King of Stage

Chapter 23: Sincerely

   "Wait, wait, you said my tempo was wrong?"

   "It was originally!"

   "It's Ronan! I beat it according to the original tempo..."

   "...No, Ronan is in full firepower tonight, his pitch, pitch, and rhythm are all at the best, and there are no mistakes from beginning to end. Don't shirk responsibility."

   "Where! What I heard was Ronan grabbing the beat, okay?"

   "Trust me! You did make a mistake."

   "Are you sure it wasn't your bass that made a mistake? Then you refused to admit the mistake and shoved it on me? You obviously shook your hands during the last song."

   "Me? Shaking hands? Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year. Do you know who I am? I'm the technical signature of our band, okay?"

   "Technical front? I'm still the most handsome in the universe! Cliff! Cliff! What do you think? Help me to judge, Maxim is pouring dirty water on me!"

   "You just know that you are at a loss, otherwise how can you ask Cliff for help but not Ronan?"

   twittering, hustle and bustle, laughing.

   The band members are red-faced arguing about the details of tonight's performance, while carrying musical instruments, while discussing the performance, it is very lively.

Although the bar audience responded well, it also means that the performance was a success. The band hasn't received such positive feedback for a long time, and the mood has also risen; however, they themselves still have to calm down and re-examine the stage to show up. What mistakes are made, and how to avoid the same mistakes in the next performance are also part of the work.

   Just...Tonight, all the voices lingering in my ears are the voices of Maxim and Ollie, and two of them can be worth the power of a hundred flies.

Ronan's body is still a little weak, and the fever is not completely relieved. After the excitement, the fatigue began to invade, so he listened quietly, always with a small smile on the corners of his mouth, watching Maxim and Ollie as if a cat and a dog were fighting. , Too happy.

   And what about Cliff?

   Cliff is still thinking about it.

The thirty minutes of standing on the stage were very, very brief. They temporarily forgot their plight and returned to simplicity. They just wholeheartedly enjoyed the happiness and joy brought by the performance; however, leaving the stage was bright and realistic. The pressure came back again.

   Tonight’s performance successfully won the cheers and applause of the audience, then what? what's next? What should we do in the future?

   They need to return to reality after all.

The joy of joy slowly settled down, and the joy of the eyebrows and the corners of the mouth gradually dissipated. However, upon hearing Ollie's call, Cliff raised his smile again and temporarily hid his worries—at least, You can enjoy the carnival tonight and worry about the future tomorrow.

   "I'm on Maxim's side, Ollie, you know, you are the one who made the most mistakes among the four of us. Tonight is no exception." Cliff gave his opinion.

   "Then the one who made the second most mistakes?" Before Ollie could speak, Cliff was stunned by Maxim's murder, which obviously meant something.

   Ronan, who was on the sidelines, was full of enthusiasm and smile. He was only short of a pack of melon seeds and a bottle of beer.


When Cliff walked forward again, a figure suddenly emerged from the corner and greeted him with a smile on his face, but the movement without warning just came out like this, but Ronan was shocked severely. The conditioned ground is stiff in place and dare not move—

   Because according to Ronan's own past experience, when faced with a fright, he may create chaos no matter whether he goes forward or backward, but staying in place can reduce the risk. Of course, risks cannot be completely avoided, but standing in place is the best choice to avoid chaos.

At the same time, Maxim was taken aback and took a big step back. As a result, he ran into Ollie, who was completely indifferent. Ollie, who was standing still unscathed, was stepped on his feet and exclaimed and was forced to After two big steps back, he almost hit Ronan who fell on the last.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." Ollie quickly turned to apologize. At a glance, he noticed Ronan who was dumbfounded. His eyes were worried, but then he saw Ronan come back to his senses and waved his hand to indicate that it was okay. He was shocked. Make Ollie laugh frantically and carelessly.


The rough laughter sounded like a blast, and it hit the eardrum with a bang, and the shock wave of the aftershock spread. Maxim turned around with a devilish expression, even with Cliff and the intruder in front of him. Then he looked over, all looking at Ollie, curious about what happened behind him.

   The scene was chaotic.

   In the end, Ronan was the first to recover. Because of his position, he took all the information into his eyes, so he took the initiative to ask, "Who is it, please?"

   At this time, the band members realized the "culprit" and looked forward again.

   Duncan Turner, who once again became the center of attention, looked a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Duncan had no idea that his "ambush" would have caused such turmoil—he had never done such a thing in high school and college before, but now he is middle-aged, but he is so reckless and proactively approaching the door, neither is Duncan. Know what is correct.

"I...I just want to say that UU Reading's performance tonight is really great, I mean, it's very, very good." Duncan didn't realize his lack of vocabulary at all, the same adjective was just like that. Repeated use over and over again, but the excitement and excitement still burst out.

"Wow, thank you." Ronan's eyes curled up and filled with a smile, "This is our honor, this is the first time someone likes our stage so much..." At this point, Ronan realized that his speech was ill-spoken. This was his first time, but not necessarily the first time for the band, so he added, "For a long time, we will almost lose confidence."

   Ollie also nodded again and again, "Thank you for enjoying our performance."

Such a simple but such enthusiastic sentence made Duncan's mood fly again, "You should believe in yourself, we really enjoy it, and look forward to seeing more of your performances in the future. I'm serious." So, Duncan himself didn't even realize that he was dancing, waving his hands, and using gestures to strengthen his words.

"I mean, I have watched many, many performances, including many excellent musicians, but very few can really awaken the enthusiasm of the audience. You should be proud of your performance tonight. I sincerely hope that you will be able to perform To a higher stage."

   In a few words, Duncan's heartfelt love can be felt.

   Cliff, who stood in front of Duncan face to face, also smiled, "Thank you."

   At this time, a clear voice came from behind, and words full of vigor and vitality across the night sky, "We will work hard to stand on a higher stage."

   Looking over at the sound, you can see Ronan's firm and bright eyes, smiling, blooming in the bottom of his eyes.

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