King of Stage

Chapter 220: Professional discussion

"The King of Stage (

At this time, Ronan realized that Cliff was constantly winking at him, anxious and nervous, but Ronan could not read the mind, nor could he understand what Cliff meant. He just shrugged towards Cliff with bewilderment. Shrugged:

what's happenin?

Cliff was a little frustrated, but he glanced at Curtis from the corner of his sight, but he didn't dare to speak easily, or even to break the delicate atmosphere in the room. He could only do it himself in a hurry, which made Cliff face himself. Sulking.

Ronan followed Cliff's gaze and looked at Curtis, and now he came back to his senses and looked at Curtis carefully.

This is a man of indistinguishable age. He looks like he is about 30 and 40 years old, but because of his messy beard and curly hair, his entire face has been covered by two-thirds. It is really difficult to make a judgment.

Because the face is completely hidden behind the hair, I can’t see any expressions, whether it’s a smile or an anger. I can’t tell whether it’s a smile or an anger. I always feel as if it’s always serious without any expression, which is daunting; plus The sloppy appearance is even worse, just wearing a white T-shirt with a deformed neckline and cuffs. I don't know how many times I have washed it. There is no shape at all.

From the looks of it alone, it is really difficult to make an accurate judgment. If it weren't for the friendly reminder from the front desk just now, I am afraid that there is a homeless man sitting in front of me, and this makes sense.

Because of Curtis’ silence, the atmosphere in the room began to become serious. Cliff finally gave up sulking himself, and raised his head again, constantly winking at Ronan. Ronan and Curtis interrupted unexpectedly, and it should continue now.

But Ronan could still feel the emotional resonance emanating from the piano in his palm, and he seemed to be communicating. This time, he didn't notice Cliff's eyes, and then Cliff glared beside him to show the blind man. Really annoyed.

When Cliff was wondering if he should take the initiative to break the silence, Curtis spoke up.

"However, such an arrangement is difficult to get public recognition." Curtis expressed his views.

Obviously, this is not the final version of the arrangement. Ronan has no clear idea about how to operate it. However, Ronan did not rush to object, but raised his eyes, "Huh?"

Ronan also wants to listen to professional opinions. After all, he is still in the learning stage on the road of creation and production. Hearing opinions is also an important learning method.

Curtis didn't care about Ronan's response at all, and straightly stated his thoughts, "If you are going to use string music to create a sense of architectural space like'chasing the light', then this will seem thin.'Chasing the light' The emotions presented by the melody and lyrics are relatively pure and simple. When composing the music, it is smart to simplify the complexity, but this melody just cannot be like that."

After a pause, Curtis raised his eyes, "Have you considered using electronic music to arrange music to increase the texture of space opera, while also increasing the thickness and strength of the melody?"

The arrangement of "Chasing the Light" incorporates a large number of orchestral music, which is a very classical style; and the electronic music that Curtis now suggests is a very young and very noisy style, and more importantly, electronic music is more dependent on computers. Production, live performance of the band cannot be completed.

These are two styles and two development directions. For the band, they are completely different experiences, but Curtis seems to have never considered the status of the band at all, let alone Ronan’s opinions, just expressing himself. His opinion was thrown straight out.

Maxim frowned slightly, thinking in his mind what kind of arrangement would the finished product look like in the style of electronic music, but so far, the conceived version is not very beautiful, which makes Maxim M Jun's eyebrows knotted messily.

What about Ronan?

Ronan’s eyes lit up, “I originally thought about using electronic music to complete all the arrangements, and using a disc player on the scene to increase the sense of fantasy in the universe, but then realized that such an arrangement was too late. Firstly, it is not suitable for our style, and secondly, we are not good at live DJing. What do you think if we use electronic music as the second part?"

Incorporating electronic music into rock?

Thirty years ago, it was an expression of self-willingness and depravity, and it is very likely to be the object of all rock bands; but the times have changed. Now not only is the birth of a new style of electronic rock bands, but also Lincoln Park, cool Super-popular rock bands like the band have also begun to explore the field of electronic music, and even incorporate rap, pop and other changing styles to create a new type of music.

From "innate" to "chase the light" and then to the song just completed, in fact, the King Band still prefers the style of pop rock and continues the style of music before, but Ronan's creation is The band brings more mature and deeper emotional expression.

Incorporating different elements such as electronics, rap, etc., from the perspective of style and genre, it is not surprising The key is how the band completes the arrangement.

As far as Ronan is concerned, the fusion of styles of arrangement is a creative adventure, and it is very worthy of encouragement. Don’t forget that in the music market in 2020, new trends are sweeping the world. Ronan has one in his body. The soul who has received continuous shock baptism.

Therefore, Ronan is very willing to try different combinations of elements. This is true for the orchestral "chase the light", and now it is also true for electronic music.

"Second voice? What about the main voice?" Curtis was slightly surprised, because Ronan put forward different opinions, but he pushed the performance based on his own ideas, which seemed to be a step forward than him. , He is also looking forward to the brainstorming of inspiration collision.

Ronan shrugged and said lightly, "Using electric bass as the main instrument increases the weight of the whole melody, and then uses electric guitar and drums to highlight the main melody."

Maxim suddenly raised his head and looked at Ronan, his eyes lit up, because he was bass, and because Ronan's ideas were bold...but interesting.

But Ronan scratched his head, "I'm not so sure right now. I haven't thought about it in depth for the time being. This is just a concept, because the song was just completed the night before, and I didn't have enough time to calm down and consider the arrangement. The electric bass effect should be good, but you still need to experiment."

Sincere and true.

It is still Ronan's consistent style, but even so, Ronan has many ideas in his mind, and he is very happy to share them.

"In fact, I still hope to build a sense of architectural space with a sense of melody, but compared with'chasing the light', a little deeper, the space of this song is more magnificent and magnificent, so the arrangement can be more complicated and more complicated. More gorgeous."

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