King of Stage

Chapter 109: The Arabian Nights

Bruno Mars, in 2020, he is affectionately called "Brother Mars" by Chinese fans. It can be said that he is the top big name among the top American pop music circles. He has a total of 11 Grammy trophies and global albums. Sales exceeded 20 million.

Moreover, the cooperative single "Uptown-Funk" released in November 2014 has won the Billboard Championship for fourteen consecutive weeks, and has reached the top of the Billboard 2010 championship for ten years. Writing An incredible legend.

Of course, from an objective point of view, at the moment in 2012, Bruno can only be regarded as a fledgling new-generation force. It has just gained some widespread attention and is very popular, but its status, honor and prestige are far from insufficient. The market appeal cannot be regarded as the top, a more accurate description should be a newcomer who is still in a period of rapid rise, and is steadily rising towards the direction of the second album.

   It can be seen from the venue and city arrangements of the tour alone. In 2013, Bruno started the tour after the release of his second album. The cities were all top metropolises such as New York, Los Angeles and London.

But now, Bruno’s choice of cities are often second-tier cities, such as New Jersey next to New York; even if he chooses top cities such as Los Angeles and Berlin, performance venues are often small venues with less than 10,000 people—and later the second one The album's tour is generally a mid-range venue with 15,000 to 20,000 people.

   New York’s famous performance venue, Madison Square Garden, is a venue for 20,000 people, but it is not a venue that any singer dares to challenge.


   Even Bruno Mars, who is rising rapidly in the rookie stage, is not a level that the Kings can touch in a day.

From this perspective, it makes sense for Bruno to invite King One Day as a warm-up band, because the location, popularity, and fame can be matched; but the bigger question is how Bruno got it. Who knows the king for a day? In the entire North American continent, there are indie bands and rookie singers who are doing nothing, struggling, and there are no ten thousand but eight thousand, but Bruno has found the king for a day?

   What's more, how many bands want to be the warm-up guest of Bruno's tour? How could it be possible for Bruno to pick an unknown little band by himself?

   And, just three months ago, Scout Braun only complained for a day. The king had no prospects or hope. Giving up was the only way out, and now he was caught by Bruno’s wise eyes? This one hundred and eighty degree change is too exaggerated, making people strongly suspect that too much turning force will cause the ankle to be twisted directly?

   Isn't this outrageous?

   is simply a fantasy!

   It’s no wonder that Alice was so shocked and so stunned. Even Ronan could hardly believe that the sky was really falling apart. The term "scam mail" could almost be blurted out.

   However, it is precisely because it is too ridiculous that you can tell something is wrong at a glance. On the contrary, people can't help but wonder, is the other end of the computer really a liar?

   Then, they sit in front of the computer like fools, worrying about gains and losses.

Ronan can indeed feel the incredible astonishment and surprise, but it is more true because Bruno—after Shining Band and Scooter, another voice that once existed in his ears appeared in reality. He always endured it. I can't help but compare the music memories in my mind with those names, re-awakening the joy and happiness of listening to music.

After calming down a bit, Ronan felt Alice’s eyes again. He thought about it seriously, “Why don’t we send a phone number to see if the other party will contact us directly? No matter what the situation is, we directly confronted him over the phone. , Can often discover more truth."

   In fact, it is a confrontation.

   Although it is not really face-to-face, compared to a shadow hidden behind a computer, direct communication through the phone is already a huge improvement. This can often tear off more masks and get closer to the truth.

"..." Alice's voice was slightly stuck. She did not expect that Ronan did not judge the truth, but communicated in such a way. Although it cannot be said to be the best solution, she can still find more clues. , "But, why don't we make a call directly?"

"We made the call, and the other party took the initiative. It may be a trap scam arranged in advance; but when the other party makes the call, we will be able to take the initiative." Ronan was also a little unsure, and he revealed as he spoke. Hesitated, after all, he had never encountered such a situation.

   But in the end, Ronan still gently expressed his affirmation, using this kind of action to confirm his thoughts.

   Alice thought about it for a moment, but couldn’t come up with a reason, so she switched the topic, “But what other purpose would they use after they got the phone number?”

"If the other party can really rely on a phone number to complete the fraud, it means that their technology is very superb, why bother to scam a little shrimp like us? Isn't it more cost-effective to scam Bruno Mars directly?" Ronan said naturally. , UU Reading can complete fraud by just using a phone number, in fact, it is very limited, not to mention 2012 now, even in the era of great information network in 2020, it is not that simple.

  Of course, identity theft fraud is always a problem.

To put it simply, in Ronan’s view, there are indeed too many possibilities. They sit here and think about it. I am afraid that they can sort out a thought without seeing all night. The best choice is to ignore it completely and pretend not. Receive the email; or take the initiative to verify your curiosity.

   Sitting here looking forward and backward, thinking hard, things will not change, let alone solutions.

   Alice couldn’t refute Ronan’s words, but after thinking about it for a while, she cautiously said, “Why don’t we leave the fixed phone in the hotel room.”

   If she doesn't resolve her curiosity, Alice will not be able to settle down for a while, she still wants to see what the email is all about.

"Then it's better to leave the public telephone number, so they don't know what room we live in, and really hide our figure." Ronan joked half-jokingly, but didn't expect Alice's eyes to brighten suddenly. When he got up, Ronan couldn't help but stepped back in embarrassment, "...isn't it?"

   Alice said naturally, "Why not?"

"We can't wait for one night at the public phone downstairs? If it is true, the other party is so busy, how could it be possible to wait in front of the computer for our reply, and how could it be the first time to call back? If we wait for tomorrow, we missed it. What?" Ronan raised an objection, laughing and crying.

   This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, then what should I do?

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