King of Stage

Chapter 317: Special Guest

   slapped head and face, violent storms, Curtis screamed, even more exaggerated and serious than usual-it seems that it should be because you are not used to getting up early?

   This is not surprising, after all, Curtis is an owl, living a life that is reversed day and night, and suddenly getting up early in the morning is indeed unacceptable.

Ronan could clearly feel the tension of the atmosphere on site, and the inexplicable sight of the staff, so Ronan stepped forward again to interrupt Curtis's irritability, "So what is the effect of the arrangement? I'm here. We haven't heard the final version yet, and our practice time is very tight."

   "..." Curtis was choked and gave Ronan a vicious look, seeming to say: Are you damaging my work too slowly?

   As a result, Ronan glared back without showing any weakness, his eyes clearly saying: Isn’t it?

   Curtis was almost choked by his own saliva, "Of course the arrangement effect is very good, and the time is spent to ensure quality. This is my signature, but..."

"Then there is no problem." Ronan said again, "Music is the most important, performance is the most important, then we need to go all out. Curtis, if you continue to furious Not to mention that we are all scared by you and don’t know what to do. The rehearsal time alone is not enough. Are you sure you want to continue to struggle here?"

   "..." Curtis was pulled by Ronan, and his face became completely stiff. It made people strongly suspect that it might explode on the spot in the next second. The atmosphere of the scene solidified for a while, and no one dared to gasp.

But right after that, Curtis fascinatedly... laughed, cursed at Ronan the foul language beginning with "F", and then continued, "Where are you going now? The venue adaptation is complete? Start the actual combat rehearsal. Yet?"

   The ups and downs of this posture are really overwhelming. The heart seems to be torn into countless pieces. No one understands what Curtis is all about. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   But Curtis didn't care at all. He strode towards the stage and took a few steps before reacting. He turned to the back and called out, "Miss Alena."

At this moment, everyone realized that Curtis did not come alone. Not far behind him, a graceful figure was hidden in the shadows, watching the noise all the way quietly, without knowing the other party. How do you look at this brief confrontation?

   Ronan’s gaze paused for a moment, Miss Alena? Wait, could it be...

Then, the figure came in with the style, carrying a violin case on his right shoulder, and the slightly curly black hair was slightly messy and slumped down lazily. There was no special expression on the cheeks, but the eyes were like black grapes. Inside, you can catch a bright smile surging shallowly.

is her.

  It never occurred to them that after four months, they would meet again in such a way.

After waiting for the other party to meet, Curtis walked side by side on the stage, and finally stopped in front of the band members. Curtis took the initiative to introduce, "This is Miss Alena Bayeva, the top one today. One of the most outstanding young violinists, this time we specially invited her to participate in your Grammy performance."

Alena always had a small smile in her eyes, she took the initiative to take a step forward and introduced herself, and then shook hands with the band members one by one, and finally came to Ronan's footsteps, and the two eyes looked at each other. , Staring deeply at the reflections in each other's pupils.

   "Alena, nice to meet you."

   "Ronan, it's my honor to know you."

The two people completed the simplest self-introduction to each other. Just when Alena was about to retract her right hand, they found that Ronan's fingers were slightly tightened, and the hot palm passed through the skin, and Alena's heart beat instantly. After missing half a beat, Ronan's mouth can be seen rising slightly.

   with a little sly red flag.

   Alena seemed to be able to feel the scorching temperature in Ronan's eyes, but she didn't dodge, instead she greeted Ronan generously and waited quietly.

   "I really look forward to being able to perform with you, but I don't know, you are also interested in pop music." Ronan said.

A gleam of light flashed through Alena’s eyes, “I don’t think King One Day’s music is a popular work, but even so, I don’t think that music should have class boundaries. Pop music, classical music, alternative music, it’s just people It's a division of one's own taste, but music is music. After all, they are a kind of resonance that comes from human emotions and touches more listeners. What do you think?"

"Wow, then, can I express my expectations for this cooperation?" Ronan's eyes were fixed on Alena, but then he noticed Alena's witty smile, generous and direct, which made Ronan. Slightly restrained, his gaze shifted slightly, concealing the embarrassment that his cheeks were slightly hot.

Alena noticed Ronan’s dodge and smiled brighter, “I should say that I am looking forward to it. I have heard the re-arranged version from Mr. Curtis Dean, which also touched me. The real reason for the cooperation is that I am full of expectations for this cooperation stage."

   Ronan's gaze lifted again, and the expression between his eyebrows rose, "Time is running out, why don't we enter the formal rehearsal now?"

"That would be better." Alena shook Ronan's right hand in turn, sending out a reminder At this time, Ronan realized that she was still holding the other party's right hand, and she quickly let go. He opened his right hand and noticed a thin layer of sweat on the palm of his palm. He turned around in embarrassment and walked towards the center of the stage. Because he turned his back to Alena, the turbulent emotions got a little breathing space.

   Ollie was the first to come over, leaning against Ronan's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know her?" Although he couldn't tell why, Ollie always felt something abnormal.

   Ronan cleared his throat subconsciously, "Yes, violinist, didn't Curtis introduced it?" He immediately realized his concealment--but why should he conceal it? Anyway, there is no secret, "I met once at Bruno's celebration party before." First published www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Ollie's eyes widened, and immediately showed an expression of "that's how it is", looking up and down Ronan.

   Ronan tried to stay calm, "You've seen it too, but you didn't recognize the other person, how rude."

   "Uh..." Ollie's thoughts were immediately taken aback, thinking about it seriously, he couldn't help but scratch his head.

   Alena standing behind, looked down at the warm palms remaining, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth rose lightly.

   There is no difference to any abnormality Curtis stepped up, "Miss Alena, before the rehearsal, do you need to adjust to the venue and equipment?"

   When Alena raised her head, she had regained her usual calm and coldness, "Of course, let's start working now."

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