King of Stage

Chapter 307: Bold ideas

Thanks to the development of contemporary technology, Ronan is still able to prepare for the Grammy stage at his own pace even if the King is still on tour for one day.

But despite this, you can keep in touch all the time, but after all, there is no way to concentrate on preparing in the studio. The effect is still affected. Therefore, Ronan and the band members are very nervous. Outside the tour, they are all Carry out extra exercises in a very exciting way.

It is not only Ronan who is looking forward to a perfect performance, but the four band members and Alice are all doing their best.

"Ha, the legendary stage." Curtis laughed with a meaningful interpretation, but he didn't say much, because he was also looking forward to such a result, "So first of all, is the performance repertoire confirmed?"

"'My Devil' and'Stressed-Out' (Note 1)." Ronan gave the answer.

Curtis was slightly surprised, because there was no result discussed yesterday, and even more because of an unexpected choice—at least he didn't think of it here. Even after Ronan gave the answer, he still had a hard time thinking about it. Surprised, "How did you think of such a choice?"

"Falling apart", a song with a very special style from the album "Seven".

So, how did Ronan think of performing this song on the Grammy stage?

"Won the Grammy nomination. Undoubtedly, this is the highest stage of our career. We all look forward to our dedication to perfect performance." Ronan's answer was very serious, but he could still feel the brisk power in his voice. ,full of expectation.

"For this purpose, choosing'chase the light' is undoubtedly more appropriate and more secure. After all, we have performed many times on the tour, and the Grammy is the most shining light. The song and the theme fit perfectly. However, It's not a king for a day to be conservative, is it?"

From being on the verge of giving up to being highly anticipated, the King never relied on conservativeness and steadiness to open the road. Full moon parties, road tours, Bruno’s warm-up performances, adventures time after time, challenges time after time, and a day of king in boundless. The road blazed out in the endless darkness.

So, on the Grammy stage, they have no reason to return to conservative.

It is precisely because of this that Ronan and Maxim persuaded their teammates-they are all looking forward to the Grammys, they are also worried about the Grammys, the mood of gains and losses makes their thoughts briefly chaotic, and the idea of ​​safety prevails. For fear that the risky action might mess up such a godsend opportunity, but after calming down, both Ollie and Cliff knew that Ronan was correct.

Although there were still struggles in their hearts, Ollie and Cliff both nodded their heads and agreed to Ronan's proposal.

The meaning of "chasing the light" is undoubtedly the first song that opened up the band to the stage, but the style of the song lacks a little power, and the positive and sunny lyrics are too docile, not only in Grammys. On the stage, the impact of heavy blows cannot be shown, and it is far from the overall style of "My Devil"—

Although this is the most widely sung song by the band, it was finally abandoned considering the style and characteristics.

Instead, Ronan finally chose another track included in the album that was tougher, more explosive, and darker, "Falling Up".

"Well, now can you imagine our stage style?" Ronan's understatement can feel his firmness-on the professional level, Ronan's confidence is growing bit by bit, especially After the Grammy nomination, the feeling became even stronger.

From "my devil" to "disintegration", the coherence, the tenacity of life to death, the madness of not being mad, and the style of standing at the end of the dark world looking for hope gradually took shape.

Curtis thought about it seriously, "I can imagine the style you want, but there is still no way to imagine the final effect."

Ronan nodded, "So, this is our job."

Curtis agreed, "I have adapted a version now, so why don't you listen to it first."

Although there was no consensus within the band before, whether or not to perform "Chasing the Light" is still to be discussed, but "My Devil" was determined early, so Curtis started to get busy early on and renewed "My Devil". Arrangement to create a special version for Grammys.

When the voice fell, Curtis directly clicked to play, and the melody was broadcast through the video call screen and microphone—

Fantastic and blurred electronic sounds permeate the eardrums, and the empty and far-reaching reverberations create a three-dimensional effect of the space universe. The entire melody is full of the retro style of electronic rock in the 1990s, and at the same time it is integrated into the 21st century’s electronic music. The new interpretation of, the texture is very advanced.

I have to say that Curtis's professional ability is indeed excellent. No wonder he has the qualifications to say no, even in the face of big-name artists.

"How do you feel?" Curtis paused the music and turned to look at the camera. From his gestures, he was full of confidence.

But Ronan did not speak immediately, but savored it for a moment, as if he was still recollecting the melody just now. The slightly frowning eyebrows can tell that the thoughts in his mind are surging, but it doesn't look like Curtis is looking forward to it. The satisfaction and rejoicing.

"The overall style... is based on psychedelic colors, creating a weightless audiovisual experience in space. It should be very cool if combined with on-site lighting effects, but..." Ronan paused, "but I look forward to being more magnificent and more magnificent. Darker."

Then Ronan raised his gaze and stared at Curtis through the screen, "If it is a psychedelic style, then the stage effect is greater than the performance effect. Our performance and our singing are not focused. The lighting and sound are combined. The audiovisual experience of UU reading is the style of Lady-Gaga, highlighting the effects of dance movements, expression management, body language and melody collision, but this is not the king of a day."

If it was someone else, Curtis would have been furious at this time, and his mouth spattered directly back-he was the party A in charge of the adaptation, and Ronan, who was sitting and waiting for the results, was the party B. As a result, now party B is facing A. Fang pointed out?

But in the face of Ronan, Curtis knew that this guy would definitely not aimlessly. The positions of Party A and Party B are also completely blurred, more like a cooperative position of mutual exchanges and discussions between the two sides, so he is willing to start spraying after listening. ,Or is it-

Lost in thought.

"Curtis, the stage I envisioned is even more grand. We can use classical instruments such as the pipe organ, violin, saxophone, French horn, etc.—and even the entire symphony orchestra to accompany it, creating a tragic and tragic dark style. It’s like a space opera."

Ronan's words created a storm in Curtis' mind.

Note 1: Stressed-Out—Twenty-One-Pilots

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