had a big sister and someone she loved. She was staring at Wang Lei when she saw him looking at her, "Is there something wrong?" Shaking her, Yue smiled. "Nothing, I just thought that you look really~ handsome today"

Nodding Wang Lei said, "I always look handsome" he sighed, "It's a sin for me to be this handsome. Don't you think?"

Yue was speechless at how narcissists he was. Qingyue smiled hearing him. She knew her brother was a narcissist and egoistic sometimes. She looks at the front and released a fire arrow, killing the monster in front.

Yue looked at the monster that had a flower on its head and said, "Why do they flower on their heads?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's a fashion?" Wang Lei said in a playful way.

"You know it, right? Tell me!" Yue said, looking towards Wang Lei.

"Well, they are being controlled. That flower is like a hub connecting them with whoever is controlling them" Wang Lei shrugging his shoulders explained. Qingyue nodded. She has also found it.

Yue seeing as Qingyue asked, "You also knew that, big sister?"

Nodding Qingyue answered, "I did"

Yue asked, "Then why I couldn't found out?"

"That's because you practice mana while we don't. We practice energy that is above mana, giving us ultra-perception against other energies." Wang Lei explained. He was going to change her energy anyway. He thought it was the right time.

"There are other energies except for mana!" Yue asked with surprise. She has never heard that.

Nodding Wang Lei said, "There are many different energies that are stronger than mana. The one we use is called Primordial Energy which is the purest form of all energies."

Yue's eyes went wide with the discovery she made today. Excitedly, she looked towards him. "Can I also use it? I want to become strong enough to fight by Wang Lei's side!"

Smiling Wang Lei said, "Of course you can! Here, let me change your energy to Primordial Energy. It will hurt a little as I will be changing your body structure a little to match it with mine and Yue'er, ok?". He was first going to produce a set of Profound Veins then change her mana in Primordial Energy!

He touched her head, <You, from now on, possess profound veins>. Yue gritted her teeth as she felt a great amount of pain. Using her skill, <Pain Dampener> she decreases her pain. <You will not feel pain>, <Your energy shall change into Primordial Energy>, <You can, from now on, use skill <Analyze>>. As Wang Lei said, he felt his energy decreasing at a tremendous pace. In just 3 seconds, his energy was already spent more than half. Just as his energy was about to hit rock bottom it stopped. Sighing he looked at Yue who was checking her body and her eyes went wide.

Yue felt great changes in her body. She felt her body ascending to higher realms at a rapid rate. Getting the knowledge of the new skill, she used it on her.


323 years old, Female

Race: Vampire

Job: Divine Priestess

Level: 59

STR: 5285

DEF: 5259

AGI: 5259

VIT: Immortal (Energy Dependent)

MAG (Primordial Energy): 6993

RES: 5225


She slack-jawed looked at her status. She has never seen someone's status this high. She thought if her status was this high then what about Qingyue and Wang Lei who were stronger than her?

Wang Lei seeing her status nodded. Now, she has officially entered the 2nd of Earth Profound while her mana changed to Primordial Energy raising it to the peak of Sky Realm. 'Being a Vampire lets you absorb more energy, huh'

"Now you can feel other energies more easily. Try it" Wang Lei said, pointing at the monster that was coming their way.

Yue nodded and looked at the monster, using Primordial Energy, she finds a thread-like connection of flower with the monster's brain, leading to an unknown location.

"Is the direction where the thread is going, the place of the controller?" Yue asked pointing in the direction from where the thread was coming from.

Patting her head, Wang Lei said, "Precisely, you are a genius Yue to be able to use it at your first try"

Smiling happily Yue said, "That's right. Good that you know"

Chatting, they continued their journey. After a week, they reached the last floor. Standing in front of the gate, they were looking at it.

"Is this the last floor?" Yue asked. She has never met someone who has cleared a labyrinth so she wasn't sure.

"Yeah, it is. I can feel a powerful presence from inside. Though I can beat it with ease" Wang Lei said, smiling smugly. 'A peak Sky Profound, huh'



[Jian Wang Lei]

18 years old, Male

Class: Creator

Level: ???

DEF: 7236

AGI: 7220

VIT: Immortal

END: ∞

MAG (Primordial Energy): 9298

RES: 7298


He has reached Emperor Realm two weeks ago while his energy was almost reaching the mortal limit and that was after he didn't cultivate but his body automatically absorbing Primordial Energy from the surrounding and with the experience shared between him and Qingyue. He was just astonished as to how a different cultivation environment could affect his speed in cultivation this much. The same was with Qingyue but she absorbed the monster energies too. She was 7th of Sky Profound but her energy was already reaching the peak of Emperor Realm. They were in this Labyrinth for a month now.

