King of Stage

Chapter 121: Melody creation

The melody of    is like an electric power, passing from the mind to the fingertips, the notes linger, jumping lightly, passing through the text fingertips, and dancing like this.

   "Help, help."

   "The ship is sinking. They think I'm crazy, but they can't understand the feeling. They surround me like a vulture. They want to crush me and erase my color, completely erase my color."

   "Go away and fly high, and you will be omnipotent."

   "As one, regardless of each other, you can take away the pain."

   "If I become a demon, save me (Save-Me, If-I-...My-Demons)."

   Naturally, Ronan hummed softly like this, and the fingers of his right hand jumped on the paper in a panic. Ollie immediately noticed Ronan's intention and quickly handed the ballpoint pen in his hand to Ronan.

   As expected!

   Ronan put the ballpoint pen on his thumb and turned it twice, and then quickly marked on the sketchbook—

   Under certain characters, draw horizontally; under certain characters, draw wavy lines; under certain words, draw dots or triangles to mark important points.

Also, quickly use the music score to record some melody fragments next to the text. This shorthand method is still passed to Ronan by Ollie in the past few months. Now Ronan has gradually become accustomed to the way of completing creation with music score. Although it is not standard, Ollie can already understand it.

Ollie did not disturb Ronan’s creation, but leaned his head next to him, his eyes moved quickly following Ronan’s pen tip, and then made judgments based on Ronan’s soft humming, and the melody hovered in his mind. The thoughts that were a little fuzzy and chaotic are also slightly cleared up.

   However, Ronan's creation has not been able to continue in one go. He just progressed to the first stage, and then stuck and stopped.

Ronan was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, "Uh..." The time he really started to create was still too short. He didn't encounter many situations. Before, he always felt that the creation was done in one go, and the inspiration was like a waterfall. Down, but got stuck today.

It’s no wonder that Ollie and Maxim often say that music creation is actually a long-lasting work. It’s impossible to complete creation by just relying on a flash of inspiration. Many times it is necessary to sit in the studio and really put yourself in a quiet working environment. High concentration of attention, push yourself to the extreme, and then devote yourself to complete the creation, just like a complete work project.

  Inspiration needs to be forced out.

   Of course, the premise is that you have talent, otherwise you can't be forced to squeeze to the extreme; moreover, the source of inspiration may also dry up, and then there is no way to force it.

   Just to say that the work of artistic creation is not something that can be done with a flash of inspiration, it also requires retreat.

Moreover, the creation of lyrics and melody are two slightly different things. Some people are accustomed to recording melody fragments, while others are accustomed to recording emotions in words; similarly, some people are better at composing melody based on lyrics, and even further complete the arrangement. , Some people turn it upside down and create lyrics based on the melody, which can often convey the emotions hidden in the melody.

There is no difference between different creative methods, but it is certain that no matter what creative method is, inspiration and talent are indispensable components. The talent of lyrics and melody is also two things, because the perception of emotion, rhythm, The way of rhythm is different.

   This is also a very interesting thing in the art creation process.

Now Ronan can roughly feel some of the state described by Ollie and Maxim. Although it is still not true enough, it is estimated that he needs to really go through the challenges of retreat creation to experience it personally, but at least he is no longer ignorant. State now.

   "What's the matter?" Oli noticed Ronan's expression and asked cautiously.

   Ronan chuckled twice, "The power is off, I need to reorganize my thinking, and the chorus still needs to be re-created."

   Ollie looked down at his notes, "Aren't these okay?"

   Ronan pondered for a moment, "The mood is wrong."

"The situation I conceived is to be in the vast universe. Darkness and nothingness are awakening the inner demon. You know I also know that the devil cannot get out of your head because it is devouring you. You must save yourself, otherwise Waiting for rescue. Just a sentence of'get out of my head', it seems too...lively. I look forward to the lyrics being thicker."

   "Lively?" Ollie is also full of question marks, can't believe his ears, but he can understand Ronan's meaning. The artistic conception of lyrics and melody is very important, because this is where the emotional chemical reaction occurs.

   What is the difference between ordinary saliva songs and classic pop hits?

In fact, both are catchy and widely sung songs. The music that can be really liked by the general public often has similar attributes. "Popular" cannot be the key to "attack" saliva songs, but should be worthy of recognition. Features: The difference between the two is that the lyrics of saliva songs have no power at all. They are often just some "syllables" that are meaninglessly filled into the melody, and then the song is completely handed over to the rhythm and drums. UU看书www. uukanshu. com listeners enjoy the rhythm brought by the rhythm, but cannot feel the emotion of the lyrics.

It is precisely because of this that popular saliva songs have been cropped one after another. After their popularity has become popular, listeners can always continue to find similar rhythms in the latest songs, so they eliminate a batch of tired songs. But it is rare that saliva songs have evolved into popular hits that have truly withstood the test of time.

   Classic popular hits often have an amazing touch in terms of lyrics creation.

   For example, The-Beatles, the easy-to-understand melodies and chords are not too fancy, but their lyrics can always really impress the audience.

   Another example is Bob Dylan (Bob-), the folk rock poet won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016, becoming the first musician to win the award.

   Their classic songs, even after thirty or fifty years, when you listen to them again, they can still awaken the sympathy of the audience. After the huge success of the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody", the album composed by Queen forty years ago became popular again, absolutely out of date.

   is the reason.

   Last night, Ronan performed the same "Dance Alone" on the Las Vegas Strip. The original version uses the contrast between the lyrics and the melody to create emotional resonance; the revised version uses the emotion revealed by the lyrics to move the heart. The arrangement styles of the two versions are completely different, but the emotional power carried by the lyrics is the same, which also makes the interpretation of the two versions able to impress the audience.

   Now, Ronan and Ollie are discussing the same problem:

   How can lyrics that contain emotional power be perfectly combined with the melody?

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