King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 33 - Great Reisen Labyrinth

AN: Meatball_san here! sorry for the late upload as I am quite busy these days with college and stuff. I will still try to upload as consistently as I can!


Wang Lei and co' were eating their breakfast when they heard a loud sound from the other side of the door. Qingyue and Yue looked alert, "Did someone reached the last floor?" Asked Yue. She was surprised as it was the same as climbing heaven for humans.

Nodding Wang Lei said, "You wait, I will go and check it". Both of them nodded. They were not worried about him. They thought that the only one who could stand before him was Ehit and no one else!

Wang Lei vanishes and appeared outside the hall. It was a mess as everything was destroyed. The whole destruction was caused by some high explosives. Looking at the side, he saw Orochi with three of his head missing. He has stopped his regeneration or the one fighting him will probably die. He looked at the person who was fighting with Orochi, and just as he thought—it was Hajime. He looked the same as original—only there was no Yue by his side. He silently watches as Hajime continues his fights with Orochi.


"So this is the last floor, huh?" Hajime said, standing in front of the huge door. He grins, "No matter what is on the other side, I will survive!" he said with conviction as he opens the door and enters the hall. Inside the hall was empty with no life to be seen. Confused he starts to walk towards the only gate in the whole hall. When he reached close to the gate, he felt a great presence lock on him. Vigilantly, he looks around him while taking out his gun and taking a fighting posture.

Soon he saw as something started to rise from the shadows that the pillars created. Soon it took the form of a hydra with six heads. Just from its presence and the pressure, it was releasing, Hajime could tell that it was stronger than him. But that didn't make him scared, instead, determination flashes through his eyes as he grins, maniacally.

"Welcome, Challenger! In the name of my King, I shall test you! If you can destroy all my six heads, then I shall let you pass. Otherwise, only death awaits you!"

Hajime, wide eye looks at the Orochi. It was the first time he met a monster that could talk. Narrowing his eyes, Hajime asked, "What do you mean by 'Your King'? Are you talking about Oscar Orcus, the maverick?"

Suddenly he felt pressure on him increasing, "Insolent! How can our King be the same as a mortal! Our King is the strongest being alive!" If Wang Lei was here, he would have cringed as how Orochi acted as a fanatical follower of a religion.

Hajime raised a brow, "Doesn't matter! If I destroy all you six heads; you will let me pass, right?"

"Indeed, that is what we said"

"Then wouldn't you die?" Hajime asked, curiously.

"Humph! We are brought back with the power of our King! If it was that easy to kill us, then we wouldn't call ourselves the servant of King!" Orochi said with a proud look.

Hajime didn't say anything else as he raised his gun and take aim at one of Orochi's head and fire. Orochi makes a slight turn with his head, dodging the bullet at the same time his other heads release different elemental spells.

Hajime saw that his attack was dodged. Seeing the incoming attacks, he dodges and starts to run circle while at the same time fires at Orochi's different heads. Most of his bullets were dodged while others that hit him didn't result in much damage. 'He doesn't have flesh!!' Dodging another barrage of elemental attacks, Hajime takes distance from Orochi. From behind he took out a railgun and takes a stance with it. Energy started to gather at its tip. Orochi felt a threat from the rail gun. A beam was released at a supersonic speed reaching Orochi in seconds, before he could understand what happened, he was already missing his three heads. Angrily, Orochi uses his breath attack. Seeing three kinds of different elemental breath coming towards him. Hajime takes out a giant shield, placing it in front of him—blocking the breath. Hajime starts to run towards Orochi with tiny explosives in his hand. Though they, indeed, looked tiny but every single one of them had tremendous explosive powers. Reaching Orochi, he uses <Swift Step> with <Aerodynamic Step> appearing behind every head and planting the explosives. Orochi confusedly looks towards him. "What did you do, human?"

Devilishly smiling, Hajime's answers, "Nothing!" and fires towards the explosives. Orochi simply dodges the attach not knowing that it was attended for the explosives. Boom! A loud explosive sound was heard as Orochi's remaining three heads blasts off.

Clap* Clap* Clap*

Cautiously looking from where the sound came from, Hajime's saw Wang Lei sitting there and clapping. Seeing him—his eyes went wide—there were many different emotions in them, but the most evident one was happiness. Holstering his gun, he walks towards him.

