King of Stage

Chapter 248: Strive for initiative

The most difficult and most important part of a group interview with multiple people is that it’s comprehensive, and it’s not appropriate to forget a member if you don’t pay attention to it. Even though the moderator cannot achieve a perfect and even distribution, he still needs to work hard to take care of everyone. A guest, especially a newcomer who is just starting out like the One Day Kings—

Faced with the situation where the entire studio is not familiar with the interviewing guests, and may not even know their names, this also means that Jimmy is burdened with more pressure.

Unexpectedly, in the opening stage, Ronan assigned weight lightly and naturally during the rounds of the interview. The most important thing is to make full use of the seat allocation of the band members, from Maxim to Cliff, to complete a counterclockwise The arc, invisibly draws the audience's attention, very smooth, and the line of sight naturally shifts from Maxim to Cliff, while Ronan plays the role of the narrator of "Animal World".

Jimmy once again looked at Ronan with admiration. This calm situation control ability is not only sharp but also witty. It may be nothing to the layman, but the insider understands the difficulty. He glanced at Ronan from the corner of his sight. Then he quickly landed on Cliff, posing as if he was listening attentively—

I sigh, just keep it for yourself, and the show needs to go on.

Cliff obviously didn’t notice the mystery, and realized that Ronan mentioned himself, he responded with the opportunity, “Bruno is a talented singer and a talented producer at the same time, so when we and When he was touring together, he was always able to give us a lot of advice, and to explore on the level of creation and performance. This is undoubtedly a rare experience."

The eloquence and eloquence, although only official rhetoric, can also be seen that Cliff was fully prepared, and Ronan had just spoken, and he had completed a seamless connection.

"Audience friends, this is the guitar of our band, Cliff Barron? It is also the captain of our band? He is responsible for the work of external communication, and the vase on the far left is the handsome guy." Luo Nan just rightly followed the sentence? While introducing Cliff seriously, he complained about Maxim at his fingertips.

The audience was only ready to applaud the venue, but Ronan was amused? Low laughter one after another, especially after Maxim's response? Low laughter evolved into coax laughter.

Didn't Maxime miss Ronan's teasing? Not only did he not mind at all, but he straightened his chest, looked at Jimmy with a big smile, and said confidently? "I'm used to it? They're just jealous."

In faintness, Ronan took control of the rhythm of the show, and smoothly pushed the audience to fully enter the state of the audience. Jimmy realized that he had encountered an opponent—but it was positive? The interview was also a work of back and forth. Sparks can be collided by going back and forth.

There was a flash of light in his mind? Jimmy was originally going to discuss Bruno's topic in depth, but then he thought about it? He cast his gaze towards Ronan, "Is he like this normally?"

He? Refers to Maxim.

Ronan spread his hands? He said helplessly, "You are now a victim just like us."

Belly laugh!

However, in a sea of ​​laughter in the audience, Maxim was still as if facing calmly as a mountain. His slightly raised lower jaw showed his confidence, and it was absolutely impossible to shake him easily—as for his appearance, Maxim was absolutely confident. .

Ronan turned his head and looked to his right hand, "We have to experience this kind of devastation every morning, right?"

Ollie could feel Ronan's gaze, and the familiar feeling of intimacy made him nodded in agreement. The slight excitement made him speak without hindrance, "It's more than morning, shouldn't it be all the time?"

Oh? Listen!

In an instant, all eyes were focused on Ollie, especially Jimmy, who took the initiative to say, "I think there seems to be a story hidden in it, Ollie, how about it, share it with us all?"

Ollie’s back muscles suddenly tightened—one second before, he was an audience, although he was sitting on the sofa on the stage, but he listened in the same way as the audience; the next second, he was the protagonist, and the focus of the audience’s attention He was totally uncomfortable, and suddenly retracted into his shell again.

This is definitely not what Ollie usually looks like, but it is true when facing strangers.

Ronan was not surprised, and took the initiative to take the gap where Ollie hadn’t spoken, and said to Jimmy, “I don’t think things seem to be so wonderful, the audience still doesn’t remember our names, and then they started to complain about Maxim. Already? This should not be good for the future development of the band."

"No, no, no, no, no." Jimmy waved his hand again and again, "One day the Kings Band should be able to conquer the audience with strength. I fell in love with this band because of your stage, and I believe all audiences are the same. No one should care about your image, what do you think?"

The last sentence is to look at the audience. The audience on the scene naturally watched the excitement without too much trouble, and all of them followed suit.

Ronan showed an embarrassed expression and shook his head to Jimmy, "No...Although I very much hope that Maxim can be the second Tom-Cruise, the problem is that I don't want Maxim Tom goes through all Tom’s things."

what? What and what?

But Jimmy was the first to react, "Haha, hahahaha", even though Jimmy tried his best to control himself, it failed.

Tom Cruise, one of Hollywood’s top superstars, has gained fame since the 1980s, and has continued after the millennium. Even now, with the popularity of the "Mission Impossible" series, UU reading also still firmly occupies a place in the top ranks.

As one of the most outstanding "idol actors" in public image, he rarely gets involved in negative news, but a derailment accident in 2005 broke this situation.

Back then, Tom Cruise and Katie-Holmes fell in love with each other, and they entered the marriage hall in less than half a year, because everything happened too quickly and too suddenly, many The media have all questioned that Tom was married in a flash in order to cover up the re-emergence of negative rumors that he likes "same sex", which put Tom in a difficult position.

At the end of the year, after the private Italian castle wedding ended, Tom was a guest on the "Oprah Talk Show" to tell the story of his falling in love with Katie. The intention was to further clarify the negative news. However, during the recording of the show, Tom seemed to be evil. Normally, suddenly jumping on the sofa without warning, dancing and showing love crazily, it's like...frustrated.

After the show was broadcast, a single stone stirred up waves. Not only did it not alleviate the negative news, but it also caused Tom to fall into a deep vortex one after another. Negative news about Tom’s beliefs also began to spread from that time.

Jimmy never expected that Ronan would use Tom as an analogy to Maxim! Wonderful, really wonderful!

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