King of Stage

Chapter 240: Open possibility

At the beginning, the "Roar, hey" of the Shining Band went from nothing to No. 3 on the Billboard Singles Chart. It wrote a fairy tale about the indie band, and it truly became a popular story in the indie music circle, because Shining Band persisted. I, and at the same time won recognition, this is the perfect situation.

   However, the success of the single did not give the band more exposure opportunities, not to mention the opportunity to perform on mainstream talk shows, for many reasons.

On the one hand, they don’t have enough contacts-Bruno’s private party has indeed created important conditions for the One Day King Band. Whether it is active or passive, Jimmy Cammore can see the One Day King Band, which is shining. The opportunity that the band didn't get.

On the other hand, the song "Chasing the Light" itself hit the focus of the topic and triggered an upsurge of topic discussions on social networks. People who are imprisoned in mechanical work day after day have felt the true feelings from the lyrics. And awakened his enthusiasm, which is also the key to the sparkling band that could not be triggered.

   No matter what, now Jimmy sees Ronan and the One Day King Band. He is ready to seize the opportunity to create a hot spot, and then he has an invitation for the show.

   Then, the story of the Arabian Nights happened like this.

But... the difference between Kings and Shining Band is that the latter lacks the constraints and planning of the company, so it missed the full-scale upswing period, and it is still slowly climbing until now; the former owns the company's The backing support has continued to rise steadily, but at the same time it also needs to face the constraints of the company.

"Winning or losing does not matter".

   Although it cannot be described as "failure", the first problem in Jimmy's invitation to One Day King to be a guest show is indeed Atlantic Records.

   And obviously, Ronan didn't remember this at all.

the company!

   From Jimmy's words, Ronan awakened an important existence, and certain questions were resolved.

  It seems that Jimmy treats Alice as an agent sent by Atlantic Records, so he didn't say anything on the phone, but waited for Ronan's call back.

   Ronan completely forgot that the record company controls the planning and schedule of the band, but when you think about it, Ronan is not surprised by the choice of Atlantic Records.

   It can be seen that Atlantic Records still hopes to stick to the professional image of the band, and use music to impress the audience with accumulative accumulation and qualitative changes. So acting in a talk show will do more harm than good.

   Although talk show is a platform to increase exposure, talk show also has its own attributes, not necessarily suitable for the image of the band.

  On the one hand, talk shows are often more commercialized, which is a dilution of the band’s professional attitude.

   On the other hand, talk shows require strict eloquence, demeanor, temperament and other personal charm, which is different from the stage image. Countless top musicians may shine on the stage, but placed under the magnifying glass of real life may be ugly.

Not to mention the Beatles, Queens, Zeppelin and other bands that do not listen to the outside world, even the bands such as Cool Play and Magic Red, which have a stable place in the mainstream commercial market, they are more focused on touring and Albums rarely appear on talk shows for publicity.

   is not to say that you can't appear in a talk show, but that it needs more careful consideration.

  Atlantic Records is still not at ease with the members of the Kings One Day, always thinking that they might get into trouble when they appear on the talk show.

   So, even if it was a good opportunity like Jimmy Cammore's talk show, Atlantic Records still considered it again and again, and did not immediately give an answer.

   Ronan also became curious. "Jimmy, you have seen my band members, how do you believe that we can complete a wonderful show?"

It shouldn’t matter if Ollie is afraid to record the show, but it’s more difficult to make a laugh; Cliff is easy to get nervous and may lose the chain at critical moments, and he is too serious to be a humorous line; Maxim is very suitable for TV shows. , But eloquence still needs to be tempered.

  The King of the Day, with both advantages and disadvantages, has too many variables, and it may not be the best candidate for the guest on the talk show.

"Ha, Ronan, are you questioning my professionalism?" Jimmy's confident words made Ronan laugh, and then Jimmy continued, "I have confidence in you. I like your style and Traits, I believe you can show your unique charm when standing in front of the camera."

   "Thank you." Ronan was already able to accept the compliment politely, although his smile was still a little cautious.

"Moreover, your teammates all have their own personalities. Everyone is special. I also look forward to different sparks on the show. You should believe me, I know how to record the show, and I also know the possibilities. What a challenge, but this is the most interesting part of the show."

   Jimmy continued to say sincerely, he was trying to convince Ronan--

The position of    seems to be upside down. Shouldn't Ronan beg Jimmy to let the band be on the show? It always feels weird now.

   Ronan chuckled slightly, "Jimmy, can I tell you the truth?"

"Of course! There is no camera turning now." Jimmy actively encouraged, "To be precise, if there is a camera now, I would encourage you to tell the truth even more, you are always looking forward to it. Breaking points and gimmicks."

  'S playful tone made Ronan chuckle directly, "I'm not sure if I can do well, but I want to give it a try. I think this is a very interesting challenge."

   Ronan is sincere. He thinks that the TV stage and the concert stage should be different again, so that the audience can see the different looks of the band, which is good. Once again, he is willing to open up possibilities, make different attempts, meet different challenges, and truly make life full of color.

   On the other end of the call, Jimmy didn't even realize it, suddenly clenched his fists, and the instant burst of ecstasy made his smile fully bloom.

  Obviously, Ronan should feel honored, but in the end he was very excited. Then he relaxed, Jimmy raised his mouth in a happy mood, partly because Ronan, he likes Ronan’s style of doing things, and his perseverance and tenacity can always be felt behind the gentle gentleness; there are more reasons It's because of the challenge.

Interviewing the King Band for One Day is indeed a challenge that needs to face many risks. It may succeed or fail. This uncertainty allows Jimmy to get rid of the boring daily program recording and feel the sense of crisis again. I found the enthusiasm for work again.

"Jimmy Chicken Feather Show" has gone through a full ten years since 2003. The show has gradually stabilized and work has gradually entered routines. However, Jimmy, who is a comedian, realized that such a sense of "easyness" is very terrifying. , Not only may lose the sense of humor and humor, but also may fall into a creative bottleneck, and the vitality of the program will slowly wither away.

   Jimmy doesn't want this.

   It is precisely because of the uncertainty in the King's Band that Jimmy is eager for this challenge even more.

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