"You have grown stronger, little Hajime!" Wang Lei exclaimed, happily.

"But not as strong as you!" Hajime said while narrowing his eyes. Even now—where he can tell that he has reached the strongest being under Ehit and his apostles—he couldn't feel an ounce of strength from Wang Lei. It was like he existed, yet he didn't.

Wang Lei smiles widen, "Well, that is pretty much impossible! But you shouldn't feel down as you have already reached a level that is quite impossible for the humans of this world to reach—as long as they are not any other race,"

Hajime's eyebrows twitched, "Can you send me back in my main world?" He asked seriously. His only wish was to go back to his world. He didn't want to stay in this godforsaken world—wait! But a god does exist in this world.

Hearing him Wang Lei raised a brow, "Are you sure? Don't you want to revenge from the one who throws you in this abyss or Ehit who brought you in this world without your or anyone else consent? If not, then I will be disappointed in you, little Hajime,"

Hajime frowns, does he want to take revenge on those who brought him in this situation? He knew what he dėsɨrėd from his heart was to return home. But was that alright? Did he want revenge? Remembering his time, he spent in this abyss, the despair that he had to go through. The pain and torture he went through. Gritting his teeth, Hajime's says, "You are right! I want to take revenge!" Flames of anger burst in his eyes.

Wang Lei smiles widen, "Perfect! Letting those, who want you dead is the same as letting the person who rȧpėd your mother go! Both will return for more. Now, before that, you need to know who I am and why I am here—in this world."

Hajime was also curious about Wang Lei's background. So, he listened with focus. "Well, to start with, my name is Jiang Wang Lei; you should call me Wang Lei. I am from…" So Wang Lei explained his origin as to how he was not from this world and how or why they—Qingyue and him— came to this world and the ring that he wears means. About the concept of the guild and how he was going to open one in this Universe.

Hajime was dizzy with all the information that he got from him. He knew that Wang Lei was special but he never thought that a total Universe could exist. He has read the concept of parallel Worlds but not a completely different Universe. He was even more surprised when he heard about the guild and the role of the ring that he wore. He—suddenly—felt a great responsibility on his shoulders. He was not an idiot like before, and would never reject his offer to make him Vice-Guild leader.

Wang Lei explained everything necessary for Hajime to know. He was wondering, next time he should just directly transfer the information to the brain as it was quite a hassle to explain everything every time.

Hajime silently stood at his place to digest everything that he learned today. After 30 minutes of information digestion, Hajime's asked, "So, I would need all ancient magic if I want to take my revenge with Ehit and to return home?"

"About your revenge with Ehit—well, forget it. Anyway, if you want to return your world then, indeed, you need to require all ancient magic. If you want to show me your worth, then at least conquer all the labyrinth and defeat—at least—three of Ehit apostles" Wang Lei said. Right now, Hajime was, with his mana and strength, close to the 4th of Sky Profound. If his abilities and skills were added, then he could probably fight with a peak Sky Profound. Wang Lei was wondering that using an unorthodox way of gaining strength like Hajime was not bad. As long as, one could bear all that bone wrenching pain then he could pave a fast way to the top. He was wonder if Hajime ate a monster in another world; will he get its stats too? If he could, then it was worth giving it a try.

"Well, let's go inside…" Throwing a space ring in his direction, Wang Lei continues, "You need to acquire <Creation Magic> first… Orochi!" With his call, different shadows merge to make Orochi that enters his shadow.

Hajime was curiously looking at the ring while following him, when he saw the monster that he just fought, merging with his shadow. Surprised he asked, "So, you are the Kind he was talking about! How did you create that?"

While walking towards the end of the hall, Wang Lei answers, "Just a skill of mine."

Hajime nodded in understanding. There were many inexplicable skills out there. He thought it was probably a unique skill.

Reaching the end of the hall, they both entered it. Hajime surprised looks inside. He was a Synergist, and so, he could tell that everything created inside is by the hand of another Synergist.

Wang Lei took him to the magic circle and let him stand on it. After obtaining <Creation Magic>, Wang Lei gave him minerals or ores that he found here—not all—but just enough for him to create the weapons that he wants. Wang Lei also restored his lost hand.

