King of Stage

Chapter 236: Turmoil


Ollie’s call came from the darkness. The cold wind on the East Coast was raging in the middle of the night, and the sound seemed to be torn into pieces at any time, wobbly and unsteady, so that the location of the sound source was deviated. It is a bit psychedelic because of my physical location.

   But for Ronan, this is not a problem. Even the sound of the wind is a melody, walking towards the serenade under the starry sky.

Ronan raised his right leg to support the wall behind him, leaned forward slightly, waved to Ollie, and then relied on the wall, focusing on the hamburger he was holding in his left hand, and stuffed it into his mouth and took a vicious bite. , Filled his entire mouth, the feeling of fullness made his eyebrows unfold, showing a satisfied look, he couldn't help but let out an "um" sigh from the depths of his throat, completely immersed in the delicacy of meat filling.

Jeremiah Flatters looked at Ronan’s expression and swallowed his saliva without realizing it. Then he was amused by his actions, "God, watching you eat so deliciously, I feel it now. hunger."

   Ronan didn't say much, just pointed to the kraft paper bag placed on the roof of the car in front of him, and made an invitation with his eyes.

Jeremiah shook his head and chuckled, "I'm really not hungry at all. I just watched you eat it so fragrantly. I can't help but imagine what it tastes like, as if I didn't eat it at all. After the same, God knows I also used a hamburger at noon today..." As he said, the words stopped. Watching Ronan who solved a hamburger with three mouthfuls, he couldn't help swallowing another spit, "Wait, Mai Is the burger you remember really that delicious?"

   "Jeremiah, the high-calorie food after the show is a gift from God!" Ronan's cheeks bulged up completely, muttering like a squirrel.

   Tonight, the second show in New Jersey has successfully come to an end.

One Day King's tour partner was the Shining Band. At the end of September, the Shining Band had just finished their first cooperative tour. When Ronan called Jeremiah, the Shining Band was at home. At that time, they agreed to the invitation without any hesitation.

   So, one day the King and Shining Band went on the road together like this.

Objectively speaking, judging from the recognition of the two bands, the Shining Band is definitely above the King of One Day, but both bands are still in the early stage of climbing. Jeremiah and the band members are very hopeful Being able to cooperate with King One Day, they did not put on any pretensions at all.

But whether it is King of One Day or Shining Band, their appeal is still limited. Even a venue with 1,000 to 3,000 people needs to be carefully selected. For example, Atlantic Records avoids big cities like New York and Los Angeles. , Correspondingly chose a nearby city as a substitute——

   New Jersey and San Diego.

   In this way, ensure that the performance venue can be as full as possible, the attendance rate is better, and the performance mood is also higher. After all, no one wants to perform in an empty venue with two or three kittens.

In fact, the one-day joint tour of the King and the Shining Band has a very good attendance rate. The venue in New Jersey can accommodate about 2,000 people, and the sales of tickets for three consecutive shows have exceeded 90%; and after the performance, even if it is At eleven o'clock in the evening, the craze still did not subside.

   In this box, Ronan comforted his hungry stomach with a hamburger; in that box, the enthusiastic audience stopped Ollie in his footsteps.

   "Ah! Ah!"

   The shrill shouts are comparable to the sound of sirens. I am afraid that the crows and mice hiding in the parking lot will turn around and run away.

"Oli! Oli Olioli! I really like you! One day in the Kings, my favorite is you! Excuse me, can you take a photo with me? Please! Please... Please...! "

  'S loud voice overcame the wind and attracted the attention of Ronan and Jeremiah. They both looked over. First they saw the two young girls with cheerful expressions, and then the slightly restrained Ollie.

   Ollie stopped, pulled a little away, looked at the two people in front of him, his expression was slightly stiff——

Ollie is still not good at dealing with strangers. He needs time. As long as he gets acquainted, there is no problem. Now it is the case with the members of Shining Band; but fans and ordinary audiences are special circumstances. They come to enjoy the show. , And expressed support to the band, Ollie also hopes to express his gratitude and even further communication.

   Therefore, Ollie is also studying.

  After this period of exercise and practice, although he still hasn't been able to overcome the shackles, at least, Ollie will no longer turn around and run away.

   This is progress.

   Ollie turned his head and looked at Ronan not far away. Ronan clenched his fists to cheer for him, then Ollie turned his head again to look at the fans in front of him.

   It seems to be to help Ollie rescue, Ronan shouted, "Do you like Ollie the most? Me and Jeremiah are going to be sad."

"Hehe, there is no way, we just like Ollie the most." One of the cheerful girls said loudly, and the chirping laughter came along with the cold wind, and the atmosphere became cheerful, and Ollie also relaxed a little~ One of the charms of the tour lies in the zero-distance contact between the performer and the audience, which narrows the distance between the two parties in a face-to-face communication, and builds a unique "intimate" relationship. Over time, The audience may also evolve into fans, and truly like the performer's music and even the performer's personality charm.

   To put it simply, live performance is a bridge that builds bonds.

   When the King's Band embarked on the tour again one day, a group of fans slowly gathered around them, and they supported them. Every band member has his own supporter. After the performance, they always gather around them in a hustle and bustle, and the real sense that the music career is gradually on the right track also slowly settles down.

At this time, I didn’t see Wesley of Shining Band and Maxim of One Day King because they were recognized by fans when they were buying burgers and French fries. As a result, Ronan and Jeremiah depressed themselves. Baseball caps, carrying food, and leaving the back door first, Wesley and Maxim were left behind to deal with the fans. It is estimated that they have not been able to get out yet.

In addition, there are other band members who are not interested in food. They should go back to the hotel to rest. As a result, Ollie felt the hunger pangs while sitting, so he slowed down a lot and patted out to find food. I was caught by the fans.

   Because of Ronan's "interruption", Ollie's attention returned to the two girls in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and nodded cautiously in agreement.

   "Yeah!" Even though Ollie didn't speak, the girls immediately understood, and jumped for joy. The joy seemed to spread to the surroundings, and even the night became gentle.

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