King of Stage

Chapter 193: Supper time

"The King of Stage (

"...Alice, are you sure you don't join us?"

Ollie noticed the gaze next to him, slowly sat upright, greeted Alice, and showed a smile.

"Today's fried chicken is from Koreatown. It has a unique flavor. It is a bit different from what we usually eat. The meat is very tender. You can feel the gravy in your mouth when you bite it. The crispy skin and the aroma of salt and pepper. You can also choose your favorite sauce. Ronan recommends soy sauce. I think this should not be made from feed broilers. It's really delicious. Are you sure you don't try it?"

With that said, Ollie also raised the two drumsticks in his hands, imitating the gesture of a double gun in the manner of a western cowboy, and strongly recommended to Alice.

Alice swallowed her saliva and tried her best to suppress her impulse——

It was already midnight. Eating at this time was a crime and bad for health; and the menu was still oily and salty fried chicken, which was a warning for fattening. She had to control her impulse. , Otherwise the next period of time will need to pay for tonight's gluttony.

She is different from Ronan. That guy always can't control his mouth, and the most annoying thing is that he can't eat fat!

What a shame!

Grumbling, Alice swallowed again, exhausted all her strength, and shook her head, "No, just eat. Don't worry about me."

Ollie showed regret, but was still a little worried. He turned to look at Ronan, only to find that Ronan was eating righteously. He was also full of black lines. He quickly hit Ronan’s thigh with his knee and asked in a low voice. To, "Is it really okay?"

Ha ha ha ha.

Ronan raised his head and bit off a piece of chicken thigh with his teeth. The white tender and smooth piece of meat was easily torn off, and it entered his mouth after a short breath. The hot steam was engulfed in the oily light, and the aroma of fried was in the air. It was pervasive. It seemed that Ronan's facial features were tangled because of some hot mouth, but his quick chewing movement still didn't stop, and he could feel the tender and smooth taste through his facial expressions.


Don't talk about Alice, even Ollie couldn't help but swallowed, completely forgetting that he was holding two drumsticks in his hand.

"Dinner, you just use a sandwich to solve it. Basically, you have nothing to eat. You absolutely need to add some calories. Although supper is not good for your health, but from the perspective of nutritional balance, your body is indeed protesting. , You should follow your body’s requirements."

Alice was about to say something, but Ronan didn't give her a chance, and went on to say something.

"Of course, from a calorie point of view, eating fried chicken now is indeed a bit exaggerated, but Ellie, tonight is not over here. We will still need to upload songs and so on. You also need to edit videos and close your eyes. Before the break, there are at least two hours left."

"So, I think you can eat a little bit."

After speaking, Ronan stuffed the remaining chicken legs directly into his mouth, but he couldn't see how he chewed. When he took it out again after a second, there was only a smooth bone left, and he couldn't see anything at all. The meat stays on top, the crunchy chewing sound jumps between the lips and teeth, the unique taste combined with freshness and crispness perfectly melts in the mouth, and the scent of oil gives the lips a bright color.

Alice: "..."

The eyes are fragrant.

"Ah!" Alice said desperately to the sky, and then glared at Ronan, "Ronan Cooper, if I get fat, you will take full responsibility."

"Oh, if you get fat, I will exercise with you to lose weight." Ronan looked at Alice with a smile, said lightly, then stretched out his hand to another drumstick, his eyes still sending a signal to Alice: you Are you sure not to eat it? Are you really not eating? Can you not help but not eat it?

Alice crossed her brows and angered Ronan. After all, she could no longer hold it back. She gave up the struggle and resistance, and embraced the beauty of "Fried Chicken Supper" with her arms wide open.

When the crispy fried chicken enters the mouth and shakes it gently, the greasy, crispy but tender and juicy taste immediately makes all the cells in the body start to cheer and scream, if it is paired with a sip of cola-or beer , The taste really made a burst of tingling from the soles of the feet to the scalp.

"Ah..." Alice let out a contented sigh from deep in her heart, and the sense of happiness overflowed and she couldn't help screaming.

Ronan looked at Alice's expression, his eyes overflowed with a smile, "How about it, do you want to order another one? I think we don't seem to have enough weight. I haven't felt the bottom right now."

No bottom?

Maxim and Cliff looked at Ronan with the expressions of seeing the monster. Although they were living together day and night, they were able to surprise each other every other day.

Alice was not surprised, and said solemnly, "Don't you know? Our family was poor by him. In order for Ronan to fill his stomach, Max went out to work at the age of sixteen. Otherwise, Do you think Max can become a middle manager at such a young age?"

These half-truths made the band members look at each other.

Ronan’s movements paused for a There were shallow ripples in the memory: Max’s sixteen years old, which is Ronan’s fourteen years old, some fragments in the deep memory regained consciousness Coming over, the corners of the mouth hidden behind the fried chicken were slightly stiff for a moment, then lowered his head to hide his emotions.

"Be careful, the band is the next goal. Now you know why I insisted that the band continue?" Ronan's voice caught the attention of his teammates, and Cliff realized that Alice was joking. He laughed helplessly after chucking.

Maxim shook his head speechlessly, "Alice, don't learn from Ronan."

As a result, seeing Alice showing a meaningful expression, Maxim couldn't help but be stunned.

Ronan interjected, "Maxim, it seems that you really don't know anything about Eri."

Maksim language is blocked.

"Hahaha." Although Ollie's earth-shattering laughter was late, he would definitely be there. The forward and backward motion almost turned the coffee table over, and Ronan immediately guarded the fried chicken to avoid remnants. The collision of the food with the earth caused the roar of the lion erupted.

"Oli Love!"

The sharp eyes immediately made Ollie lean back, but the laughter couldn't stop at all, Ronan felt that his heart was about to jump out.

"Did you not see fried chicken? Ah! You can't treat food like this, it's not correct."

Ronan looked at the fried chicken in his hand with eyes full of pain, then... he stuffed another piece into his mouth, and started chewing.

But other people soon discovered that Ronan was eating the fried chicken alone, and the sight of the **** wild wolves gathered towards Ronan.

This is... the atmosphere of a pack of wolves?

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