King of Stage

Chapter 136: Curiosity

Buster could feel Julio’s proactiveness, but he didn’t think much about it, because Bruno Mars has always respected and cared for indie bands. Since the King’s Band can be his warm-up guest for a day, Bruno has taken the initiative to It's not surprising that the band was launched.


Buster’s gaze was projected toward the stage again. The band was still discussing the rehearsal intently, and did not notice the movement of the two reporters in the spacious venue. The lead singer turned his back to the audience, and his face was not visible at this time The expression, even less the sense of surprise just now.

   Maybe, it's just my own illusion.

"No, no need." Buster shook his head, "I believe Bruno's vision, the band he chose must have their advantages. I have already begun to look forward to their performance." Buster said. A polite remark, and then gathered up the messy thoughts.

   Wyatt has no idea. He has no interest in the warm-up band, as long as he understands the basic information.

Julio is a little bit regretful. He has a good impression of Ronan, and Bruno really likes to help underground indie bands get more opportunities, so he just gave a little push; but since Buster is not interested, Julio also He didn't ask for it, and made a polite greeting, escorted the two reporters away from the Verizon Center with a smile, and then turned around and went back to the busy rehearsal work.

Came to the parking lot and said goodbye to Wiya, Buster sat in his car, threw all his work bags into the back seat, put his hands on the steering wheel, thinking that the engine should be started, but sat there in a daze. I was stunned, my mind fell into a blank--


It was as if he suddenly pressed the pause button. There was no thought in his head. There was no thought or action for a while; but it was only a moment when Buster recovered, biting his lower lip and thinking carefully. Feeling worried about something, so I turned over my work bag again, searched for the camera, and then found the last photo just now.

Quietly looking at the photos on the screen, Buster found that feeling again, the feeling of time, space and light condensed on the figure, as if... the figure can be easily found in a sea of ​​people. He doesn't need special publicity or special actions to draw his eyes around easily. The unique charm of that radiance is indeed impressive.

   Buster seriously recalled that the last time I saw someone with my own eyes and had such a strong and strong feeling, it should be——

Michael Jackson.

   Buster immediately shook his head with a ridiculous smile, and strongly rejected his idea: How can an unknown person be compared to the greatest star in the history of pop music? Even if you just think about it in your mind, this is an extremely absurd idea.

   I should be dizzy, dizzy, and don't know what I'm thinking.

Buster gave up these absurd ideas and was about to put the camera away, but he hesitated for a while, then stared at the camera screen for a while, then quickly took out his laptop and connected the camera's memory card. I quickly found the photo just now, adjusted it and set it to black and white tones, and then the eyes became brighter. Compared with color, black and white gave the photo a more unique texture. He liked this photo very much.

   Maybe the association of Michael Jackson is really absurd, but what is certain is that Buster likes this photo very much.

It has nothing to do with the band’s future performance. Buster just simply likes the texture and light of this photo, as if it really freezes a certain moment forever, and the passage of time will not obliterate the moment captured by the photo. He thinks he should Enlarge it and print it out and hang it at home.

   This is also the charm of photos.

Someone once said before that the charm of the film camera era is that every piece of film is precious. This also means that the cameraman needs to be cautious and cautious when pressing the shutter, and then after a long wait and expectation, In the end, the finished photo can be seen. This process is incomprehensible by digital cameras. Without such a process, people's cherishment of digital photos will no longer exist.

In the film photos, even those accidentally broken moments can still let people relive the moment of pressing the shutter, and the digital camera may be a simple delete button, eliminating those embarrassing, messy, and shy In moments of panic, the power of photos to carry time disappears—because only perfect moments are unreal, and the time of those “failed” photos is also part of the memory.

   But today, Buster has rediscovered the charm of film in this digital photo, especially the graininess left after the conversion into a black and white photo, which makes him very fond of it.

   Buster himself did not expect that, twenty years later, this photo was called a sky-high price of one million dollars in the auction market ~ ~ and even became the only footnote of Buster's career.

But at this time, Buster was far from able to realize the value of this photo. He just liked that he captured a certain moment, and then the inspiration in his mind began to burst and collide, and a curiosity could not help but breed. :

  What kind of band is King One Day?

   Although it is true that the warm-up band does not have much attention, there is one point that Buster did not lie. He believes Bruno's eyes on choosing warm-up guests.

Prior to this, he did not give more attention, just because Buster always believed that for singers, works and stage would make a sound for them. He also waited for the band’s official performance before giving an evaluation; but now, because of this The photos have increased interest.

  What kind of band are they? How does it feel to be on stage? What about songs and singing? How is the voice quality of the lead singer?

   If it's a pop idol band? If it's a golden age jazz band? If it’s a bluegrass country folk song?

   The thoughts in his head spurted out wantonly like this, and couldn't stop at all.

   After thinking about it, Buster opened Facebook and Google and tried to enter the name of King One Day in the search window——

   But the result is very dull.

In this regard, Buster is not surprised. Numerous underground bands are unknown and unknown. Outsiders have never heard of it. Only those in the industry who really mix in the underground band circle know it, but this does not mean Their music is not good. On the contrary, there are countless treasures hidden in the underground music world. There are such a group of music lovers all over the world who specialize in digging for the best works of underground music.

   Then, what should I do? Forget it?

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