King Of Seven Realms

Chapter 83 - End of Azure Cloud Continent Arc with a little NSFW*

Wang Lei came out of the cave with You'er in his arms. She seemed to be sleeping comfortably, judging from her expression, which seemed to relax.

Wang Lei looked around him, now clean crevice. All the dark profound energy was absorbed and fed to his pets.

Now there was no dark energy left here – just a normal cliff.

'With this, even if the barrier protecting this place is destroyed, there will be no problem.' Wang Lei thought and started to walk towards where AnBai was.

After a minute, Wang Lei reached the place and saw AnBai silently sitting on a rock protruding out of the wall.

She seemed to perceived his presence as she stood up and looked in his direction.

But then her eyes fell upon You'er in Wang Lei's arms; surprise flashed on her face.

You'er appearance, except her hair, was exactly identical to that of Hong'er. It was no surprise that she was confused and astonished to see You'er.

Wang Lei reached in front of her as AnBai bowed, "You are back, master," then her gaze fell upon You'er, "She…"

Smiling, Wang Lei said, "She is You'er; another Sword Spirit. As for who she is, I will tell you later."

AnBai nodded, hearing Wang Lei.

"Let's go." Wang Lei said as he slowly started to flew upward, making sure as not to disturb You'er's sleep.

'With this, one of my objectives of coming here is complete. Now not many are left; after they are done, I can finally leave for God Realm.' Wang Lei thought.

The reason for his coming here was indeed You'er, but he also had other objectives, one of them being Yun Gu, Yun Che's master.

Not that he wanted to complete the trade he did with Yun Che, but that Yun Gu has part of <Miracle of Life> that he wants.

It was an art that was said to 'cure-all', definitely something that Wang Lei wanted to take a look at himself.

After flying for some time, they reached the opening of Cloud's End Cliff.

Coming out of it, they were ȧssaulted with the sudden burst of wind with a little smell of blood mix with it.

Smelling it, Wang Lei's eyes narrowed as he looked in the direction where many bodies were littered.

Some were missing limbs, while most had holes in their ċhėst. An indication that they were pierced by something.

A person stood in front of these bodies. Her body was filled with splatters of blood as it gently streaks down at her blade.

She had two pairs of beautiful white wings. That, with her silver hair and eyes, gave her majestic feeling.

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Feeling Wang Lei's and AnBai's gaze, she looked towards them as her eyes shone.

Flapping her wings, she vanished and appeared in front of Wang Lei and bowed.

"I have taken care of the pests that dare to go against Your Excellency." She said with a monotonous voice.

Moving his free hand, Wang Lei rubs her head and said, "You did a good job, Hearst."

Hearst seems to enjoy his pat as her wings were flapping happily.

With a little blush, she said with a serious face that enhanced her cuteness, "Our forces are ready to be deployed, You Excellency. We are waiting for your order."

Wang Lei smiled and said, "Good. We will soon start taking over this continent."

After that, they started to fly towards the Grandwake Clan. But much to Wang Lei's surprise, before they could reach it, they saw a great army of cultivators camping outside the forest.

Judging from their clothes, Wang Lei could tell that they were from three different sects.

These three sects were camping at three different sections with a hut at their center – quite an eccentric sight.

'What are they doing? Is there is some kind of monster living in that hut or something?' Wang Lei thought as he looked at the gathering cultivators.

He could not understand their motives. All he could feel from the hut was a single presence of a mortal human and nothing else.

'There should be more to this.' Wang Lei thought when his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Hearst.

"They are here for something called Sky Poison Pearl master. It seems that the person who possesses this treasure is living in that hut." The Angels have done their research on this continent and knew what these cultivators were here for.

As if sudden realization stuck him, Wang Lei thought, 'How could I forget it? But this should have happened in the future and not this fast. A distortion in space and time?'

"What should we do, master?" Hearst asked.

After thinking for some time, Wang Lei said, "Nothing. Just let them do everything when they are close to achieving their goal," an evil smile forms on his face, "Crush them!"

Hearst nodded her head. She would do anything as long as it would make Wang Lei happy. Other things simply did not matter to her.


"Do not be so greedy, Zuo Hanshuo!" Duan Heisha shouted.

