King of Stage

Chapter 269: Waiting

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"Sophie, you are not going to the back door to contain the band, are you?"

A dangerous thought flashed in Kane's mind. After speaking, his only thought was to hope Sophie could deny his guess.

However, he was disappointed.

"It's not me, but us." Sophie turned her head and said, without denying, but confessing frankly, the smile on the corner of her mouth flying in the night.

"O", Kane’s mouth was directly shaped like this. There were countless thoughts whizzing through his mind for a second, but he couldn’t sort it out for a while. He couldn’t believe that he was like a star chaser. After the concert, go to contain the band's whereabouts.


He is obviously just an ordinary music lover. He has no idea about the band other than music, and he has no interest in getting close to the band—

It’s not just the King’s Band for One Day, but all singers are like this, because Kane’s philosophy of loving music is simply to like, buying albums, listening to concerts, that’s all, he doesn’t want to get close. Singers, he thinks that may be a kind of disillusionment, even if it is not disillusionment, it may affect his judgment and preference of music because of the huge amount of information.

For example, he witnessed his favorite female singer's vulgar words.

For example, he saw his favorite male singer drinking and making trouble with his own eyes.

It may even violate the law or break the moral bottom line.

Even if it wasn't, he didn't want to see trivial aspects of life such as picking teeth, picking feet, and removing makeup. Those private lives belonged to them. He just simply liked their musical talents.

In other words, he has no interest in gossip or gossip, who is divorced, who broke up, and who is in love. Such news is of no value; similarly, he has no interest in close-quarters star chasing in private. The real face is just another ordinary person.

And now, he is actually walking towards the backstage of the concert?


The first thought in Kane's mind was to run away, and even a kind of resistance and rejection. He always felt that something might happen in such a situation-even if he could not say one reason at all.

But then turned around, it seemed that it was too late, because Sophie was already excited, "There, there!" He rushed towards the direction of the crowd happily.

The two emotions of turning around and leaving and going together are pulling and confronting each other.

In fact, Kane can leave on his own and let Sophie go on an adventure, but Kane really doesn’t have much time to think carefully. Looking at Sophie’s light and cheerful back, his joy is overflowing, and he seems to be going to the concert. The excitement of the scene continued. This is a world that Kane didn't know or was familiar with. You can capture the purity of a deer rushing to the forest with your gestures. You must make a choice between electric, light and flint. Kane can only It was a long sigh, venting his helplessness, and then ran over—

There is no way, he has agreed to Sophie's request, hasn't he? What's more, he originally invited Sophie to come with him at the concert tonight, hoping that Sophie can get out of the shadow of broken love, no matter what, he still needs to make sure that Sophie goes back safe and sound.

A promise is a promise.

"Sophie! Wait!"

Kane raised his voice and called, following Sophie's footsteps. The burning sensation from his stomach made Kane's footsteps run faster and faster, and his emotions also became anxious.

Sophie could not feel Kane's thoughts at all. She was full of her mind and her mind was focused on this moment. The thoughts in her mind were becoming more and more urgent. Her light footsteps seemed to be able to fly with a little harder. The ground went forward and then rushed forward again.

For Sophie, going to the backstage of the concert to face the performers up close, using practical actions to show her support, this is not the first time, but it is also not common, so you can still feel the footsteps of looking for the backstage of the concert When I'm a little strange, I've never experienced the mood at this moment—

It's like a moth to a fire.

There is only one thought in my mind. I hope I can see Ronan and the band members up close, and then tell them aloud that the performance tonight is very exciting, no more, no handshake, no autographs, no photos, or even no Need to answer, just need to convey your own feelings, it is enough.

It's that simple.

The urgent thought made Sophie's forward step faster and faster, lighter and lighter, as if she was sprinting towards the sun with all her strength, and all the cells in her body began to cheer, "Yah ah ah! ah ah ah!" Eyes The light inside also brightened up, which was an unprecedented experience.

I have watched live concerts countless times, but this is an unprecedented experience for Sophie, as if the blood is burning.

In front of me, there is a small group of people faintly, of course it can’t be compared with the front gate square, but you can also see about a dozen or twenty people gathered together in a bustling manner, UU reading moving in the same direction, It seemed that she had discovered something, Sophie rushed forward too, her figure drowned in the crowd in a blink of an eye.


Kane was very sad, but there was no time to be sad now, because Sophie was about to disappear completely in the turbulent crowd.

Kane quickly approached, cut into the turbulent crowd, and quickly approached Sophie in the turmoil downstream, but before he could get closer, a door in front of him opened directly. Kane only noticed when he penetrated the crowd's sight. To this door-so, is this the back door?


With the opening of the door, the cold winter breath mingled into one face, like being hit by a snowball on the bridge of the nose, and the power of midnight in early winter can be felt in an instant.

However, Ollie was joking and joking with Maxim and Wesley behind him, and the action of pulling the jacket closer to block the cold air was a little slower, and the laughter showed a good mood of wanton flying, even if it was strict. The cold can also wait for a while.

The band members, appeared!

In an instant, the crowd around in front of the back door buzzed and surging, the dense silhouettes intertwined in the light, the hazy night made all the scenes blurred into a ball, only to feel the entangled heat in the vast cold fog An incredible force burst out from it.

Sophie and Kane were instantly swallowed by the turbulent crowd, and they moved forward involuntarily. The hustle and bustle of shouts in their ears burst into full, as if they had fallen into a gunpowder keg, and the series of roars continued to hit their chests. The heart is about to explode, and the brain completely loses its ability to think.

The only thing he can do is to passively follow the flow, and barely control his body in the stormy sea.

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