King of Stage

Chapter 326: Brother and sister together


Ronan stretched out a big slack waist. The long running and busyness made the back neck muscles stiff like a rock. Constant twisting and rubbing could not relieve the tightness of the muscles. If you can soak in the hot spring to relax for a while , That is a wonderful vacation.

"My only idea now is to lie in the hot spring, with steak and hot spring eggs next to it. It's best to have a small bowl of hot chicken soup and feel the steak's gravy cracking in the mouth without any seasoning. Just a little black pepper is enough to extract the sweetness of the beef, and the original aroma of the meat can be perfectly preserved. If you like, you can break the egg yolk and just apply a little..."

While talking, Ronan was still immersed in the wonderful taste of imaginary steak, and Ollie beside him couldn't help swallowing his saliva. The gurgling sound of swallowing was so loud that Maxim laughed impersonally. , Cuckoo’s strange laughter sounded like a cuckoo on the stage.

   Witnessing this scene, Cliff moved a little away, pretending that he didn't know them.

Originally Ronan was also going to make fun of Ollie, but when he turned his head, he smelled a faint apple fragrance under his nose. It was not the kind of ripe to soft apple, but the crisp and refreshing light fragrance, which did not seem to be fully ripe. Through, even the color is not so red, even the taste is sweet and sour, but it can bring a little refreshing taste in the cold night.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   The magnificent hotel lobby was quietly filled with such a faint fragrance, which pulled Ronan's attention and involuntarily followed the breath to explore the past, and then Ollie and Maxim found Ronan who had stopped walking.


   Ollie was full of question marks and called out.

   Ronan did not reply.

   Maxim patted Ollie on the shoulder, "We are already in the hotel, are you still worried about him getting lost?" After speaking, he followed Cliff's footsteps and prepared to go upstairs.

   Ollie was still a little worried, standing still without moving, waiting for Ronan to return to the team.

   Then, Ollie saw Alice following, he thought about it, and followed.

Ronan walked two steps in the direction of the waiting area of ​​the hotel lobby with the fragrance, then stopped, raised his eyes, and then saw a familiar figure. The joy between his eyebrows overflowed and he shouted happily. One sentence.


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   rushed forward briskly, and the brilliant smile rose up without reservation, it was a kind of joy from the heart, pure and turbulent——

Even Ronan could clearly feel the trembling emotions deep in his soul, which made him feel the true emotions of Ronan Cooper, so he was immersed in this kind of out-of-control joy without reservation. Turning the body to emotion, he rushed out impulsively.

  Max Cooper, the eldest of the three Cooper brothers and sisters, is also the biggest supporter of Ronan and Alice in chasing their dreams.

To be more precise, it was Max who sacrificed himself to give up his ideals and went to work early and used his practical actions to support his younger brothers and sisters in chasing their dreams; it was also Max who encouraged Ronan to bravely embark on the road of music. Without Max, maybe one day The king would not be formed from the beginning.

Although Max said to Ronan, "I have no dreams. I am a down-to-earth white-collar worker. Therefore, I chose the path that suits me best. Since you and Alice have your own dreams, you should be brave. Chase."

   But deep down in their hearts, Ronan and Alice both knew the helplessness and bitterness behind this sentence.

Objectively speaking, the Coopers’ family is not a terrible dilemma of being left behind and having no meals. It can even be said to be a middle-class family. His mother is a professional interior designer and has her own small studio with a small scale. There are four people in total. There are no more than 50 partners and employees, but they are still a stable middle-to-high income group.

However, after his father abandoned the family and escaped and disappeared, the Cooper family had to face a huge burden. After all, the work of female interior designers still faced the challenge of many prejudices at the end of the nineties, so Max matured and grew up early. It's a day to help my mother share the heavy responsibilities.

Maybe Max also has dreams, but they have long been buried and forgotten; maybe Max really has no dreams. The busy real life makes him have no time and energy to think about things other than food, clothing, housing and transportation-this is the most fascinating thing. Sad facts.

   Ronan and Alice’s dreams grew up under the care of their mother and brother. Of course, they are just getting started now. The helpless grassroots are in a difficult situation in the dazzling entertainment circle, and it is definitely not easy to open up a truth.

  For Ronan Cooper, this is even more true. It can be said that under the guidance of his brother, he bravely embarked on the road of chasing dreams.

He knew better about the family’s plight and Max’s feelings than Alice, so he cherished his chance to chase his dreams even more-so even though the fever did not go away, he still insisted on performing on stage, but he did not expect to disappear on that stage forever. In a sense, Ronan Cooper is happy, because at the last moment of his life, he still stands on the stage and lives by himself. But Ronan Cooper was also regretful. After all, his dream hit the stone wall so hard that he could not bloom in the cracks of the stone.

   So now Ronan continues his life and also continues his dream.


   Just as Max stood up, Ronan slammed into his arms. The powerful collision force made his footsteps almost unsteady.

   looked down at Ronan, who was hugging him hard. He was still like a child at the age of twenty-five. Max's eyes showed a sense of helplessness, "Say, is it someone bullying you?"

The emotion that surged to the verge of losing control made Ronan slightly embarrassed, because of lack of psychological preparation, so that his actions and expressions were a little out of control, and he even felt involuntary; but Ronan had to admit that the warmth of the embrace was like a harbor. , The restless mood quietly calmed down unconsciously, and found a sense of stability.

After a brief period of confusion, Ronan was still not used to it, embarrassingly avoided his sight, pretending that the person who made the radical action just now was definitely not himself, and the words were restored to his usual state. "If you want to file a complaint, there is no need to wait. It’s already a phone call for help now."

Max glanced at Ronan slightly-Ronan would never speak like this before, with a little joking and ridicule in his lightness, and his ease of use can keep the conversation pleasant; now it seems that it has only been for half a year. The wanderings and journeys still allowed Ronan to grow up.

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