King of Stage

Chapter 330: Lingering fears

At the beginning, Alice served as the band’s temporary agent, which was an expedient measure. Now the band has signed with Atlantic Records. As long as they wish, the company is very happy to send a professional agent to handle the work of the band, and then the band hires a manager or assistant. To take care of the trivial things around-

In other words, Alice can be freed.

However, Alice is still working with the band, and is getting busier and more focused, as if she really is a qualified agent, instead she completely forgot her job as a director.

This is not normal.

The authorities are fans, the bystanders are clear, Max can catch the abnormality of the problem at a glance.

Max looked at Alice who remained silent, "Is it Ronan?"

Alice shook her head quickly and chuckled, "No, don’t blame Ronan. He actually asked me a few times, hoping that I could return to school to look for a job, but I said, standing next to the band, I can find For more investment opportunities, I want to find funds to shoot my ideal work, instead of entering a large studio as a wage earner."

Max did not speak, but listened carefully and intently.

Alice paused for a while, because she also needed to organize her thoughts, "Of course, this is the truth, I did not lie, I do need to find funds, and the band does have more opportunities, you know, Ronan and Bruno Marr Si became a good friend and was able to attend top private parties. Those people spent a lot of money, even if some leaked out of their fingers, it was already a huge sum of money for me."

At this point, Alice paused. Max knew there was a "but" behind, so he didn't speak.

Alice also realized that Max saw her idea through, and she couldn't help but chuckle, but the words continued.

"But... I don't know, I'm a little worried about Ronan."

Max's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he could clearly feel that the entire aura was completely lowered, and his serious expression made the atmosphere heavy.

Alice's mouth was squeezed—of course, both of Max and Ronan’s brothers loved her very much, but the friendship between the two brothers was still slightly different. She still remembers that Max had heard that Ronan was caught in school. A group of boys playing rugby gave an angry expression after besieging.

At that time, Max grabbed the baseball bat in the classroom on the spot and rushed out, and Ronan teamed up to face seven strong boys. The desperate brutality and stunned the boys, especially Mike. Si was broken with a hole in his head, and his blood-stained appearance looked like a **** **** of war.

Later, Max learned that the group of boys teased Ronan face-to-face, saying that their mother's behavior had caused their father to leave the house in anger. Ronan was furious on the spot, regardless of how many people there were, he hit him with his fists. After going over, he interrupted the front teeth of the guy who was talking, and then he was beaten up.

After learning the truth, Max and Ronan not only did not swallow their breath, they also ambushed in the alleys of the campus, and again severely taught the three boys who took the lead in talking nonsense.

Since then, no one in the school dared to provoke Cooper.

In fact, Alice didn’t know the ins and outs at all. She just remembered that after her mother heard it, she punished the two brothers severely, "No matter what happens, we can’t use violence to solve the problem", but the two brothers Stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, he stood in the living room for four hours.

Alice clearly remembers the back of her mother secretly wiping her tears in the bedroom, and Max and Ronan's stubborn refusal to admit the wrong profile. She always felt that the emotional bond between the two brothers could not be cut off, could it? Is it because they are all boys?

It was only after growing up that Alice unexpectedly learned that Ronan had a high fever when he was a child and almost never woke up. The young Max and his mother guarded Ronan all night—and they His father was drunk and dreaming under another woman's skirt.

Although Ronan escaped from the dead and the high fever finally subsided, the root of the weak body remained, so Max always took special care of Ronan, as if taking care of his younger brother had become an instinct. No matter what happens, Max always supports Ronan unconditionally.

At this time, the same is true.

Looking at Max with frowning eyebrows, Alice showed a smile, "I know you care about Ronan very much, and I am the sister who was abandoned by you."

Max looked helpless, but he still looked at Alice dozingly.

Alice chuckled and stopped joking. "Ronan... once fainted on the stage, and even lost his breath for a while."

As they said, Alice's voice tightened slightly, she could feel Max's worry and tension, even though Ronan was standing behind them alive now, fighting with Ollie vigorously, but her heart still couldn't help but stop. Tight, couldn't help but shudder.

"I think Ronan may have really seen the chaotic world after death. I can't say it clearly, but he later composed the song'Innate'..." Alice didn't know what to do. Accurate expression, just be troubled by a kind of emotion, panic and lingering, "I'm worried about Ronan..."

In fact, Alice never said that when she first joined the band on her journey, she didn't have any special thoughts. Even if she learned that Ronan had a high fever and fainted on stage, Alice did not think too much; but The time spent together is getting longer and longer, and the trivial details are getting more and more. This makes Alice more and more worried. The nightmare of childhood memories seems to be slowly eroding.

She didn't even dare to express her worries, for fear that if she said it, her fear would become a reality.

Alice was worried that Ronan might really take the wind away at any time.

Slowly So slowly, Alice's thoughts changed, even she herself did not realize it.

Max's eyes showed a touch of sadness, worried about Ronan and also worried about Alice, and the intricate emotions spread gently on the tip of his tongue.

Max worries about Ronan, whether he is guarding Ronan or not, this worry will not disappear, because it has already become a habit, but it is precisely because of this habit that Max can be more than Alice Calm down, "Ellie, the best way to fight death is not to continue to live, but to truly bloom with her own color and light when death comes."

Max said his thoughts calmly, and all worries and fears were suppressed behind the calm words.

Alice was stunned, her mind flashed, ", did you encourage Ronan to chase his dream?"

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Everything can make sense in this way.

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