King of Stage

Chapter 315: Adapt to the site

   Obviously, Bruno was made a special trip to stay for King One Day, but to be more accurate, Bruno should be left for Ronan, and he didn't need any glaring eyes to see it.

   Could it be that, apart from the one-month joint tour, what happened between Ronan and Bruno?

Facing Cliff’s inquisitive sight, Ronan did not avoid it, and said generously, “We have been discussing music creation all the time. Remember that Bruno skipped the interview and decided on us as a warm-up band. Has it started since then."

Ronan was not prepared to tell others about Bruno’s inner struggle and darkness, even his teammates, because it was Bruno’s personal affair, Ronan had no right to spread and speculate—rumors and rumors were always spread so inadvertently. Coming; not to mention Ronan did not lie, the friendship between him and Bruno is more from the exchange of creative inspiration.

Before the official release of "Paradise Lock Paradise", Bruno conducted an audition discussion meeting among friends in the circle, and sent the master tape to a specific group of friends, and then the friends put forward their opinions and ideas, including Fitz's temper tantrum. All members of the band and King One Day are no exception, and everyone has given feedback.

After sending the feedback, Ronan could not be sure whether his teammates received follow-up emails, but he did receive them, because he put forward some opinions and ideas, Bruno did not agree. The two people exchanged some ideas and expanded some through emails. In the end, Bruno adopted part of Ronan's opinions, and Ronan also changed part of his own thoughts. He was able to understand Bruno's reasons for refusing to make concessions.

   With this coming and going, some changes have taken place in the final version of "The Palace Lock Heaven"-mainly at the arrangement level.

   But that's all.

In the follow-up production of the album "Mars Jukebox", Bruno did not ask Ronan’s opinion. Obviously Bruno also had his pride and persistence, until the single "My Demon" turned out, which once again brought Bruno before his eyes. It was bright, but the two were not in touch, and Bruno's compliment was given today.

   Therefore, Ronan's answer to Cliff is basically the truth. As for the tacit understanding between Ronan and Bruno, there is no need to mention it specifically. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Faced with Ronan’s answer, Cliff curled his lips, always thinking that there should be something else, but thinking about it seriously, he couldn’t tell a reason why, so he had to give up, "Music creation, well, no Retort." Pause, "What did you write about the single's evaluation at that time?"

   "Professional opinion." Ronan replied deliberately in a mysterious way.

Cliff was stunned, and then he realized that Ronan was teasing himself--or rather, spit on himself, because Cliff’s initial evaluation was basically rainbow farts, and he didn’t say any substantive content. Later, he learned that Ronan was making fun of himself. The three of Nan, Ollie, and Maxim all offered more or less opinions, and Cliff was upset for a while.

   Ollie smiled so hard that his shoulders were shaken in his field of vision, so Cliff gave Ronan a middle finger, and then gave Ollie a middle finger, and then he made a gesture toward Maxim.

  Maksim, who was lying innocently with a gun, strongly protested. As a result, Ollie’s laughter was not held back, and he was directly released wildly.

   The scene was chaotic.

   Ronan quickly patted Ollie on the back and signaled that they needed to calm down and the rehearsal work shouldn’t be delayed. Then they happily walked towards the stage and joined the on-site staff, ready to adapt to the venue——

   An hour is actually very, very short. The band must make full use of the time. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   But precisely because of the little laughter just now, the tension of the band members obviously relaxed a lot. After hurriedly greeted the staff, they quickly entered the state of adapting to the venue.

   Staples Stadium is really different. The biggest stage the King has on the day before was the Washington Verizon Center. I originally thought that the 10,000-person venue and the 20,000-person venue are just the difference between doubling the capacity. There is no need to worry too much. After all, they already have the performance experience of a 10,000-person venue, and adapting to a 20,000-person venue just needs a little attention. There is no problem, but it is definitely not the case.

After the height, width, and depth of the entire space are all expanded, the sight becomes a dark abyss without boundaries, swallowing the tentacles of sight and perception, and the feeling of being in it is completely blurred. From the somatosensory point of view, it is like The space is directly widened more than ten times.

   is not doubled, but ten times.

Of course, after the stage is set up, the stadium cannot accommodate a full 20,000 people. This is different from the four sides of the basketball game. The audience at the scene should be about 10,000 to 12,000. The Grammy is the award ceremony. It's not a concert, and it's impossible to have all the seats on site.

Therefore, the number of audiences is almost the same, but the gap caused by the sense of space is particularly obvious-more importantly, as Bruno said, the lens scheduling of the camera is the real special feature of the Grammy stage~www.readwn .com~ This has also made a subtle change in the texture of the entire performance.

After going on stage, the king tried to play a song one day to feel the sense of space in the entire venue. After the performance, the members were a little panicked, including Ronan, because of the atmosphere created by the sound, space, camera, etc. It was too unfamiliar, completely broken expectations, all the experience they had was useless, and now they had to start from scratch again, which was really confusing.

   At this time, Bruno's friendly suggestions came in handy.

Ronan and Maksim took the lead to calm down and did not enter into practice immediately. Instead, they first discussed and summarized the problems encountered during the first rehearsal, as well as the members' own feelings, and then threw out the questions and asked the on-site staff. Opinions, solve the problem through their experience——

   This is undoubtedly the fastest way.

If it was before, they might be reluctant to show weakness because of self-esteem and pride, but after experiencing the ups and downs of the past six months, as well as the importance of the Grammy stage and the limitation of rehearsal time, when Ronan asked for help, There was no objection, and Ronan came forward to inquire directly.

   The staff was a little surprised, obviously this is not common.

Because entertainers often stand under the spotlight, the glamorous scenery makes it difficult for them to admit their shortcomings and mistakes, especially when they show weakness in front of ordinary staff. This is actually...a bit shameful, and the staff may also laugh The ignorance and arrogance of the artists also made the cooperation between the two parties distorted and weird.

   Doesn’t Ronan have such “proud”?

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