King of Stage

Chapter 26: Friendly invitation

   "Hey, great show."

   Another person came over, patted Ronan on the shoulder politely, and said with a smile.

   In the dim light, his vision was not clear, Ronan also politely responded with a smile, and responded, "Thank you. This is our honor."

   This time, the other party did not leave straight away, but motioned to Ronan's position next to him, "Can I sit down?"

   Ronan hesitated.

   He is still not used to this social style, because in his memory, it is absolutely impossible to happen; and, even if this is not China, but if everyone comes to ask for a seat, how should he deal with it? Is such a request surely not rude?

   But... Didn’t you just tell yourself last night? Now that he has won the "stolen" second chance, he should open up his heart, embark on an adventure, embrace the unknown of life, and regret it before twenty-four hours have passed?

   Feeling the joyful and harmonious atmosphere of the bar, Ronan temporarily put down his guard for a while, smiled and nodded in affirmation.

The other party was not as rash as he had imagined. After asking for permission, he stood politely and waited until Ronan nodded his head. Then he sat down generously. Then, he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand and politely. Introduce myself to:

   "Jeremiah-Fraites (Jeremiah-Fraites), as the drummer and vice vocalist in the band."

What appeared in front of Ronan was a thin and distinct face. The golden beard grows freely on the lower jaw. The dim light outlines the sharp and sharp facial features. The sharp nose like a cliff is particularly conspicuous. Wearing a dark brown fedora hat, there is no smile on the corners of his mouth, but his temperament is gentle and calm, and he can't feel the attack.

   "Ronan Cooper."

   This is the first time he has introduced himself so formally and completely, and it is still a bit awkward, but he still held Jeremiah's right hand to express a friendly response.

"We like your performance very, very much." Jeremiah said simply, letting go of his shoulders a little, and gestured to a table not far away with his left hand. A small round table could be seen in the line of sight, surrounded by four people. , Feeling Ronan's sight, they raised their wine glasses one after another.

Ronan also raised his glass-it was a glass of lemonade, because the cold has not been cured, Ronan did not try alcohol, and he originally wanted to choose a cup of hot water, but worried that his actions may be too much in New Orleans. Over the different species, which aroused unnecessary suspicion, so I compromised and chose lemonade.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jeremiah also gestured to the other three members of the band, "A wonderful performance", briefly introduced themselves to each other, and after shaking hands respectively, Jeremiah looked at Ronan again. "I won’t say, I like your music, but I like your performance style. I use my own way to interpret the different colors of the music. This is enough to be awe-inspiring."

   Straightforward but sincere, the words are not offensive, more an expression of emotion, but can make people empathize.

"This is the most beautiful place for music, isn't it?" Ronan took the conversation and said with a smile, "No matter what type of style, no matter what culture, nationality, and no matter what age group, everyone has their own music, and Incorporate your own understanding into the melody. Therefore, there is no good music and bad music, only the music that moves oneself and the one that does not move oneself."

  Neither humble nor arrogant, Ronan responded to Jeremiah's words, and at the same time calmly expressed his views on music.

   Jeremiah’s expression lightened slightly, and he seemed to like Ronan’s words very much, “Music is not good or bad, but the stage is good or bad. Obviously, you have dedicated a wonderful stage tonight!"

  Music is creation; stage is interpretation. These are two forms of presentation.

  Good music may be ruined because of a bad stage; bad music may also be reborn because of a wonderful stage interpretation. This is only one, and the second. Due to the state of the performers, rehearsal, environmental conditions, etc., many uncertain chemical reactions may occur on the stage. This also makes it difficult to evaluate the quality of the stage with a stable constant. It exists.

   Of course, this discussion is just a point to the end. After really going deep into it, it will be a huge and magnificent proposition.

Ronan was not prepared to conduct such a profound discussion in the bar. It was enough to understand the meanings of both sides. So the conversation turned, "Let me guess, you came here specially, it shouldn't be to discuss with me. The symbiosis between music and the stage, right?"

   Then, Ronan touched his stomach, "To be honest, I'm in a hungry state now, and my brain is running a bit slow, and may not be able to keep up with the rhythm."

Jeremiah could see the brilliant smile in Ronan’s eyes flashing in the flickering light, he couldn’t help laughing heartily, “I told Wesley a long time ago, you’re a funny one. The guy, the performance stage tonight is the best proof. I guessed it."

   After a pause, Jeremiah narrowed his smile slightly, and regained his gentle appearance, "No, I am not here to discuss philosophy and art with you. I just want to say, do you know the old blacksmith bar on Bourbon Avenue?"

"On Saturday night, UU Reading will host a full moon party. Different performers are welcome to go to the carnival. The whole performance will start at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and last until 6 o'clock in the morning on Sunday, for a full 15 hours. , Are you willing to join the carnival?"

   Full moon party?

Ronan was full of question marks, but Cliff took the initiative to take the conversation and successfully relieved Ronan, "However, I heard that you must register in advance, and the organizer needs to screen the qualifications. Not everyone can be on the stage. ."

   Obviously, not only Cliff knew about this full moon party, but Maxim and Ollie also knew that this should be a great event in New Orleans.

   Therefore, Ronan closed his mouth obediently and listened carefully to avoid leaks.

   "Of course." Jeremiah gently chinked his head and agreed, "They can't accept applications from all the performers, otherwise 15 hours will not be enough; moreover, the quality of the performance is also worrying."

"However, that is an external statement, while the internal statement is that if you can get the recommendation of a bar and a performance band, you can be directly selected. After all, this is a city-wide carnival that lasts for ten years. For five hours, they hope more people will participate."

"For the whole evening, each band will perform for 30 minutes. The plan is to have 30 bands before and after. As far as I know, the quota is not full yet. The notice we received is that if it is still the same before 12 noon tomorrow , Then our performance may need to be extended to forty-five minutes, maybe even an hour."

   "Obviously, the external registration rules screened out a large number of bands, but instead left some vacancies."

  Speaking of this, Jeremiah's gaze shifted from Cliff to Ronan again, "I just made a special trip to ask, are you interested?"

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