King of Stage

Chapter 196: Single cover

"The King of Stage (



Slightly irritating bubbles of water dropped down the throat, his throat guttered and swallowed, heartily toasted all the cola in the cup, and involuntarily made a comfortable voice, "Ah..." All the upper and lower cells are all open.

Then, Ronan could notice the sharp gaze projected from the surroundings. If the gaze is like an arrow, his entire back should now be filled with arrows, which is fatal enough, which made Ronan smile brightly and his face was full. Innocently asked, "Why, you guys have a drink too?"

"Ronan!" Cliff felt that the blood vessels were about to explode.

"Haha. Hahahaha." Ollie burst into laughter again, the exaggerated laughter slowly converged under the gaze of Maxim and Cliff, and leaned back a little bit insultingly, "Ronan's It means, relax, there is no need to be so nervous, and things can't be solved in a hurry..."

But when he said it, it was automatically silenced, because Ollie realized that Maxim and Cliff did not understand Ronan’s meaning, but rather irritated because of Ronan’s jokes, and as a result, his own explanation would be added to the fire. Oil, he strongly suspects that Cliff's brain blood vessels are crackling with fireworks.

Ronan chuckles and relieves Ollie, letting all eyes fall on himself, "We can use the photos we took as the cover and design a little bit. It's not difficult to be self-sufficient. Anyway, it's not now. The concept of the entire album is just a single cover."

The intricate and imminent words, said by Ronan, immediately...understated them.

It is not that Ronan is not in a hurry. It is just that when a person loses his hearing and his vision begins to degenerate, he must slow down even if he is anxious, because being anxious will only put himself in a greater predicament, and finally feel frustrated and frustrated. Fear is swallowed, and the only way to escape the predicament is to calm down.

In the past, Ronan’s personality was the same as that of all young people. In the fast-paced and fragmented Internet age, he became more and more anxious and anxious. Then, his life was forced to press the pause button, nothing else. The choice is either to be swallowed by darkness, or to calm down and seek a glimmer of hope.

So, at this moment, Ronan slowly wiped off the oil stains next to his mouth, "I remember, we took a lot of photos in Colorado, and one of the series is very suitable as the cover of the single "Chasing the Light", etc. Wait, I'll wipe my hands first."

Cliff was too late to wait, and went straight to search for his phone, but his brain was still full of questions, "You mean, Colorado? Alice shot it, or you shot it? We don't seem to have taken any photos, right? ?"

"It should have been taken by Ollie... right? Alice took the camera and hardly took any shots... Ronan didn't have any interest in taking pictures..." Maxim was also uncertain, hesitating between words.

But the intermittent words inspired Olly, "Ah, ah!" He patted his thigh heavily, but he didn't hold back his strength and grinned, but his expression was still excited, "I remember, yes It’s not the series shot by Ronan? It’s just a highway with sunny on one side and cloudy on the other. Then we were all shocked, stopped temporarily and took pictures there, don’t you remember?”

"Yeah, it's there." Ronan nodded to Ollie, "I remember shooting a series there, just pick the best looking one."

The most amazing and special part of road trips is that they are always walking on the road, they are always able to meet different people and things along the way, and they can also see different scenery and things. Among them, one of the experiences in Colorado is Ronan. There is nothing special that two lives can experience.

It was an expanse of plains. I drove all the way for nearly forty-five minutes without seeing any people. The only thing that accompanied the band were the small animals that appeared occasionally on both sides of the road, as if they had just entered a different world.

On the left side of the road is a barren rocky mountain. The red rocks of Nuoda are bare and no vegetation can be seen. The deep red color is as if immersed in blood. Dry cacti and bushes grow unbearably in the sand. At the same time, a few coordinates were dropped sporadically among the deserted Gobi sands, and the endless yellow sand and red soil were firmly grasped under the rhizomes. It seemed that no signs of life could be found, just like the surface of Mars.

On the right side of the road is a deep valley. On the dark red land, there are lush and stubborn low bushes. You can faintly see the figure of lizards or rattlesnakes winding through it, and then it stretches towards the end of the horizon. In the past, the green became more and more luxuriant, and finally formed a lush, dark green, which seemed to be able to capture the sound of the abyssal mountain stream, reflecting the blue sky above the head.

Such a peculiar and such magnificent scenery cannot be described by the imagination of the brain alone. Nature quietly displays its own magic.

At a certain moment, the straight road rolled out from under the wheels, touching endlessly to the sky at the end of the horizon, connecting the earth and the sky, and the longitudinally extending road seemed to split the sky in half.

The sky on the left became blood-red and blood-red in an instant, with a bit of deep brown, wind and sand raged on the barren plains, the sky was precarious, it seemed that it might collapse at any time, and the end of the world was nothing but the end; The azure blue is like a wash, the cloudless blue is clear and translucent, and you can even see the remaining airplane clouds that have not completely dissipated, which outlines a little leisurely stroll.

The extreme chaos and the extreme clarity are strangely separated by highways, and then blended like Tai Chi gossip, and all the thoughts in the mind are stopped in an instant. Except for sighs or sighs, they can only crawl. Looking up silently in the presence of nature with reverence and fear.

In the face of such a wonderful scene, although the strong wind on the left is brewing a storm, Cliff's nerves are tense, urging everyone to leave quickly, but everyone else reached a consensus and parked the car on the side of the road, and started one after another. When taking pictures, I hope to use the camera to condense the grandeur of this moment.

At this point, Ronan was talking about the photos taken that afternoon. He quickly found the photos in his mind on his mobile phone and showed them to his teammates, “I think this one is fine, it’s perfect. , Just adjust the color tone and filter a little bit."

Eyes gathered one after another, but everyone's expressions were a little confused. After looking carefully for a moment, Maxim tentatively asked, "This is... Ollie?"

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