King of Stage

Chapter 258: The east wind is back

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It can be seen from the subsequent development curve of the king's deep controversy in one day. It is precisely because of this situation that "hype" has always been one of the core topics of the entertainment industry, even if it is known that it may encounter the danger of backlash. High risk also means high rewards. There are still countless people willing to take risks, and the true and false news will not be calmed down. The controversy between calculation and counter-calculation is constantly on the screen.

When the "Jimmy Feather Show" with King King as a guest was first broadcast, the number of viewers remained at around 2.2 million. This is the average level of the show, neither high nor low-but compared to Internet hotspots. In other words, the ratings did not get a bonus and rose, which is a pity.

Later, the topic gradually fermented and heated up. When the "Jimmy Chicken Feather Show" was rebroadcast, it attracted another two million viewers. This number is horrifying, and it is difficult for the usual rebroadcast viewership to exceed 1.5 million. In other words, this can already be regarded as a leap forward.

From the first broadcast to the replay, the topic wave created by "Jimmy Chicken Feather Show" is heating up step by step. The King of One Day, who appeared as an unnamed independent band, brings a huge surprise-most importantly, in addition to the ratings, it has been well received. Chao, which also made the show crew and Atlantic Records both happy.

Especially in the TV circle, the line of sight is projected one after another.

In fact, because of the all-round rise of the Internet and the rapid enrichment of entertainment methods, the ratings of TV programs have gradually declined since 2003, and they are facing more and more challenges in the fierce competition, from TV dramas to variety shows. , The only exception may be rugby games, and talk shows are naturally no exception.

According to Nielsen’s statistics, the ratings of entertainment to talk shows have been declining year by year, and the decline has exceeded that of talk shows with current affairs as the core topic-the latter’s viewership is also declining, but the ratings have risen instead of falling. , Which proves that the core masses are still not lost.

The so-called viewership can be simply understood as the number of viewers among all the population of all age groups who watch programs; while the viewership rate is for a specific group between the ages of 18 and 49. This is also the main consumer group most favored by advertisers. Seen as a measure of the program's return index.

In other words, the overall number of viewers for talk shows is declining, but the current politics and talk shows are still able to make money, while the entertainment and talk shows are beginning to make ends meet. In the long run, TV stations may need to consider whether to continue booking the next season of the show. It is a matter of life and death.

The viewership performance of "Jimmy Chicken Feather Show" is average, and it is still difficult to compare with other spicy and sharp evening talk shows, but the ratings performance is relatively stable, mainly because of Jimmy's approachable hosting style and the characteristics of the show focusing on pranks. The attractiveness of the forty-nine-year-old main consumer group remains stable. The success of this episode of King's show once again proves Jimmy's vision.

The audience rating of 1.4 is equal to the highest data for the brand new season of "Jimmy Feather Show" in 2012, which is particularly gratifying.

The attention of the TV circle is also derived from this-how can they miss the superstars who can attract the main consumer groups?

One day, the King’s Band is young enough, all four members are under 30 years old. From the appearance, they do have the market appeal of the Jonas brothers and the one-way group; at the same time, in terms of the effect of the program, they also It has the boldness and acrimony that the idol group has never had; as for whether the band has talent and whether the music is good, these are not issues that they need to consider for the TV program group.

The news spread quietly in the TV circle. Although the popularity is still insufficient, the TV program has not been anxious for the time being. It is just watching the changes. However, the name "King for a Day" has been introduced to the ears for the first time. The existence that people know is an improvement.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

If the Kings Band wants to go further and faster one day, then it needs another shareholder style, another driving force after the "Jimmy Feather Show", to really get the band out of the circle, otherwise it can only be patiently and steady-

After all, the success of the entertainment industry always comes with a little inevitable accidentally. The time and place are right and the people are indispensable. The Kings band has been weak for a long time, and the long years have not been able to truly win the opportunity. Now it is finally opened. Once the situation is over, it will naturally take ten times a hundred times more strength to go further.

No one knows where and when this shareholder wind is blowing.

However, Atlantic Records is very satisfied with this situation. Don’t rush it, just follow the steps. After the talk show makes a little movement, it will return to the stage again. After all, the band still needs to rely on their music to open the situation. This is also what they were willing to sign for a day. the reason.

So, after the end of the recording of "Jimmy Feather Show", the Kings returned to the tour in one day, as if the TV studio was really a dream of "Alice in Wonderland", those applause, lights and cheers All disappeared, and both feet returned to the ground Not that the tour stage is not hot enough, but that TV shows and performance stages are two things. Different environments and different modes bring different feelings. For the band members, the dreamlike feeling is both wonderful and novel, and it is inevitable that more attention will be given.

However, the tour stage is after all the tour stage, which is still the place where the band shines, and it is still the source of the band's passion and dreams.

After leaving New Jersey, the one-day tour of the King and Shining Band went all the way south, and the life of the band was back on the daily track again.

For Sophie Vielar, this is good news.

She doesn’t care about the “Jimmy Feather Show”. Strictly speaking, she is not a fan of One Day King. She does not follow the band’s itinerary, nor does she care about the band’s social network platform. I don’t have much interest in things, I just like the band’s stage.

Since the café once again accidentally heard "Chasing the Light", she has been looking forward to the day when the King will come to Washington to perform again. It is like a life-saving straw. After a painful breakup, she seems to be caught by a drowning man. I lived in the only driftwood that happened to appear next to me, and then looked forward to this driftwood to lead me to find life again.

As a result, all her attention was focused on the one-day King Band’s tour schedule, looking forward to the band’s return to Washington day and night, which has even become an obsession--

Deep down, she also knew that a performance could not save herself. One day King's Band was not the savior. She was not even familiar with this band so much. It was just a means to divert her attention.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Sophie finally waited for the day of the Kings.

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