Today was the end of the week, and they were also leaving the labyrinth. Hajime wanted to stay and study <Creation Magic> so, Wang Lei didn't bother him. Gathering above the magic circle that let them go out, they were teleported in another room. It was dark with no light but was not a problem for them. Yue didn't like dark places and Wang Lei knew that—that's why he took her hand to ȧssure her that she was not lonely.

Getting out of the room, they found themselves in a barren land with no vegetation in sight.

"It is Risen Gorge. I have studied in a book that magic doesn't work here or at least that was supposed to happen" Yue said by creating a small fireball on her finger.

"Well, it's not a surprise as we don't use Mana, to begin with." Wang Lei said, looking around the area.

Yue nodded in understanding.

"Where we going from here, brother?" Qingyue asked.

Wang Lei looked towards the west and smiles, "Just to save a little girl that has spent millennia alone!"

Yue tilted her head, "Little girl?"

Qingyue also looked towards him.

"Hm, don't worry about it. Whether I would like to ask you two if you want to come with me or just start your adventure. I mean, if you stay with me then—indeed—you will become strong but it will hinder your growth." Wang Lei said. He didn't know about Yue but Qingyue needed more experience. She also needed to create more friends or she will remain alone.

"I will go with you, Wang Lei," Yue said. She didn't want to be alone anymore so she thought of going with him.

"What about you Qingyue?" Wang Lei asked.

"I will also stay with you. Since going alone would be boring." Qingyue said.

Nodding Wang Lei said, "Let's go then, I know where to find the next labyrinth"

They followed after him, towards the Great Reisen Labyrinth. The way towards the Labyrinth was uneventful as all the monsters that came in their way were killed within a second. After walking for about an hour, they were now standing in front of a little cave. Following in they found out a tablet with something written on it.

"Welcome! Miledi Raisen's Doki Waku Great Labyrinth~" Yue read the worlds that made everyone silent.

Ignoring the world, Yue went towards the wall and pushes it, creating an entrance; leading inside the labyrinth. They entered the labyrinth and were attacked with arrows that they all dodge without much of an effort.

It was a labyrinth that was needed to be conquered without the use of magic which was useless on them. So, it didn't take them long enough to reach the end of the room where different platforms where floating in the air—defying the gravity.

"This… how are they flying all these subjects?" Qingyue asked curiously.

Wang Lei raised his hand and made a griping motion, condensing the platform in a tiny particle before destroying it.

Suddenly a huge golem appeared in front of them, releasing intimidating aura. Just as Yue and Qingyue were about to attach 'it'. It spoke. "Yahoo! Nice to meet you! I am the one beloved by all, Miledi Raisen-chan!" the whole room went into a strange silence. "Ara? No reply? That's no good manners, you know! Good Heavens! Youngsters these days…"

"Emm… who are you, again?" Yue asked, confused. Miledi Raisen should be dead.

The big golem pouted—or at least tried. "Moo~ I have told you that I am beloved by all, Miledi Raisen!"

Yue had a frown on her head, "But, Miledi Raisen, should be dead… and she was a human girl, not a golem. According to the Memoirs I read in Oscar Orcus labyrinth"

"Ohhhh~ You already have been to that Old Man's labyrinth! What did he say about me?" Miledi asks.

"Nothing. Now, answer my question, you should be human, right?" Yue askes again.

"My appearance is due to 'God's Age' Magic! If you want to know more than defeat me~" Miledi said, merrily. It's been more than a thousand years since she talks to anyone—it made her excited.

"It's because of <Spirt Magic>, right? And with the help of Oscar Orcus, she created a golem to accommodate her soul; as to become pseudo-immortal!" Wang Lei explained.

Hearing him, Yue and Qingyue nodded while Miledi cautiously looks towards him. "You know a lot, boy. What's your name and your purpose of acquiring the 'God's Age' Magic?" Her cheerful air changed into that of a tigress—ready to pounce on her target at any given moment.

Both Qingyue and Yue entered their fighting stance. "You want to know? Then defeat me and I will tell you~" Wang Lei said, playfully.

A red glint appears in the golem eyes of Miledi, "Very well then! I hope you are ready to not-to-die by the hand of the Miledi-chan!"

"Yue and Yue'er—you both step back. I will fight her." Wang Lei said. He wanted to fight someone for some time now but couldn't find a worthy opponent. But she was perfect.



