King of Stage

Chapter 278: mutual hobby

"The King of Stage Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

"Excuse all came here to buy the album?"

After the words, when asked, Kane was a little nervous and faintly expecting, and the emotions of gains and losses were stirring up and down in his chest.

"Of course, otherwise, is there anything Wal-Mart is worth wandering here late at night?"

"That's hard to say, maybe you just want to grab the big LCD TV for $1,999?"

"Hey! My taste is not that high. Even if I was queuing for Black Friday, I should grab a floor-to-ceiling home stereo for $499."


A burst of laughter.

Kane was in the mist, and then a young man with a long beige beard and a goatee turned into two braids patted his arm and said with a smile, "There is no need to pay attention to them, this is a group of people. Freak, so I haven’t been able to find a girlfriend until now."


"What are you talking about?"

"Don't say as if you are very popular."

Complaints and complaints sounded one after another, and Kane couldn't help but laugh.

The goatee young man took the initiative to stretch out his right hand, "Josh-Harms." Kane took the opponent's right hand and introduced himself.

Then, the young man named Josh continued to explain, “Tonight’s performance is really wonderful. If I don’t buy the album and collect it, I will definitely regret it. I must say that the King’s live performance in one day is really too good. Shocked, especially the last one, unforgettable!"

There is no admiration from the sky, but the sincere sigh is more powerful. Kane's eyes immediately brighten up, "Do you think so? The last song "My Devil" really has the energy to destroy the brain. The emotion of screaming and shouting in the dark is full and full of emotions, and it is truly empathetic. Ronan's wife is too powerful in control and expressiveness. At that time, my brain just crashed."

"Completely correct!"

Josh got excited too, couldn't help but jumped twice, nodding in agreement with his hands dancing, mouth foaming and splashing.

"Ronan is a genius! God! Ronan is really a genius, he belongs to the stage by nature. Have you seen him in private? It's a boy next door, who seems to be admitted to Harvard University in our community A good student, he usually doesn't go to parties, smoke or drink at all. As a result, he stood on the stage and immediately became wild. The whole power exploded. Wow, I was completely conquered by him."

As he said, Kane could feel Josh's excitement and excitement, and even his mood flew up.

The night is getting darker, and the whole city seems to have fallen asleep. Washington is not New York after all. After midnight, it enters sleep mode. Even on the street, there are no vehicles coming and going. It is in a trance. An illusion of an empty city.

However, in a corner of the city, at the entrance of a Wal-Mart supermarket, there was a group of young people who were suspected of being homeless. There was no campfire or blanket. One by one shivered in the cold and bitter night. The sky was wide and the sky was full of heat. The cold didn't extinguish their enthusiasm—more precisely, the discussion with dancing and red-faced seemed to have a purely natural repellent effect.

They gathered together like this, or sat or stood around in a circle, relying on each other to keep out the cold, sitting cross-legged on the ground in a relaxed posture, it looked like they were on a summer beach vacation, in the cold wind, You can also taste the artistic conception of enjoyment.

Until the faint blue of the east revealed the white belly, the light golden sun tore open the strict night, the world slowly brightened, and the enthusiasm still seemed to have not faded.

This is an extremely long night, enjoying a lively concert, participating in a close-up backdoor meeting, experiencing a symposium of enthusiastic fans, from spirit to exhaustion and then re-energizing, all night carnival and noisy It seems that after many roller coasters, I still don't feel exhausted, sleepy or tired, as if I can fight for another 800 rounds, but I am getting more and more energetic.

Just like the story of the "Love Before Dawn" trilogy, when like-minded souls are close to each other, time is no longer important. Even if you talk all night long, you still can't feel the passage of time and the exhaustion of spirit. There is only the joy and tacit understanding of soul and soul.

The same is true for them, just sharing their own feelings and thoughts, about the King of One Day, about the Shining Band and the concert, about the music, about the album, about the dream, about life, unknowingly, they can find in each other To the familiar shadow.

I couldn't stop the conversation anymore, and I didn't notice the rising of the sun at all.

However, the oily cheeks and red eyes have evidence that they have experienced a crazy night, perhaps an unforgettable night.

Then the supermarket opened.


Kane patted Sophie on the shoulder. She was worried that Sophie might get tired after the emotional ups and downs last night. As a result, she was even more energetic than Kane. She stood up and rushed towards the supermarket door. Go, the first one rushed in, Kane seemed to blink, and Sophie was no longer visible.


Kane sat there and blinked. He had to admit that he was eye-opening again-this night, he did experience countless new things, I am afraid that the next period of time will need to be digested, and then he too Then stand up and enter the supermarket with the friends.

The supermarket staff who came to open the door looked at the unkempt young man with a stunned face. Numerous question marks were twirling brightly above their heads, but they could not find an answer: What happened? He doesn't remember any discounts in the supermarket. Is it a mistake?

Sophie ran all the way, and after she rushed out, she realized that she had come to this supermarket for the first time and she didn't know the layout of the supermarket. So she caught a passing staff member and asked politely ~www.readwn. com~Where is the record area? "

The staff pointed out the direction, and Sophie rushed out like a gust of wind, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. This made the staff full of question marks, "...Did Justin Bieber release a new album?"

Sophie took a short detour, but still reached her destination smoothly, and then searched in the record area:

"One day king, one day king, one day king".

Silently, Sophie could only pray in her heart, hoping to find King One Day's album here, but did not see it after a rough circle, which made Sophie a little nervous and her heart sinking slowly and disappointed. His emotions came out, but the next second, Kane's voice came from the other side.

"Sophie, here it is."

Sophie straightened her waist in an instant, and her dead heart came back to life again.

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