He was in a meeting right now, deciding who would take possession of Sky Poison Pearl.

The one present in this meeting was only the clan heads of the three strongest clans of Azure Cloud Continent.

The one he was talking to was Zuo Hanshuo, master of Heaven Thwarting Sect.

Heaven Thwarting Sect was slightly stronger than the other two sects, making their demands absurd.

"I am not being greedy, Heisha. But since our sect is the strongest among the three, then it is obvious that we will take the ownership of the Sky Poison Pearl." Zuo Hanshuo said calmly.

Heisha frowned, "Are you saying that we should just sit back and watch you taking a Heavenly Treasure?"

Hanshuo nodded with arrogance evident in his eyes. He was not afraid of Seven Stars Divine Palace, but he did not take Soaring Celestial Sword Sect in his sight as it was weakest among them.

He thought that they would not interfere much, but he was astonished and mad at what he heard next.

"Are you sure about that, Hanshuo? Do you think that your sect can fight both of our sects?" Mu Yingchan, master of Soaring Celestial Sword Sect said.

Even if his sect was weakest, he was most cunning among them. He knew that if he wanted a piece-of-a-pie, then he would have to share it with someone.

Since Hanshuo was already pushing Heisha back, he thought that partnering with him was his best choice.

Since there was not much difference of strength in their sects, making the chances of backstabbing less. Even if he did, at least he could resist. But the same could not be said for Heaven Thwarting Sect.

Since there was a big gap between their sects.

As if what Mu Yingchan said was a torch in the darkness, Heisha smirked towards now frowning Hanshuo and said, "What brother Yingchan said is right. Do you think that you can hog anything just because your sect is a little stronger than others? Why don't you try to fight out with both our sects then!"

Seeing as his statement was backfiring, Hanshuo smiled and said, "No need to be this angry, my brothers. You seem to think what I said wrongly. Of course, I never thought of taking it all for me. What I meant to say was that we will take custody of it first, then the other sects."

Heisha snorts, hearing him. How can he not know what Hanshuo was thinking? They have spent more than a thousand years together; he even knew what he liked eating, let alone his intentions.

"Forget it. We are just wasting our time here. First, we should get Sky Poison Pearl and then decide what to do with it."

Other hearing him nodded.


"They are starting, master."

Hearst said, gaining Wang Lei's attention, who was gently creasing You'er's cheek.

Wang Lei looked towards the hut and saw three people flying towards it.

Judging from their aura, Wang Lei knew that they were the sect masters.

'Now, when should I make my entrance?' Wang Lei thought as one of the sect's master started to call out Yun Gu from his hut.

Soon after his call, the door of the hut opened, and Yun Gu came out of it.

He had a long white beard, long white brows, and long white hair, yet his face was not the least bit covered with wrinkles, and his eyes were as clear as water.

Looking towards him, Wang Lei could not help but think that Yun Gu looked more immortal than him. Like a sage or something.

Soon the sect masters started to talk with Yun Gu about Sky Poison Pearl, but he denied saying that it was a dangerous weapon; and it would only bring harm to the world, nothing more.

But sect masters seemed to take it as his denial of giving it to them and use it for his own gain.

Since Yun Gu declined from giving the Sky Poison Pearl, it made other sect masters angry as they gave the order to kill him and take Sky Poison Pearl forcefully.

"Let's go." Wang Lei and started to flew towards the gathered masters.


"Kill him and take the treasure from him!" Hanshuo shouted.

The elder, hearing him, nodded. Surprisingly, he was the same old man that Wang Lei has left alive. He was humiliated by Wang Lei and then by his sect master for losing to a brat.

Now he wanted to prove his usefulness to him, but his luck was really bad as just he was about to reach calm Yun Gu, with a screeching sound, a spear implanted in front of him, stopping his advance.

The expression of the old man distorted as his gaze fell upon the spear – Chastiefol.

Sect masters were puzzled, seeing this when they looked above, in the direction from where the spear came from.

There they saw a young man with silver hair and red eyes with a black slit in them. He had a young girl sleeping in his hands.

But what surprised them more was the girl standing behind him with silver wings.

"What is that?"

They were surprised, at the same time entranced, by her appearance.

