King of Stage

Chapter 158: Big Broker

The arrival of John Mark not only represents himself, but also represents Bruno. With a simple sentence and smiling expression, he can already deeply feel the weight.

Ollie and Maxim’s first reaction was to both look at Ronan, as if they couldn’t believe their ears-this was so different from Scout’s interview, it was a heaven and a hell, because it was too much. Too good is too happy that they can't believe it.

Of course, John Mark is only a tour manager, and his identity as a producer and agent is still different from Scout, but such praise is still full of weight.

"Is this a polite greeting?"

Oli and Maxim's eyes showed such hesitation, and the emotion of gain and loss was surging in their eyes.

But Ronan couldn’t give an answer. He could understand the sincerity and sincerity in John’s words. He believed that John’s words were sincere; however, Ronan still had a little hesitation about the band’s performance. Their performance Is it really worthy of such praise?

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, the interlacing of eyes conveyed too much meaning, but there was no way to express it clearly.

"Thank you, thank you very much, and thank you for the email you sent us." Cliff is still the best member of the band in social situations. When others were hesitant, he responded in time. Although polite, but very important The sincere words made John's smile also rise-

After all, it was John who invited the King's Band for a day as the warm-up guest, and he should be credited for this contribution.

John smiled lightly, did not continue to polite, but turned away halfway, introduced another strange face standing behind him, "The other thing is, Mr. Shuke said that he must personally Visit you."

Mr. Shuke?

Could it be Bruno's agent, Alan Bay-Schuck?

At the beginning, Bruno, who fell into a career trough after leaving Motown Records, dashed left and right but never found a way out. After three years of silence without a job and no performance opportunity, it was this big-name agent who realized Bruno's talent. , The match made Bruno signed with Atlantic Records, and then Bruno's current success.

"Mr. Shuke is used to scare people on the business card. Just call me Allen."

The middle-aged man with a flat-inched head in front of him has a low voice, a stubborn beard, and a faint sloppy sloppy. The thick, slightly curly black hair and the messy crayon Shin-chan eyebrows mark the Jewish identity at a glance. It doesn't look like a music broker at all, but more like a venture capital fund manager on Wall Street.

Not surprisingly, this is Alan Bay Shuk.

Allen took the initiative to walk up with a smile, Cliff and Maxim hurriedly greeted him, while Ronan and Ollie exchanged glances behind——

"Really that agent?"

"How do I know? But it looks like it is."

"What is the agent doing here?"

"Friend, I know nothing like you, okay?"

Just between confusion and complaints, Allen's voice came over, "So, this is Ronan, the lead singer of the band, right? Your performance tonight left us with an indelible impression."

Ronan was rolling his eyes at Ollie, but he was caught directly. He didn't have time to mumble about how their social conversation ended so quickly. He said to Allen quickly, "It's not so good. After all, Bruno's performance is just It’s the protagonist tonight, I think it’s better to forget our performance quickly."


"Haha." Alan seemed to like Ronan's cold jokes very much-although Ronan didn't mean to be joking, but the effect of slanted hitting was good, "It's okay, I have a good memory, I can remember both stages, don't worry ." Allen also responded in the rigorous way of the Germans——

Cold jokes vs. cold jokes.

Ronan laughed happily, "It seems that the CPU's memory is good."

Ollie didn't think it was funny, and was about to spit Ronan, but when he saw Cliff's depressed expression wishing to commit suicide, he chuckled.

Allen also smiled, "I must say that tonight's performance is full of vitality and vitality. I can feel the vitality of the stage. Such charm is a rare talent for any performer. This is a gift from God. You are destined to belong to the stage."

Ronan was a little flattered, after John, Alan once again sent such a high-level compliment? Is this a custom after the warm-up guest performances are over?

Or, this is a common practice in social situations. The previous Scout was an interview, but today is just a friendly meeting, meaningless at all, so they are not stingy with their compliments, and shouldn't he take it seriously?

Ronan’s first reaction was to turn his head and look at his teammates, only to find that his teammates had all entered robot mode. Even Cliff, who was just chatting politely just now, seemed to be a bit stuck. It seemed that they didn’t want to. Dealing with such a scene shadow of Scout still exists. They don't know how to handle it, nor are they sure how to treat John and Allen's praise.

This brought Ronan's eyes back to Allen, thinking of Ollie's words in his mind:

you're worth it.

"Sorry, we are all a little gaffe." Ronan was slightly stunned, and then smiled on the corners of his mouth. Since he didn't know how to respond, he was sincere. "This should be the first time we listened to it in a long, long time. We didn’t know how to respond to the praise of professionals. Obviously, our reaction was a little embarrassing. I hope that our fussing will not be too rude."

He was so honest and so frank in his reaction that Allen didn't expect it. He paused, a smile appeared in his eyes, and his jaw gently, "No special reaction is required, just accept it. There has never been a professional before. Praise does not mean that your strength is not good, but it has not been discovered yet."

Allen’s speaking rhythm is very, very slow, and his unhurried speaking style is as if everything is under control. This also allows the audience’s mood to settle down-but obviously not suitable for the entertainment industry, because it is always here. Surrounded by parties, especially in the noisy atmosphere of the current concert, Allen feels like a monk who broke into the Pansi Cave, with a sense of incompatibility.

But it is precisely this style that makes Allen's words very, very convincing, so that the eyes of the band members are projected tightly.

The same situation, in Allen’s hands, seems to be no problem anymore. He is always able to show his demeanor, "You should believe that in the future, you will hear a lot of praises like this, because You are worth it."

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