King of Stage

Chapter 324: terribly upset

It was as if all of a sudden, Ronan and Alena’s IQs were all cleared. It was obvious that Alena only needed to exit the position and stand in the corridor to clear the space, allowing Ronan to leave easily, but the two of them were He was stuck in place clumsily, like a brown bear preparing to waltz.

   So, what's the matter?

Standing in the original position, Alena tried to retreat to make room, Ronan tried to walk sideways again, but then found that the space was too narrow, so she gave up, and then looked for a way again, so and so back and forth. Two or three times, Ronan finally passed by forcibly. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

The touch of the body and the body, the soft and strong touch, the graceful and awkward atmosphere gently surging, it seems that the sulfur of the spark can be smelled, so that the surface of the skin can feel the flow of static electricity, goose bumps Fighting for a while, he went out, his mind was turbulent again.

But this time, the two of them lowered their eyes and focused on covering up their emotions, instead of daring to look up at each other's reaction, and then Ronan finally walked out and stood on the aisle. At this time, he was much slower. Only when I realized—

  Obviously there are simpler and easier solutions, but what is going on with them so much time and effort?

Realizing this, Ronan quickly glanced at Alena, only to find that Alena was avoiding her eyes uncomfortably, but she was also looking at herself with the peripheral vision, and the eyes touched together briefly in this way. , And then quickly moved away, the silence flowing between the two people can faintly feel a light tacit understanding, and the smile on the corner of the mouth rises again.

   "Ahem." Ronan cleared his throat again unconsciously, "Then, I'll leave first, go back to practice, and look forward to the next rehearsal of the collaboration."

I stepped away, but stopped again and walked back for a half step. I always felt like I wanted to say something, and then found that there was nothing, so I started again, but in the end I couldn't help but pause again for a while, thinking about it for a moment. , Touched the back of his head unnaturally, and stepped forward again.

   This time is a real departure.

In fact, Alena also did the same. She raised her head, lowered her head, raised her head again, lowered her head again, hesitating back and forth, not knowing what he was hesitating, and then saw Ronan's fading back, in a rush. He shouted, "I wish the practice all the best."

Hearing the sound, Ronan stopped and looked back. His eyes were full of surprise, but then the smile at the corner of his mouth could not help but raised slightly, nodded in response, "Thank you." The footsteps did not continue to stop, that's it. Long away.

  Until Ronan joined Ollie and Maxime and disappeared into the shadows, Alena retracted her eyes and couldn't help but sighed, "God".

  What did she do just now? Also, what happened just now? How did things develop and how did they proceed? Now the whole brain is in a mess, and it is impossible to sort out. The only thought is that my performance seems to be very stupid. If time can go back...


   Alena sighed softly and patted her head. She felt that she needed to calm down.

   At the same time, Ronan patted his forehead lightly and exclaimed, "Ah."

   Ollie and Maxim did not know why they looked over, "What's the matter?"

   Ronan did not speak, his words whirled on the tip of his tongue: Why is he so stupid? They didn't even invite Alena to take the car together. They could **** her back to the hotel. This was the gentleman's manner, but he turned around and said goodbye so stupidly? Even friends are too incompetent.

   Then, turn around and go back now?

However, thinking back to the turmoil just now, Ronan’s head is also a paste, countless question marks are flashing, there is no way to recall the specific details, only one question mark after another waiting to be answered, his reaction, her reaction, theirs Communication, what on earth is going on? The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Thinking of this, Ronan was not sure again.

   "Ronan?" Olly's question was not answered, and then seeing Ronan sinking into a brief period of thought, he had to call again.

Ronan came back to his senses, "Oh, it's okay." Since he has missed the opportunity, it doesn't seem appropriate to go back now, but it will be even more embarrassing, so forget it, "I just...I just think that I didn't have Frank with Frank. -Oshin said hello, not very polite, but I think he will understand."

   Ronan still squeezed out a reason.

   Maxim looked at Ronan meaningfully, his eyes full of interest.

   Ronan just pretended not to understand, and stepped forward to catch up with Curtis and Cliff.

   Maxim, who fell behind, felt that Ollie slowly looked like a question mark, and said meaningfully, "I thought Ronan was a saint, but now it seems that Ronan is also a man."

   A saint, a sage whose heart is like still water, single-minded and single-minded, with only dreams, rushing towards the path of musical dreams, without distractions or distractions.

  Men are ordinary men.

   Maxim has something in his words and keenly caught the clues, but Ollie’s understanding has been deviated. "Men" can also be understood as "ordinary people", ordinary people who are tired, make mistakes, and nervous.

   So, Ollie thought that Maxim was saying that Ronan was too nervous about the Grammys' stage, that he was worried about gains and losses, UU reading www. naturally said, "Because I care, I am nervous. Ronan also hopes that we can dedicate the perfect stage. We all need to be nervous for the next practice."

   The chicken and the duck talk.

   Maxim did not continue to explain either, just lightly chin his head, "Indeed, we all need to get nervous, who knows, Ronan is the one who is most prone to error?"

   Maxim's worries are justified.

Ronan was really upset, not irritable or anxious, but the countless thoughts in his mind surged, unable to stop, so that he couldn't concentrate, he was a little lost on the way back to the hotel, his thoughts wandered away, and he didn't know he was thinking. What-

  In order to prepare for the Grammys, Atlantic Records arranged a hotel and practice room for the band. In the next week, they will gather together for intensive practice until the end of the Grammy Awards.

   Therefore, even after returning to Los Angeles, the band members did not have time to go home. After the morning rehearsal, they went to the hotel non-stop to prepare for practice.

Even Cliff noticed Ronan’s distractions. Such a sight was really unexpected, and he had no idea what was going on, so he cast an inquiring look at Ollie and Maxim. As a result, Ollie didn’t understand. Maxim said mysteriously like a **** stick.

   "This is a difficult problem that no one else can solve. There is no way, no way. It makes people fascinated and forgetful. Unless we can wake up, we will be helpless."

   These thoughtless words made Cliff bewildered.

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