King of Stage

Chapter 29: Satiated

   " can we miss it?"

Maksim’s words were unstoppable, and the excitement erupted and burned like a volcano. Last night’s promise to perform the bar tour was also relegated to the back of his head—if needed. It seems that there is no need to hesitate to make a trade-off.

  Cliff could detect the disapproval in Ollie’s eyes, "Maxim, that's a promise, a contract..."

The bar tour is a promise that the contract has been completed. If there is a real conflict in time, Ollie believes that they should keep the promise. Even if the full moon party is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there are some things that you still have to fulfill if you know it shouldn’t be the case. Agreement.

   However, Cliff was keenly aware of the emotions surging in Ollie's words, so Cliff interrupted before Ollie finished speaking.

   "There is no conflict in time, the topic ends." Cliff strangled an argument directly in the cradle, his eyes fell on Maxim and Ollie, and stopped them with his eyes.

Originally, Maxim, who was still going to continue arguing, mumbled to himself. The muffled voice that was stuffed in his chest couldn’t be heard at all; while Ollie laughed heartlessly and took the initiative to pat Maxi. Mu’s shoulders used actions to express friendship and ended the brief conflict.

   Cliff continued to take the initiative in the conversation, "We now have the band's recommendation, and we need a bar recommendation next. I'm not sure, but maybe, Sam may be willing, who of us will talk to Sam..."

While talking, Cliff himself unconsciously looked at Ronan, and realized it after a half a beat. The reason for this was that he subconsciously noticed that Ronan’s voice disappeared. In the bustling conversation just now, one member's voice was absent.

   But when the line of sight fell on Ronan, the words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't continue.

   Perceiving the sudden cessation of Cliff's voice, Maxim and Ollie also cast their sights one after another, first Cliff, and then followed Cliff's voice to Ronan.

At this time, Ronan was adjusting the size of his mouth, carefully studying how he should put the whole crayfish sausage roll into his mouth, and then take a bite directly from top to bottom to make sure that all the fillings are It can be wrapped in a bread roll and enter the mouth in one breath.

   How can this be done?

   Ronan looked at the size of the rolls carefully, and then moved his mouth again, his face full of concentration, as if all his mind was devoted:

   "Interesting, there are actually pickled cucumber slices added, which can add a bit of sour and crunchy flavor."

   Then, Ronan felt the projected gaze, those scorching gazes, even if he wanted to ignore it, it was not an easy task.

After a while, Ronan pulled the bread roll out, his mouth closed slightly, but he turned his body slightly invisibly, showing a protective and defensive posture. His eyes moved back and forth between the three band members for a moment, "What's wrong, you guys? Don’t you have your own dinner? What are you doing with your eyes wide open."

  Cliff was immediately smirked, "...we..." was almost choked by saliva because it was so ridiculous, "We didn't covet your dinner!"

   Ollie’s voice intervened curiously from the side, "Ronan, how is it, is it the same as you expected? What does it taste like?"

   Cliff was really choked by drooling.

   Ronan still maintained a "defensive posture", did not relax his vigilance, did not even face Ollie, "Do you think I am a lizard? Can taste buds capture the smell of the air?"

   Pounce, Maxim laughed directly.

Ollie was stunned for a while, his brain made up for the look of a lizard, and then "changed his head" to Ronan. The laughter erupted directly from the depths of the dantian, "Hahaha!" The entire chest cavity and the entire head cavity were resonating. The roar, Shi Po Tian Jing's laughter exploded directly, and the surrounding drinkers were all startled.

   Ollie’s laughter comes with a penetrating effect, and it seems that even the ongoing stage on the stage can feel this wave of fluctuations.

   Ronan, who was sitting next to Ollie, was even more startled. He seemed to be able to feel the bursting effect on his eardrums, and looked at Ollie in horror:

   Is this a sonic weapon?

   As a result, seeing Ollie's heartless smile, Ronan couldn't help but laugh.

   Cliff, who was sitting next to him alone, did not join the three. He silently diverted his eyes, lit a cigarette, and moved a little away, pretending that he had nothing to do with the three guys.

   After finally waiting for the three people’s laughter to calm down a little, Cliff spit out a long puff of smoke, "Did you hear what we were discussing just now?"

Ronan stunned for a moment, and then said frankly, "Isn’t the most important thing feeding my stomach now? My stomach is violently protesting, and if my blood sugar is low, my brain won’t work at all. So, we should enjoy the performance. , At the same time, enjoy your dinner, and other things, wait until the dinner is over."

Cliff couldn't believe his ears, "Just now Jeremiah's invitation, you can't remember when you turn around? Are you a goldfish memory? Are you not excited or excited at all? The full moon party can't compare to it. A crayfish sausage roll?"

   唧. UU reading

Cliff was still expressing his shock and astonishment, but Ronan had already moved on to the next step. He took a bite of the crayfish sausage roll in his hand, then closed his eyes and began to chew seriously, as if This is the most important thing in the world, and any full moon party must also stand aside.

  Action is already the best answer.

The words behind Cliff were stuck in their throats, and could see Ollie, who gobbled and swallowed, and Maxim who started to grab the pizza and stuff it into his mouth. Their attention was also Already attracted by dinner, I can no longer ignore the stomach protests—

   The gluttonous insects were all awakened by Ronan, and at this time he could no longer take care of Cliff.

   Still Ollie looked at Cliff, "Otherwise, let's fill up our stomachs first, and we'll talk about it later?"

   Cliff only felt tired for a while and nodded in agreement, but he didn't do it right away, but took another cigarette fiercely, and his face was helpless.




Cliff was about to express his coldness and loneliness, but the sound of chewing in his ears was too exaggerated, which seriously damaged the atmosphere, and then he spit out a puff of smoke, and then continued to chirp and chirp beside him. It was not lonely at all. Not lonely, almost choked by the smoke.

Doing his best to control his urge to cough, Cliff looked at Ollie, who was sweeping the food by the wind and wind, and Ronan, who was enjoying it slowly. He couldn’t help feeling hungry, so he squeezed out his cigarette butts and started eating. :

   Dinner, still have to eat, loneliness can wait.

   Cliff convinced himself so secretly.

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