King of Stage

Chapter 214: People search

"The King of Stage (

Signed to a record company.

Release recording albums.

The long journey of going around and around finally ushered in the moment when the will of the sky is bright, and the king band has finally seen the end of the endless and dark years.

Of course, Ronan clearly knows that the release of an album is only the first step, the first step seen by the market, but in the vast and endless music market, fierce competition and sluggish environment are still difficult, and it is released every year. There are no one thousand and eight hundred musicians on the album, but not all music can be heard, let alone recognized.

He knows, he knows all of these.

However, these are not important. What is important is that the band can finally take the first step. This is an unparalleled moment.

"One Day King"!

They are about to have a small place of their own in the history of music.

The corners of his mouth rose like this, joy and happiness filled his chest, Ronan's eyes seemed to be full of stars, "This is good."

Alice can also feel the joy that Ronan exudes from the inside out. She couldn't help but laugh together brilliantly, empathizing with the feeling of happiness and gushing, and laughed cheerfully, "Ahhh, Ronan , You guys are finally ready to release an album!"


The noise disturbed other guests not far away, and cast condemning sights, expressing strong dissatisfaction.

Alice and Ronan both covered their mouths and tried to control their own voices. As a result, they saw the shoulders of each other curled up but still could not restrain the awkward appearance of the shaking, so they both laughed again, because they were too hard. It's as if you have completed twenty sets of abdominal exercises.

"Hahahaha." Ronan couldn't hold back anymore and burst into laughter. At the same time, he raised his voice in the direction of the guest and said, "Sorry, I'm very sorry." But the laughter still couldn't stop.

In fact, smiling and laughing, they have forgotten what they showed off their smiles in the first place, and slowly they fell into a vortex of silly smiles.

Alice raised her eyes and saw Ronan winking. She chuckled and laughed, as if she had discovered some new world, she couldn't stop at all. Finally, she pitifully touched the tears leaking from the corner of her eye, and faced it with a whimper. Ronan complained, "Don't make me laugh anymore."

"I'm a singer, not a comedian, okay?" Ronan protested righteously.

As a result, Alice shot back, "Really?"

It's all right now, and the two of them laughed again, like an endless loop.

Finally, Alice controlled her emotions a bit and wiped the embarrassment on her face with facial tissues, "By the way, I need to confirm with you. Just now, a person named Ahmet-El Tekon called. , Shouldn't it be wrong? He said that he had a great time at the party with you last night."

"Really?" Ronan also rubbed his stiff facial muscles, always feeling a little sore in his cheekbones and throat. "To be honest, I can't be sure what happened last night. I thought it was screwed up. Because Ahmet didn't reveal any information at all, I don't know how the talk was going."

Recalling carefully, Ronan still shook his head slightly. "Last night I talked with Ahmet for a while, but all of them were courtesy of social occasions, but I had no way to judge. After the conversation was over, I I thought it would be over, but I didn’t expect that there would be a follow-up today, so quickly?"

Ronan drank a big mouthful of orange juice, which made him feel a little more comfortable, then picked up the fries and threw them into his mouth as a snack. "Wait, you are sure it is Ahmet-El Tekon. ?"

"When he introduced himself, it was indeed this name, and I shouldn't make a mistake in pronunciation." Alice was also a little uncertain.

Ronan thought for a while, "Wait..." He threw two more French fries into his mouth. Then he picked up the phone and quickly searched it on the mobile phone. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Last night, when he heard the name of Ahmet-El Tekon, Ronan always felt a little familiar, but unfortunately he could not remember what was going on. Now when the opportunity came, Ronan wanted to search for it. Look, maybe you can find some inspiration.

"Aha!" Enter the name, then enter Atlantic Records, and search again, and the result came out-Ronan's spelling of the name entered some errors, but Google still recognized it successfully, and the information was immediately listed.

After a closer look, Ronan couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Ahmet-El Tekon, in 1947 teamed up with Herb-Abramson (Herb-Abramson) to create Atlantic Records, they are the co-founders.

Atlantic Records, which originated in New York, was once one of the most iconic music companies on the North American continent.

First of all, they are the first record company in the United States to truly promote the rise of R&B (RB). As early as the 1940s and 1950s, Atlantic Records brought the newly budding R&B into the public eye through successful operations, and for the first time They achieved great commercial success; later, they made persistent efforts and achieved many notable results in rhythm and blues for two consecutive decades, which truly allowed the mainstream market to completely accept this music style.

Secondly, they are the first batch of records in New York to install a multi-track recording system leading the mainstream market for nearly a decade, making great contributions to promoting the development of recording studio technology in the United States.

Once again, at the peak of the 1960s, they signed one of the greatest singers in American history, the "soul singer" Aretha-Franklin (Aretha-Franklin), and then in the soul, rock, blues, jazz, folk song In the 1970s, signing with the British rock band Led-Zeppelin (Led-Zeppelin) allowed them to create countless great achievements in the field of rock and roll.

It is no exaggeration to say that Atlantic Records has left a strong mark in the history of the three music genres, including rhythm and blues, soul, and rock, and has truly become a historical process that promotes the development and evolution of the North American music market.

Of course, even if Atlantic Records succeeds, it will never escape the annexation of Wall Street. After small independent record companies reach the heights of Atlantic Records, they will either refuse to compromise just like Motown Records, and will eventually be overwhelmed by the flood of times and disappear completely. ; Either like Atlantic Records, accept Zhaoan, and then become a subsidiary of Giant Crocodile Group, barely maintaining their own style.

In 1967, Atlantic Records was acquired by Warner Music; in 1990, Time Group and Warner Group merged to become the super giant Time Warner, and Atlantic Records still has its own place.

In 2004, after successively annexing several small independent records, Atlantic Records became one of the subsidiaries of Time Warner Group, second only to Warner Records.

Of course, the Ahmet-Altecom Ronan met last night was not the Ahmet-Altecom of the founder of Atlantic Records.

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