King of Stage

Chapter 328: Close

Obviously, the Grammy Awards Ceremony is coming soon. Even if the King is not an "idol band" who wins by appearance, good appearance and excellent state are still the best means to create topics and grab attention. More importantly, This is also one of the steps to complete the stage and requires special attention.

For real top artists, good self-management is also part of the work. Although the king has just started, Alice still hopes that they can gradually develop good habits-Ronan is good at everything, as long as he talks about professional work, Luo Nan is always the most dedicated and dedicated one, but eating habits are indeed a serious problem.

Alice looked at Max depressed, and couldn't believe that Max was even adding fuel to the fire, and she immediately protested against it.

Before Max reacted, Ronan had already issued a strong protest, "Eri, you must consider how much we consume today. Even if we eat a little supper now, it doesn't matter."

"I didn't stop you from eating normally, it's just that it's too late now, and supper is not good for your health. I think you need to pay attention." Alice still insisted on her point of view unmoved.

Ronan pursed the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "Strictly speaking, we only ate two meals today. The supper is very necessary. This is a normal supplement for physical strength. For health reasons, we must supplement energy." Without waiting for Alice to refute, she turned her head and smiled at Max, "How, have you decided? Did you attend the award ceremony?"

"Max!" Alice said her own voice again.

Max glanced at Alice, calmed Alice with his eyes, and seemed to say: After a hard day, Ronan only has this little fun, let's not deprive it.

Alice could see the meaning of Max's eyes, put her hands on her chest angrily, and refused to speak.

Max turned his head and looked at Ronan. At a glance, he could see Luo Nan's triumphant appearance. He raised his hand and gently patted the back of Ronan's head, "Alice also values ​​your health. You are still young. It’s okay to overeating. In a few years, hormones will begin to fluctuate wildly."

Ronan rolled his eyes to express his opposition, but after all he did not continue to "get cheap and sell good", and closed his mouth wisely.

"Grammy, I will not go, I will go home and watch the live broadcast with my mother." Max replied, and because of this, he made a special trip to visit Ronan today.

Any guest invited to attend the Grammy Awards can bring an escort, which can be family, friends, lover, etc.

Usually on the red carpet of the award ceremony, people’s attention is often on the couples or couples who are attending hand in hand, because they gather more topics; but in fact, family members are also popular candidates, from parents to siblings to other close relatives. , The selection range is very wide.

Ronan also hopes that his mother and brother can appear at Staples Stadium and experience the first important turning point in their musical career with the band. Ronan sincerely hopes to show the stage in front of his family and let them see their persistence, Prove yourself with actual performance.

However, Ronan's invitation was rejected by his mother.

Now Max has expressed the same idea.

Ronan was a little bit disappointed. After having a second chance in life in this world, his mood was contradictory.

On the one hand, he hopes to alienate his family, put aside the fetters, and open up a new life. These people are Ronan Cooper's family and have nothing to do with him. Instead, he needs to worry about exposing himself in front of them from time to time.

But on the other hand, she felt lonely in the dead of night. She couldn't help but recall the night when she was born with her creation. Alice was sitting next to her and cheering for herself. Deep down, she still yearned for support and company.

It is difficult for Ronan to accurately describe how he felt when facing his family, but at this time when Max refused to attend the awards ceremony, the slight bitterness on the tip of his tongue revealed that the emotions in the depths of the soul had quietly tilted. Shouldn't he be thankful for the "estrangement" of his family?


This feeling is extremely strange. To be precise, this is the first time Ronan has seen Max. He is basically a stranger and has nothing to do with him. However, since the meeting, Ronan has been able to feel the feeling. The strong emotions surging, the reason will be completely messed up.

From warm hugs to broken mouth quarrels to involuntarily looking at Max's sight-mixed with the contradiction of expectation and anxiety, it seems to be waiting for Max's affirmation, and it seems to be worried about Max's indifference, all of these, all It was not Ronan's feeling, and the bond from the Cooper family could be felt deep in the soul, and then the heart slowly swelled up like a balloon, and the turbulent emotions could not be calmed down.

This is not Ronan, but it is also Ronan.

Facing Max and Alice, Ronan could truly feel the emotional fetters and emotional disturbances, and then slowly fell into the trap.

Max seemed to be able to feel Ronan’s intricacies, and softly explained, “We just don’t want to be exposed to the spotlight, but we will still wait in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast. This is the first time my mother and I have formally appreciated the band. For the show, you have to go all out."

Ronan can understand.

They all have their own lives. If they are exposed by the media, their daily lives will inevitably be disrupted. Just like Ronan and Alice, they have their own daily routines that need to be maintained and managed. Although each other is family, they still need to respect each other. This is correct.

Ronan can imagine what life will become if exposed to the spotlight, not to mention Max, even the band itself-after the Grammy nomination list is announced, one The Japanese king has always been on the cusp of the storm, and the negative remarks have become more and more intense.

Therefore, perhaps protecting the family from the spotlight is the best choice. Ronan couldn't imagine, how would it feel to be such a vicious curse on his family? Even Maxim couldn't bear it, let alone a family living in peace?

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Ronan didn't have the confidence to remain calm.

Reason seems to have returned to the brain. At this time, there is no thought to slowly ponder. This kind of strong bond in the depths of the soul feels what is going on, and can only passively follow the turbulent emotional flow-thinking of this, although my heart There was still some regret, but Ronan still showed a smile, "I know, I just..."

"Some regrets." Alice took the conversation. "Ronan still hopes that you can enjoy the band's performance live, just as I also hope you can sit in the cinema and enjoy my work. Max, I can tell you, the stage Ronan above is a shining existence."

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