King of Stage

Chapter 281: Online reply

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Open Twitter, type "One Day King", search, you can easily find the band's official account, click to enter, only more than 32,800 people follow.

Even if you don’t use social networks often, you can still feel the decline in popularity. Among the Twitter fan group, which counts tens of millions when moving, it is really shabby, let alone one million, even 100,000 followers. nothing. It is also sad to pounce on the street so thoroughly.

What’s even more sad is that such numbers are the result of substantial progress. From the success of YouTube videos to the high popularity of "Jimmy Feather Show", the name of the king has been widely spread in one day, and the number of attention on social network platforms has been Rising rapidly, but it will take some time to wait for further fermentation. Just looking at the pitiful attention numbers, it is inevitable that the attention before then is...

Is it only four digits?

On Twitter, it is basically equivalent to an eighteen-line street artist, no one pays attention or knows.

No wonder Maksim is able to operate social network accounts all the time, because there are not many fans at all—and there are many zombie fans among them, so it is not too difficult to answer fan questions one by one.

Sophie clicked Follow, and then you can see that the number of followers jumped by five. This also means that there are four other people following the band at the same time. Inexplicably, Sophie has a kind of honor. feel.

"How to ask?"

Sophie raised her head to look at everyone, "Use a private message? Or a tag?"

"Label it." Kane said positively, "If the story really has a world view, then mobilize everyone to participate and create some heat."

Then...they began to discuss what label should be used. In the end of the twitter discussion, Kane’s opinion was adopted. "One Day Kingdom" echoes the band’s name and is used to express the band’s worldview. This is undoubtedly The most appropriate choice.

At this time, Kane did not expect that this label would become the most iconic label of King One Day for a long, long period of time, and it has also become a hot topic of discussion on Twitter. Later, this was hailed by countless fans as the starting point for the official debut of the king in one day.

Sophie quickly entered her thoughts and questions, and then Aite used King One Day’s official account and added a series of tags, not just "One Day Kingdom", but also other tags that might become hot topics. After clicking send, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes and expressions showing excitement and anticipation uncontrollably.

"Hey, young man, have you found what you want?"

The voice of the supermarket staff exploded like thunder, and everyone turned their heads in an instant. Only then did they realize that they had gathered here for a long time, and thirty minutes passed unconsciously. In the eyes of others, they should It's a group of young people who play tricks—

Otherwise, watching an album over and over for thirty minutes, what are you looking at?

"Sorry, sorry", they apologized one after another, and then you took the albums from the shelves one by one. After a short while, the shelves were empty, because there weren’t many on the shelves, and they each returned one. Not enough.

"Excuse me, is this album still in stock?" Josh asked, turning his head to look at the staff member who was "monitoring" them.

The staff member was full of suspicion, and still didn't quite believe that they were really going to buy the album, but he still replied, "I'll check it for you."

After some inquiries, and then another toss, the staff searched the warehouse and found out three boxes of albums, and they piled up in the warehouse without even opening them.

But today, it can finally be opened.

In the end, one album was purchased, the least purchased two, and the most purchased five, not only to support the band, but also to collect. For senior music lovers, classic albums are also valuable for collection. More than a dozen people swept a bunch of albums mightily—some of them bought albums by Shining Band, and then they checked out and left the supermarket happily.

The housewives who came to the supermarket to shop in the morning looked at this group of unkempt young men with surprise and amazement, shouting loudly and whizzing past, but countless question marks could not be answered, and their footsteps could not help but pause a little. Coming down, staring dumbfounded at the billowing smoke and dust left by the young people flying away.

Standing at the entrance of the supermarket, the sun has jumped out of the horizon at this time, and the whole world is bright. The pale golden light makes the sky show a pale blue-gray, which is uniquely magnificent and magnificent.

Although they very much hope that the party will never end, and they can continue to carnival until the end of the world, but the banquet will eventually come to an end. Even if they are reluctant to leave, they must say goodbye to each other for the continuation of this event. An all-night and half-morning party ended.

"Ah! Maxim replied!"

However, Sophie's exclamation made them regain their attention, and the nostalgic footsteps were all gathered again in an instant, and the excitement could not be concealed at all.

"What? So fast?"

"I said Maxim is very hardworking."

"But it's too exaggerated so early, right?"

"What time is it now? Shouldn't it be a lazy sleep?"

"This is the first time an artist has responded to my post, haha."

Behind the words of twitter, Sophie can feel a touch of bitterness: From Maxim’s actions, you can see how much he desires attention and how much he cherishes attention, and treats every fan kindly and seriously. This sincerity and The cordiality is touching and sad at the same time.

But Sophie didn't say much, just cheered up quickly and read aloud with her head down.

"I'm glad someone discovered the secret of our album, Ronan will definitely be very happy. #Maxim"

Although there will be a series of label symbols in the follow-up, the first label has already indicated Maksim’s identity. A simple sentence immediately made Sophie scream, "Ah! Really! Really, true! Yes! The album cover really has a worldview! And it's the worldview conceived by Ronan! Ahhhhh!"

Everyone became excited too, UU reading www.uukā crossed his eyes excitedly, unable to hold his own mood at all.

"Sophie, ask him, what worldview? What's the matter!"

"Is Ollie lost? Or what's the matter?"

"Albums and singles are also related, right?"

The babbles couldn’t stop, and Sophie had to raise her right hand to signal everyone to calm down, “You also have your own mobile phones. You can also ask Maxim on Twitter! I’m only one person. How can it be possible to complete so many questions with both hands?"

Everyone suddenly realized, but they didn't rush to take out their phones. Josh awakened the dreamer, "Of course it is fun to gather together and discuss. Asking questions by yourself is so boring. The fun is stifled."

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