King of Stage

Chapter 104: Time and space stagnation

   Simon-Palmer's hurried footsteps stopped like this, staring at a quiet corner among the coming and going crowd:

Time seems to have slowed down in that small area. Even though the busy crowds around are quietly pulling away and really emptying a clearing, subconsciously I fear that I will disturb the peace in the corner, that slender and tall singer Just sing like this, letting go of emotions.

   "You are far in the sky and you seem to be close in front of you, the lights flicker, the melody dies..." (Note 1)

   The world just quieted down, and even the busy traffic on the Las Vegas Strip seemed to have disappeared.

   "But you can't see me standing there. I came to say goodbye. I stood on the corner watching you kissing..."

   A clear and translucent treble, the tenderness that instantly tears the melody, the blood is dripping, and the scarred heart is unreservedly displayed in front of my eyes.

The quietly singing figure created a black hole with its own singing voice, absorbing all the surrounding light and noise into it, and the sight that stayed for a while slowed down involuntarily, slowed down again, and then just fell into it like this. I couldn't help but slow down.


Behind him came the voice of his work partner, but Simon turned his head and made a silent gesture for the first time, "Shhh", and the people who came were full of question marks, "What's the matter? The live broadcast is about to begin, not here to clear the scene. Why? Why are you still delaying here, if something goes wrong..." Then it's not something they can take responsibility for.

Simon is a TV station staff member who was specially prepared to come over to clear the scene because they needed to do the final audio test for the live broadcast, but his footsteps stopped. Even if there was an irritable voice behind him, his sight still did not leave the dim yellow street light. The figure below.

"Sixty seconds, but only sixty seconds. We can wait until he finishes singing..." Simon replied in a hurry, and the sound afterwards was automatically muted again, and he was quiet again, and he focused on admiring his eyes. In the performance of the show, the other staff members also came forward one after another, cast their eyes curiously or irritably.

God, seems to be particularly fond of such a moment. The sunset that has not completely disappeared penetrates the colorful lights under the night, and falls lightly on the shoulders of the street singer, like a butterfly resting on its feet. The clear and gentle voice quietly tells the fragility of the heart. The piercing pain burst into the song like this, it seemed that he could truly empathize with the story and emotions behind him, and couldn't help but grieve along with him.

"I did everything, still not the girl who was brought home by you..." It was another high-pitched voice. After touching the peak of his emotions easily, he released his energy quickly, then turned and fell beautifully, and the singing became again. It sinks, and the gentle emotions are slowly blowing in the night, "Woo...I can only dance alone..."

The hustle and bustle gradually calmed down. No one urged Simon any more. He just widened his eyes quietly, appreciating the tenderness of the moment, and even the night was warmed up, and the turbulent crowd in the out of sight was all blurred into one. , Only that figure is still clear.

   His hurried footsteps surrounded the black hole, quietly enjoying a moment of peace, listening to the sound of the beating heart.

  He, holding a guitar, sang intently.

"You are already far in the sky but you seem to be right in front of you. The lights flicker and the melody is dead...but you can't see..." The treble that gradually rises in the calm lifts the mood high and high, the translucent treble is not Struggling to reach the apex, but this time he didn't stop his ascending steps, so he freed himself from the shackles and soared freely, broke the shackles of the night, and rushed toward the burning sunset moths on the horizon.

   Inexplicably, I just feel sad.

The clear treble is full of penetrating power, instantly opened up the ears, unimpededly touched the softest and most secret little corner of the soul, and then easily drawn an arc, and settled back to the original place again, lonely Standing in place, quietly expounded, "But you can't see me standing there."

So real, so calm, so sincere, the mixed emotions between bravery and timidity melt perfectly between the lines of the melody, light but heavy hitting the hearts of the listeners, and the easy high-pitched tone makes the emotions heartily and vividly. Push to a whole new level.

  The fat baby girl lost control completely. She just held her hands and cried bitterly. Even if she bit her lower lip tightly, she couldn't control her tears.

  Don't talk about her, even Ronan's eye sockets are slightly moist. The true sincerity of emotion must always impress himself to impress the audience. This is also true for Ronan. Unlike the original version of dance music, Ronan's interpretation is more lonely and desperate, and more of an unreserved catharsis of emotions. Maybe Robin's original version has more stamina, but the lyrical version has a stronger explosion.

   raised his eyes again, and Ronan could see the fat baby girl who was at a loss.

  He can fully understand the feeling—

It’s as if the whole world can’t understand their grievances. UU Reading can’t even say it clearly, and best friends can’t really empathize with them. No one can understand it, or even refuse to answer and be confused. But for myself, it is a threshold that cannot be crossed, so I fell into a lonely dilemma; then I encountered such a song, immersed in the music, those notes seemed to be able to touch my softness The wound resonated, so I couldn't help but immerse myself in it.

   Others simply cannot understand.

Ronan himself has experienced this situation countless times. This is why he can never give up music. In the world where the melody is played, there is only himself and the notes, and the secret between them will never be the third. I personally know that this intimate sense of blood is not provided by other artistic creations.

   So Ronan put the guitar behind him, took a big step forward, and gave the fat baby girl a hug.

   There is no extra action, just like this, I use my arms to light a ray of light for her dark world, praying that this little light can guide her to find hope again.

The slightly taller girl saw her friend who was falling apart, she turned her head and looked away unbearably, wiping the tears from her eyes in embarrassment, but she knew that her friend needed this kind of catharsis, so a brief warm embrace would be able to Let all negative emotions be released.

Waiting for her gaze to turn back, the girl just stared at Ronan's side face. The light and shadow outline the outline of her face lightly and tenderly. The slender eyelashes cast a shadow like butterfly wings, and then can capture a touch of the shadow. It is clear, as if you can see the morning light in the early morning of midsummer and July.

  Note 1: Dancing-On-My-Own—Calum-

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