Wang Lei looked down at them and smirked, "Yo, clown! Did you bark enough for your master to know my arrival?"

The old man's face concerted into that of rage and shame. If gaze could kill, then Wang Lei would have been dead a hundred times now. (A/N: I always wanted to use this line.)

Duan Heisha, hearing Wang Lei and seeing the old man's expression knew Wang Lei was. He snorted and said, "So, you are that arrogant brat that does not know the immensity of Heaven."

Wang Lei raised a brow, "Shut it, clown. No one knows the immensity of Heaven better than me."

Hearing Wang Lei calling him clown, even though he was here with his whole clan, made Duan Heisha furious as he shouted, "Very well then. It seems that you are tired of living; let me help you with that!"

Other sect master did not interfere in this as they thought that Wang Lei was an anomaly; no matter from which angle they look from; he was not a human.

Wang Lei did not say anything but just smirked, <Arise>

As the voices fell, hundreds of thousands of shadow came from his and formed different beasts. They all roared towards the sky, showing an imposing manner.

Not giving, now scared sect masters any time, Wang Lei said, "Kill them all. No need for pests in my world."

And with that, a massacre started.

Shadow beasts launched themselves towards the sect masters and anyone who aided them, killing them.

They did not kill discriminately, but only those who helped the sect masters. Soon, cultivators understood it and stopped helping them defend against the beast, which results in the death of the sect masters.

After killing them, every beast turned into a shadow and went back to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei looked towards the remaining cultivators and said, "Tell this to the whole continent that from now on, Azure Cloud Continent is under Guild's rule. Anyone who will disobey it shall have to face my wrath."

Hearing it, other cultivators shivered and ran. They did not want to stay here, in the presence of Wang Lei, for even a second.

Once every cultivator was gone, Wang Lei looked towards Yun Gu, who was also looking towards him.

He vanished, appeared in front of him, "I want Heavenly Medicine Manual."

Yun Gu shook his head and said, "I cannot give it to you. Heavenly Medicine Manual requires the pure heart to cultivate, not a one stained with blood."

Wang Lei smiled and said, "<But I am a saint.>"

Yun Gu eyes widen as he could tell that, right now, Wang Lei was the purest existence.

Heavenly Medicine Manual allowed Yun Gu to see whether the person has a pure heart or not. That is why he could see it, Wang Lei was the purest existence to exist right now.


"Whether one is a devil or saint, it does not matter. As long as you have firm Dao Heart." Wang Lei said.

Of course, he was not at a level where he could change himself with just one thought, like Li Qiye.

But he could achieve the same with <Word Magic>. He had to say that it was the biggest cheat he has ever seen.

Yun Gu, hearing him, did not know what to say. In the end, he sighed and gave Wang Lei Heavenly Medicine Manual.

Taking it, Wang Lei made a copy of it and gave the original back to Yun Gu.

After giving the original copy back, Wang Lei left him as there was nothing worth left here to do.


"This is it. Now, we can start taking over the continent." I said to Hearst, standing beside me.

Looking over now reformed Grandwake Clan, I have to say, I am amazed how fast they did everything.

One could see that the previous Grandwake Clan was completely changed. It looked more impressive and imposing now with different flying buildings and formations.

It was all done by the Angel race. It seems that they were too enthusiastic about the work that they ended up finishing it one day.

Honestly, I thought it would take at least a week or something for them to complete finish the work, but to think they would complete it in one day.


Suddenly hearing a growling sound, I look down at You'er, who is still in my arms. It seems like she has no plan of leaving me. Not for now, at least.

She has been in the same position since the time I met her. Not that I mind, having a cute little girl like You'er in my arms.

Wait… that sounded completely wrong for some reason.

Anyway, she is hungry. I wonder what she eats since Hong'er eats swords.

"What is that you want to eat? Do you eat swords?"

Hearing my question seems to confuse her as she looks at me with a perplexed gaze. It seems that she does not eat swords.

Gently patting her head, I produce some dishes and a table in front of us, placing the dishes on it.

You'er adjusts her position so that she can have easy access to the dishes on the table. She seriously not planning to leave me ŀȧp.

Shaking my head and amused by her attachment to me, I look towards Hearst, who seems to be staring at You'er for some time.

