King of Stage

Chapter 141: Bingzhuye talk

"I have to find a little sleep, but I was fascinated by the blue and tried to shop for a personality, but everything didn't seem to fit. There was a girl I met, maybe she was a cannibal, maybe it was me. A flawed emotional animal. Then she turned around tacitly, sparks shot in all directions; but at the moment she responded, pillow words and blank statements. All this is slowly killing me,"

As Ollie said, the lyrics are indeed a bit esoteric—or even very esoteric. The fragmented words are spliced ​​together in a wonderful way, it is difficult to figure out the context, and it is more like a mumbling without a preface. language.

Because Ronan does not want to tell the story in a narrative way, nor does he want to condense the emotion in the way of poetry. Instead, he captures those fleeting moments in a few words of sketches, and outlines the emotions in the melody. One world, one flower and one heaven.

True soulmates can naturally understand; while people with different values ​​and worldviews, or people with different perspectives on life, can’t understand, and they don’t need to understand, because this is not a song dedicated to them. song.

   In a sense, the song "More Chronic Suicide" is the autobiography of the King Band One Day—

They have dreams and struggle again and again. They never give up, but they can't see the future. Even if they turn around and leave to return to normal life, they are not reconciled, but they stay and continue to work in vain, so they are trapped. In a mortar, and then just like that slowly... chronic suicide.

   "I hate dreams".

   At this time, if you savour the lyrics carefully-it is also in "More Chronic Suicide", and you may be able to vaguely capture the ambivalence.

   Ollie didn’t understand Ronan’s lyrics, but when he listened to the melody, "Dust got in his eyes"—this is what Ollie said when he kept rubbing his eyes.

   Ronan did not make any comment on this.

Undoubtedly, "More Chronic Suicide" is indeed a song full of bitterness, but Ronan does not want to feel self-satisfied and unable to extricate himself from that kind of sadness, so he uses lightness like "Get out of my head". The way to sing sadness, and the way to sing despair with a smile.

   In fact, from "innate" to "get out of my head" to "more chronic suicide", this can clearly feel the band's situation and Ronan's mentality.

Indeed, one day the Kings’ band stood on the edge of a cliff, crumbling and walking into a dead end. The day was dark. They could always see a little hope but could not firmly control it. Persistence seemed to be gradually becoming an obsession, but Ronan never did. Downcast, but learn to have fun in hardship—

   For him, all this is a kind of happiness, a kind of experience, an adventure.

Since waking up on the bar stage, Ronan has sincerely cherished the moments of life. He is learning to embrace his own life, just like the "half glass of water theory", always seeing the rest of the half glass. Water, not the half cup that tangled and disappeared. Happiness and suffering are relative, but they are also one.

It is precisely because of this that even for lyrics full of dark emotions such as "More Chronic Suicide", Ronan's melody is still light and smart, not to mention the singing style, which also gives the song a new life. .

"Bruno" keenly captured Ronan’s melody of having fun in the midst of suffering, as if a fire ignited his house, but still smiling while standing on the scene of the disaster to take family photos, babbling, "It’s so rare." We should leave some memorials when we see it," and then busy taking pictures.

   makes people smile.

   "...You mean, so?" Following the other party's opinion, Ronan played it on the spot, humbly accepting opinions and exploring different possibilities.

"Yes, that's it." When the performance after the revision was over, "Bruno" nodded slightly in agreement, and the smile on the corner of his mouth rose involuntarily, "In this way, the whole emotional impact will be different. If you sing In the process, the singer can control the subtle differences and truly convey the emotion in the lyrics, then the audience will definitely be moved."

   talking, without warning, he just fell into silence.

   The words were cut off abruptly, and it seemed a bit fascinating. You could faintly notice that the focus and focus of the line of sight spread out, and the soul wandered into his own world.

   Ronan was a little surprised, raised his head and glanced at the opponent, and then realized that maybe the song "More Chronic Suicide" also touched the softness of the opponent's heart. Then, does this mean that the down-and-out boxer in front of him is not Bruno?

   After all, Bruno, whose career is currently on the rise, is just at the time when the spring breeze is proud of his horseshoe. How can he be like the King of One Day, and how can he be in a state of chronic suicide? On the contrary, it is the identity of a down-and-out boxer, which is more realistic.

Could it be said that there is a down-and-out 36-line actor in front of him, who specializes in imitating Bruno Mars for his living, then his situation with the King of One Day has many similarities, and at this time he feels the "more chronic suicide". Not surprisingly.

   However, Ronan did not delve into the other's expression, and then he withdrew his gaze—

  Because he knows, thinking in another place, if it were him, he would not want a stranger to see his inner fragility, at least he didn't want the other person to delve into it. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

"Bruno" was only in a trance for a moment, about one or two seconds, a small pause, and soon recovered. He did not show any embarrassment, as if a short pause was really normal, there was no cover. Explain, and then continue the topic.

   "What about the arrangement? Do you have any ideas?"

  If you just use an acoustic guitar, the melody is too thin and the sound is translucent. Naturally, there is no such effect that Ronan expected to create.

   Therefore, the arrangement is extremely important.

Although the other party is just a stranger meeting for the first time, it seems inappropriate to discuss such a professional issue; moreover, it is a matter of music copyright. If you encounter a bad guy and just steal the melody and arrangement and complete the copyright registration in advance, then Luo Nan is also the end of a dumb eating coptis.

   In addition, Ronan is still unable to determine the true identity of the opponent. Maybe—and it is a high probability event. The opponent may not be Bruno Mars at all, just a stranger passing by, or a down-and-out boxer on the street.

   However, Ronan is really not worried about these things.

Music, everyone can express their own opinions, professional, unprofessional, in-depth and simple, there is no need to divide a boundary, this is also the most beautiful part of modern music; moreover, just say that the other party can understand the lyrics and melody The true emotions hidden in it prove that they should be the same passer-by, which is enough.

   Ronan is willing to open his heart to share music with different people, simply love music, be happy for it, sad for it, "sharing" is the right way to love music.

   What if Ronan’s judgment is wrong?

   Then, as a lesson to buy, Ronan is willing to take the risk.

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