King of Stage

Chapter 211: You Tan Hua blooms

"The King of Stage (

Human beings always believe that cities are the noisy carrier. All human beings gather together to build a society, and once they leave the society and enter the wilderness, they will return to the original land and be expelled.

But if you look at the facts upside down, it looks different. From the height of the universe, cities scattered among the vast land and ocean on the earth are isolated islands surrounded by nature. So lonely and lonely trapped in a palm-sized place, holding a group for warmth, almost can't breathe.

There are always countless possibilities to look at things. The facts are very important, but the absolute truth is not as many as imagined.

"Maybe, you can go to New Jersey to observe."

The girl slowly stood up, dragging her wet skirt, came to the balcony, looked up at the sky, and watched the sky very seriously.

"Although New Yorkers don't like New Jersey, they think it is the country, but for stargazing, we need to return to the embrace of nature."

The girl’s suggestion made Ronan chuckle, and shook his head, "No, I don’t know anything about stargazing, what Cassiopeia, what North Star, what time to watch stars, all know nothing, sorry, this is I don’t have a field involved. I just want to look at the stars."

Then, Ronan looked down at the girl and showed a shallow smile, "Sorry, my IQ seems to be a bit insufficient. I don't know if it's the same for males."

"Haha." The girl chuckled and laughed happily. "Nowadays, because of the busy life, people are always used to looking down at the road below their feet, but forget that they should look up at the sky above their heads, and then gradually In life, you have forgotten your position and lost your way forward. So, compared to them, you are already very smart."

"Uh, is this compliment? Why am I not happy at all?" Ronan protested strongly. His answer made the girl's eyes filled with a deep smile, and then replied, "Of course, Paramecium and The great apes still have a fundamental difference. Although it sounds like a curse, it is actually a compliment."

Ronan spread his hands, shaking his head with question marks all over his head.

The girl realized that the corners of her mouth had completely risen, and before she lost her temper, she quickly changed the subject, "Then, you should know how far is the distance between the two stars, right?"

"I'm not sure, one light-year?" Ronan looked at the sky again, searching for the position of the North Star in the vast night.

The girl raised her right hand, her index finger and thumb gesturing the distance between the two stars, "Yes, a light-year, maybe even farther, in our eyes, it looks so close and so close, it seems to fall. It’s just one light-year from the distance that a certain head will bump into each other."

"But... that's a light-year, a distance that can never be touched even if it's close at hand. For us, that's a distance that can't be imagined in a lifetime." The girl's voice was stained with a layer. The thin moonlight brings a little gentleness in the coldness, and you can feel the curvature of her mouth and the sigh between her eyebrows without turning her head.

Ronan also raised his right hand, gesturing the distance between the two stars, imagining how long and magnificent a light-year is, "Standing in front of the universe, we are always so small, like dust, It is insignificant. The weight of our lives is placed in a light-year river, but it is only a drop in the ocean."

Therefore, people who are out of breath due to busyness in life need to look up at the starry sky frequently and re-feel their own insignificance, and life may be simpler.


There was a melody in Ronan's mind, as if it was a melody played with a violin, melodious and majestic, gentle and magnificent, and the bow on the strings danced and pulled out a thrilling splendor and wanton, gurgling and flowing. The notes of with a touch of sadness, flowing among the stars in the sky.

"Take me over, the sky under my feet... Soaring into the sky, don't let go... Call for heroes, heal the pain... When I am incarnate, my most dangerous enemy..."



The lyrics are flying up and down in the melody, and the loneliness and loneliness of being in the vast universe are not comparable to the growing fear of the demon. The struggle and pain of becoming a demon are constantly sending out distress signals, even if it is a light year. The distance, I also hope to be able to wait for the savior.

Just like the self in the previous life, just like the Ollie in this life, in the end, they all waited for their own salvation, but it was not others but music-grasping the notes firmly, the darkness could not take away the deep self in the soul after all , Some things can't be swallowed by darkness after all.


In the ear, there was a soft humming, Ronan was slightly stunned, turned his head and looked over, and then you could see that the girl was shaking her head gently, humming along with the melody that overflowed from the corner of Ronan’s mouth. The smile rose lightly, and the coldness between the eyebrows melted away.

In fact, Ronan’s humming sound is not loud, more like a lullaby, unconsciously revealed, but the girl still keenly captured the so she joined Ronan’s ranks, invisibly It also continued to supplement the two eight-beat melody, the natural melody is very amazing.

Ronan also hummed twice, and then the inspiration was connected in this way-the melody previously co-created with Ollie on the plane was never able to be completed, but he did not expect to find the inspiration unexpectedly tonight. Supplement, and then the melody and lyrics are in one go.

The girl seemed to notice the surprise in Ronan’s eyes and turned her head and looked over, “Why, can you not like pop music if you play the violin? I didn’t expect that you are such an old-fashioned person, don’t you know that classical music and Is the essence of pop music all the same emotional resonance?"

Ronan paused, then smiled again-shouldn't it be classical music that despises pop music? When was the position reversed? But he didn't correct the girl, and shook his head, "No, I believe that the notes are common, they are all melody originating from the soul."

The girl looked at Ronan’s eyes earnestly, "You shouldn’t be against your will? Because you now seem to be the victims who were coerced and forced to speak against your intentions. If you are kidnapped now, please blink twice. ."

Patter. Patter.

Ronan actually blinked twice, which made the girl stunned, and then she could see Ronan laugh, "I'm serious, those words just now. Also, you don't need to treat any man's actions at all. Report your suspicion, maybe you can relax."

"Sorry." The girl immediately realized that her disappearance of aggression was emerging again, "I didn't want to fight with you, I just don't know..."

"I don't know how to communicate with the prince?" Ronan took the conversation and said with a smile.

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