'Should I buy it now?' Looking at the door, he said, "We will go in now. Yue and Yue'er will be fighting the monster inside while I will watch from the sideline, ok?"

'Yue (A.I), buy the skill <Shadow Monarch>' Wang Lei internally said.

"Yes, master!"

[Ding! Skill <Shadow Monarch> has been brought]

[Ding! Skill <Shadow Monarch> with the help of <Word Magic> has evolved into <Absolute Shadow Monarch>!]

<Absolute Shadow Monarch: Lets the user to revive the shadows of the dead. Shadows are dependent on the user's energy>

Looking at the screen, Wang Lei smiled. He has once tried using the <Word Magic> to revive the dead monster's shadow but instead ended up reviving the monster itself. He found out that he can't revive something already dead. Like the shadows, they were never 'alive' to begin with.

SFX: the sound of heavy doors opening

He looked up and saw Qingyue and Yue, opening the door and making their way inside. He also followed them and went inside. A great hall showed itself in front of him with high pillars supporting the whole structure. They walked inside as a large magic circle bloomed below them, summoning a hydra.

"It's big!" Yue said, at which Qingyue nodded agreeing with her.

"Let's go!" Qingyue said as she vanishes and appears on one of the 6 heads of the hydra. She makes a griping motion and a sword appears in her hand. It was a simple long sword, the only thing that made it unique was a rainbow color gem at its hilt. It was the sword that Wang Lei had given her. It augmented her elemental powers to an extreme level.

<Elemental Sword Art: Crimson Moon>

Making a long vertical arc motion, Qingyue says. A huge crimson slash comes out of the sword, decapitating one of the heads. Another head tries to bite her but before it could reach it, a Javelin of fire comes, piercing and destroying it.

Qingyue looks at the direction from where the Javelin came from and sees Yue standing there. Nodding towards her, she continues her fight by doing a horizontal slash beheading another head. Dodging lighting breath released from one of the head, she appears beside Yue who raises her hand <Azure Blaze> and a huge sphere of blue-white flames with the 20 meters in diameter is created taking additional two heads with only one remain. Normally, Yue could only create the sphere of 6 to 7 diameter with her mana reserve but with her energy changing to Primordial Energy, she could now summon 20 meters one with only half the previous usage of energy.

The remaining head sees as it is the only one left and roars in anger. Mana started to gather in its mouth as it releases it in the direction of them. A huge white beam of light travels towards them but before it reached them, it started to freeze and comes at halt just before Qingyue's palm that she has raised in <Aurora Breath> 's direction.

<Touch of Death>

Gently blowing towards it, shattering it into tiny pieces of ice. Yue looks at this with an incredulous look. "What was that, Big sister?"

"It is part of the art that brother created," Qingyue says.

Yue nodded. Since it was Wang Lei then anything was possible, is what she thought. Looking at the remaining head, she gathers her remaining energy <Thunder lord's Judgement> six spheres of lighting encircle the last head, forming to a ring of lighting then creating a larger sphere at the center of the ring, which electrifies the hydra while preventing it from escaping, and burns it to death. With the loss of her all energy, Yue wobbles and was about to fall when she felt something soft behind her. Looking behind she saw Qingyue and her ċhėst, 'Huge…'.

Wang Lei was silently looking at their whole fight. He was quite surprised by Yue's magic that had enough strength to match the peak of Sky Profound Realm, especially her <Azure Blaze> and <Thunder Lord's Judgment>. He walks in front of the corpse of the hydra <Arise>. The word that could send to shivers to any who heard it as it felt like a calling to their souls. A blue and dark shadow rises from the hydra forming an exact copy of it that kneels in front of him. "We heard you call, King!" A deep ancient voice resounds in the hall that startles Qingyue and Yue who was resting. They both look towards Wang Lei with incredulity.

"Your name shall be Orochi!" Wang Lei, remembering the name of a certain mythical creature, said.

"Orochi understands," Orochi says.

"I want you to guard here. If someone comes here, then kill him. If he/she is not able to destroy all of your heads don't let it pass. If they pass the test then you can come back to me, understand?" Wang Lei said.

"Understood!" Orochi says and hides in the shadows.

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