King of Stage

Chapter 242: 1 To consensus

Bustling, twittering, rustling.


One by one appeared like a mole, just as they all came together to save Ronan some saliva, and he could complete the communication in one go. However, in no hurry, Ronan was still chewing the hamburger carefully, looking away. Project towards the "impressive" crowd around you, do not rush, wait for them to vent their emotions, calm down, and then say that you can still taste the burger slowly.

Maxim did not notice Ronan’s expression at all, and rushed over fiercely, still yelling, "And you drove the car away and let us walk back by ourselves? New Jersey can’t find the rental after 8pm. The car is gone, even if I want to stop a truck," he collided with Cliff.

   Cliff looked at Maxim, with question marks all over his head, "Didn’t you go shopping with Ronan and the others? Why are you sweating so embarrassed?"

Not to mention it’s okay, when Maxim’s anger is about to explode, especially looking at Ronan’s hamburger, I almost can’t change my breath, so I can’t say one thing. Come, "You! Him! Me! Ronan Cooper!"

   "Maxim, you are smoking above your head." Ronan chewed on the burger and said before Maksim exploded, the timing of interrupting the skill was perfect.

"What?" When Maksim's face changed, he immediately took out his phone and used the screen as a mirror, only to find that the light was too dark to see clearly. So he turned on the flash and took a selfie to check his hairstyle. I completely forgot about my anger.

   When Wesley saw this, he laughed earth-shattering, enough to fight Oli.

Ronan had already settled another burger at this time. Before Maxim broke out again, he spoke first and explained Jimmy Cammore’s intent to call, “Of course, we still need to ask the company, but before the company asks our opinion. , I think we need to exchange views."

Maxim was killed by surprise again, and was interrupted for the second time?  Some stunned?   The brain's rotation speed can't keep up with Ronan's rhythm, and the result is a face full of question marks-anger is stuck in the chest before it has time to erupt? The question mark has completely overwhelmed the whole brain?   Out of breath.

   What's going on? what happened?

"Who am I and where am I doing what I am doing" written on Maxim’s handsome face, but at this time everyone is half a cat?   There really is no time to answer Maxim’s questions, all eyes are on Swarming towards Ronan?   The howling cold wind seemed to be boiling.

  Not only Maxim?  The others are not much better.

Because it was too accidental and too sudden, including Alice, who was partly mentally prepared, was no exception. She was drunk with a bludgeon without her head, and her heart beat violently?  Conditional reactions fell into a short-term stagnation? There were different reactions between looking at each other, but none of them could find their own voices.

what's the situation?

   Question mark, question mark, still question mark.

  So Ronan's calmness is particularly prominent?  He turned his head and looked at Ollie first.

To a slight surprise, Ollie was shocked for a short time?   Soon he calmed down, more calm than Maxim and Cliff?   He looked towards Ronantou, and seemed to be asking with his eyes: Really ? Is all this true?

  After getting Ronan's affirmative reply?  Oli nodded and agreed?  There was not much struggle and hesitation.

   Ronan was a little surprised?   He thought that Ollie, who is not good at dealing with strangers, would resist, and the environment of the talk show was indeed full of challenges, but the answer was unexpected.

   Ollie could understand Ronan’s concerns at a glance. He explained, "I want to see what happened to the show recording."

"You know, Warner Bros. has a special project at the Hollywood Photo Base. Audiences can submit an application in advance, and then enter the shooting site to watch sitcoms, such as the'Big Bang Theory', and let the audience make real laughs at the scene. Be part of the show. I always wanted to apply, but I didn't have a chance, but now I can finally enter the studio. Ha, I'm a little looking forward to it."

   Ollie applauded to express welcome.

Ronan wanted to explain to Ollie that they came to the scene as guests rather than spectators, and they felt different depending on the location, but Ollie added, "Moreover, there are you with me, right? Again? It’s not that I’m acting alone in the show, just leave the conversation to you.”

The words that rushed to his mouth swallowed. Ronan turned to think about it and agreed with Ollie’s idea. Even if Ollie appeared on the guest seat, he could still act as an audience. Just leave the conversation part to them to worry about. What's more, TV shows are another stage form. Maybe Ollie can adapt to the show?

   So, Ronan smiled encouragingly at Ollie, "You can start practicing self-introduction now." The subtext is to complain about Ollie. Don't even be unable to introduce yourself.

   Ollie scratched his head and showed a smile, but the anticipation and excitement between his eyebrows couldn't help but rise.

   Turning his head, Ronan looked at Cliff and Maxim again, waiting for their answer.

Wesley said directly, "Go! Of course! Why should you miss this opportunity!" Jeremiah winked at This is a day of the King's Band. They, as friends, Just stand by and cheer, why bother to get in?

   But apparently Wesley didn’t care, and he glared at Jeremiah, and then said, “There is no rule that indie bands can’t participate in the talk show. If it weren’t for them to worry about me talking nonsense, I would also like to be on the talk show.”

   Jeremiah: You also know that you like nonsense, and you are pretty self-aware. One of the important reasons why the Shining Band can't appear on TV shows is that Wesley can't control his mouth, and if he doesn't pay attention, he may get into trouble.

   Cliff also looked up at this time, looked at Ronan, and said cautiously, "I think this is a good opportunity. Last time Jimmy took care of us at the party, what do you think?"

   After careful consideration, Cliff's tone was still somewhat reserved, asking Ronan for his opinion.

Maxim has also recovered and touched his chin, "Do you think I will be on the camera?" But Maxim is not ready to wait for an answer at all, because the answer has been determined, "A movie like me Face, how could it not be on the camera? I think I need to let the audience appreciate the real beauty."

   After talking to himself, Maxim remembered that there was another person who hadn't expressed an opinion, so he followed Cliff and looked at Ronan, "Wait, what's your opinion? What do you think?"

  'S gaze, rustled on Ronan, and the corners of his mouth rose, "I also think this is a good opportunity."

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