[Miledi Reisen (Golem)]

2000+ Years Old, Female

Race: Human (Golem: Azantium Ore)

Job: Divine Priestess

Level: ???

STR: 9261

DEF: 8894

AGI: 7256

VIT: Immortal (Soul)

END: 8485

MAG: 9485

RES: 9256


Her stats were in Sovereign Realm! 'Well, she was called the Strongest Magician for a reason'. Wang Lei grins. "Now let's get started, shall we?" Cracking his knuckles, Wang Lei said.

"Don't regret it, ok~?" Miledi said as she raises her fist and throws it towards him with <Gravity Magic> bound.

Wang Lei didn't dodge, instead, he also throws his fist towards the coming fist. His fist looked like quite small when compared to hers'. Both fists collide, producing intense waves. Boom! Wang Lei was thrown downwards, crushing many platforms in his way.

"Wang Lei!" "Brother!" Qingyue and Yue shouted at the same time.

"Ara~ I thought you were stronger then this~" Miledi said.

"Hehehe~ that's right! I am indeed stronger than this! But if I use my whole strength then we would not be able to enjoy this fight!" Wang Lei said coming out of the debris. His clothes were a mess, but there was no wound on his body. He crouches a little, gathering power in his legs, he launches himself towards her. Making another fist, he throws it at Miledi; who also throws another fist towards him. But this time with more Gravity—enough to destroy a mountain!

Again, punches collide. But unlike before, Wang Lei didn't last a second, before he was again thrown away. This time one could see that he was missing his dominant hand. "You will die; you know~," Miledi said. She was a Golem, made from the strongest metal; and with her <Gravity Magic> it was close to impossible to win against her in terms of strength.

Wang Lei didn't say anything. He never felt like this before; he felt his body boiling—in excitement. His grin was reaching his ears—looking quite devilish. His hand started to heal, within seconds, it was back to normal. "Let's continue shall we~"

Miledi in surprise looks towards him, "That is some inhumane regeneration! Are you a Vampire?"

"Vampire? Heh~ sorry to disappoint you but I am immortal!" Wang Lei said. His regeneration was many times powerful than this world's vampires. Though, he still hasn't taken a blood essence of Yue and upgrades it. According to the system, he can upgrade the blood essence of any bloodline to God-tier! And God-tier of Vampire was complete immortality in all senses.

Hearing it, Miledi finally becomes serious. "Though I don't know how you achieve it, I will see it with my own eyes. Whether you are immortal or not!" Her eyes shone and different platforms started to fall towards him at high speed.

"That isn't going to work you know!" Wang Lei said and took his fist back. There was a golden glow in his eyes before he released his fist, <Detroit Smash>! The huge condensed wind pressure was released—destroying every single platform. "My turn!" Wang Lei launches himself towards Miledi and throws a punch straight at her <United States of Smash>! Miledi feeling the power behind the punch, shield herself with her hands in cross—in front of her.

Wang Lei punch hits her hand, creating a massive shock wave that makes the air around them reverberate. "…Ugh" Miledi hands shattered as she drops on the ground, shaking it—as if an earthquake.

"Fhu~ is that all?" Wang Lei said, releasing the breath.

"Not now!" Miledi said. Wang Lei felt dangerous. Hurriedly, teleporting away he saw that the place he was standing was destroyed. "<Gravity Magic> is really something else, huh". He said as he saw thousands of platforms launching towards him. If it was just platforms, then he would have just destroyed them. But every single platform here had its gravity increased to match a continent. He was wondering just how proficient was she with this magic. He smiled. Talking his fist back and talking a stance <Sky Destroyer Fist>! It was a punch based on <Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique>. Li Qiye created it with his understanding of <Physique Scripture> and Wang Lei, possessing <Li Qiye's Eyes of Heaven>, also created it with the understanding that reached the same level as Li Qiye!

Miledi saw with horror as he throws his punch. The platforms, instead of destroying, silently turned to dust. Miledi looks up and saw the sky. She couldn't believe as his punch—not only destroyed the platforms—it destroyed the very structure of the labyrinth. She was sure if that fist was aimed towards her or the earth, then everything would have destroyed—leaving nothing behind! "…monster"

"Hah… hah…" Wang Lei breathes heavily. It was a technique that used most of his physical and magical energy. He felt as if his weight doubled because of exhaustion. "It's my win, Little Miledi"

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