Her eyes were straightway giving that she is jealous. I should give some time to these Angels too.

"Hearst, come here."

Hearing me, she walks towards me. When she was close enough, I adjusted You'er so that she was on my right ŀȧp.

Taking Hearst's hand, I pulled her towards me.

Her face was colored with surprise and blush when she found herself sitting on my ŀȧp.

Gently creasing her hair, I hug her from the behind as I gently whisper in her ear, "If my Hearst completes her work, then she can ask of anything from me. As long as it is something I can complete, I will do it."

Her eyes shone. She seems to be passionate about her work now. Maybe too much passion as she left my ŀȧp and flew towards the gathered Angel.

Well, it seems like taking over would be done much faster than I thought it would take.

My attention diverted towards AnBai, who was silently standing beside me.

Smirking, I pulled her towards me. A surprised yelp left her mouth that was sealed the next second by me.

Her body stiffens for a second, but she relaxed and tried to kiss me back.

I was surprised that she did not resist since I thought she would. But since she did not, I will enjoy it to the fullest then.

Moving my hand, slowly ċȧrėssing her back – I gripped her buŧŧ.

Her buŧŧ was soft, too soft in fact that my finger sinks into it. Her eyes shot open as she felt my hand on her buŧŧ. Not giving her any chance to break away, I entered my tongue into her mouth.

Soon, she lost her strength and let her body weight fall on me.

I have to say, I am seriously turned on by the softness of her lips and buŧŧ. To think, she would have the softest buŧŧ of all.

But I cannot continue here, so I break the kiss as she was struggling for breath. Her head fell upon my ċhėst as she breathes heavily while my hand is still reluctant to leave her buŧŧ and keep squeezing it.

Leaning down a little, I said in her ear, "A reward for your hard work."

She did not say anything but keep on breathing hard, trying to calm herself down.

Seeing as more would be bad, I stopped squeezing her buŧŧ. I never felt such lost before. Really, a heavenly buŧŧ.

Now I can understand Chairman Kurihara, and why he loved buŧŧs. Truly a man of culture. I should go to the world 'Prison School' and have a hearty drink with him, maybe a chat too.


Looking in the direction from where I have been feeling a stare, I saw You'er staring at me. Now I wonder what she wants.

Perplexed by her stare, I asked, "Is something wrong, You'er?"

Hearing my question, she points her finger at my lips then her. Now, this is problematic. Is she asking for a kiss? Should I?

Even though, theoretically, she is billion years old. But her mind is as clean as a newborn, so she can also be a newborn. Really puts me in a tight spot since I can feel AnBai glare that seems to say too much.

But (Shikashi)! My heart is too soft, and I cannot deny anyone. So, what a sensible man would do, I give her a peck on her lips.

At least, she is satisfied with it and went back to eating. But that still does not change the fact that AnBai is glaring at me. I cannot have my cool supreme being image yes syesbe destroyed like this.

"Do you also want another one?" So, I slowly whisper in her ears.

Her face was covered with blush, and she looked away. Well, well, who thought that she also has tsundere tendencies.


"Are you leaving, big brother?"

Don't look with such a sad look. I might take you with me.

Gently patting Su Ling'er's head, I said, "If Ling'er wants, then she can also come and visits me."

She seems to become happy hearing me and jumped excitedly, "Can I also ride the dragon?"

"Of course you can." I said, "Also, Adolph."

A black and blue shadows came out of my shadows and formed a little wolf. Even if he looks little, Adolph is Divine Sovereign Wolf!

"My lord. You have called Adolph." A noble female voice answers me.

Looking at Adolph, I said, "From now on, you are to live with little Ling'er. Protecting her from any harm."

Adolph seems to understand my words as she bowed towards me and went to astonished Ling'er's shadow.

"What was that, big brother?!" she asked with excitement written on her face. Is she an animal lover?

Smiling, I said, "Her name is Adolph. She will be your personal pet and protector from now on."

"Really?!" seeing me nodded, she beamed me a beautiful smile. Cute.

Saying my goodbyes to others, I left Azure Cloud Continent. There is nothing for me to do here anymore.

My cute Angels would take care of everything.

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