King of Stage

Chapter 207: Elusive

"The King of Stage (

Ahmet Eltcon, CEO of Atlantic Records, but standing in front of Ronan, he looked like the owner of a shop in the next street, carrying a black lambskin square briefcase, shaking. Behind the land to collect rent, the amiable and honest appearance may be a shrewd businessman.

But Bole?

It really doesn't look like it, and it's even a lot more low-key than Scout Braun's pomp-does this mean "a full bottle doesn't sound, half a bottle choked"?

Ahmet and Allen seemed to be very familiar old friends. He directly ignored Allen’s bragging and showed an honest smile at Ronan, “He always does this, likes to exaggerate my achievements, and then let He looks better. But in fact, I'm just an old guy who likes music."

Ahmet's rough and messy eyebrows are like two caterpillars hibernating, even if they don't move, they are still eye-catching, and his words are immediately filled with a wonderful sense of joy.

"It's mainly because I don't have any talent for singing, so I like to dig out singers who are on stage. You know, Jews can buy the world with money."

A self-deprecating ridicule, just right to light up the whole paragraph, Ronan and Allen both laughed happily.

Ahmet took a sip of the whiskey in his hand, then shook his head gently, "If I am talented myself, why should I be arrogant here?"

"Talent is a blessing, but it can also become a curse. What is more rare than talent is whether you can find a way of life that makes you happy..." At this point, Ronan pointed to his brain, "This soberness It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has nothing to do with wisdom, this is the most precious thing."

The subtext is that whether it is Ronan or Ahmet, they are insisting on what they like, and the method and form are not important. They are happy because they like music, and they enjoy it because of music. From this point of view, stand Ronan on the stage and Ahmet standing behind the scenes are the same.

In fact, Ronan was comforting Ahmet's remarks just now-regardless of whether Ahmet was a social polite or not, Ronan's response seemed ingenious.

Ahmet's movement of holding the wine glass paused slightly. There was no abnormality in the expression. It was originally difficult to capture the details of the micro-expression in the party lights, and then you could see Ahmet's gaze. Turning to Ronan, he raised his voice and asked, "So is this the inspiration for you to create the'chase the light'?"

"Even if you are standing on the edge of a cliff, even if you are in the dark, never give up chasing the light. This is what we expect of ourselves." Ronan replied with a smile.

Ahmet had no expressions or expressions, he just stared at Ronan quietly-the gaze did not last long. After a short while, he spoke again and continued, "Art , Always comes from life, but being able to impress the audience is another talent."

After a pause, Ahmet did not continue to say anything. Instead, he turned to look at Allen, "What do you think?"

"Of course. Pursuing breakthroughs and innovations at the artistic level is one form, and resonating with the public at the market level is another form. We should not distinguish between the two forms. In fact, their essence is the artist's Understanding of life." Allen replied with a smile.

Alan didn't forget Ronan, turned his head and looked over, "What do you think?"

“It’s still too difficult for me. Whether it’s the former or the latter, I’m in the groping stage. I don’t know much about the art creation form, and I don’t know anything about the preferences of the mass market. So, For me, music is a flow of emotions from the heart, but whether it should be classified into the former or the latter is beyond my personal ability."

Ronan's calmness and honesty made Ahmet slightly surprised. He turned to look at Allen, but found that Allen was not surprised.

"Maybe, five or ten years later, I will have different ideas, but now, I should still focus on creation. As for art and market considerations, I should leave it to the audience to decide. Maybe they will guide me. On the road of artistic exploration."

Straightforward and frank, but faintly revealing great wisdom, Ronan's answer made Alan lightly chin express his appreciation, but Ahmet's expression still has no special changes, there is no special change in the light and dark space. Any traces are revealed, making it impossible to grasp his true inner thoughts.

The discussion did not last long.

Later, Allen and Ahmet met friends one after another, and they also generously introduced Ronan. After a brief greeting, they turned around and left, so Ronan finally left alone.

Standing in place, Ronan was a little confused--

What is Ahmet's attitude?

From Bruno's introduction, to Allen's debut, to the discussion of the taste, Ahmet never revealed his true thoughts.

Ronan believes that Allen specially introduced Ahmet tonight, hoping that one day the Kings band can win the opportunity to sign a record company like Bruno; but Ahmet's attitude is totally unpredictable. He couldn't even start, he couldn't even tell whether the short conversation was good or bad, positive or negative.

Was it because the atmosphere of the party was so noisy that it interfered with Ronan's judgment; or was it because Ahmet's emotional concealment was so good that he didn't reveal any clues at all — or both.

After taking a long breath, Ronan didn't think about it anymore. He raised his head to look for Ollie's figure. He was still a little worried about Ollie alone.

In the midst of the turbulent crowd, Ronan successfully found Ollie in the sofa area, and then he could see Ollie was talking happily with Ganel-Mona, the colorful lights fell on Ollie’s face, the corners of his mouth The smile and the briskness of the eyes are obvious, and there is no worrying formality.

Ronan felt a little relieved, but now he was a little uncomfortable with the aura of the party.

Because Ronan’s hearing is really sensitive, the sounds at the tips of the twigs are very clear, and then he is exposed to a strong rhythm environment for a long time. Those sounds are stacked on top of each other, as if the sound is placed near the ear, and the sound is amplified. After ten times a hundred times, the brain slowly began to throb, too noisy and heavy, as if the heart was surging with the drumbeat of music. Over time, it was difficult to breathe.

So Ronan also turned and left the dance floor, and went to the outdoor swimming pool to breathe some fresh air.


Walking out of the indoor space, the whole world suddenly opened up, the cold air rushed into the chest cavity like this, and the brain was awakened instantly.

"Huh..." Ronan exhaled long, his tight nerves and sore muscles relaxed a little, and when he raised his head, he could see the palm-sized sky.

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