King of Stage

Chapter 35: Before the camera

The so-called Super Eight Camera is actually the most popular handheld 8-mm camera in the 1980s. The grainy texture of the film can present the most retro and precious images. In 2012, it is becoming more and more high-definition and lighter. Digital camcorders have become mainstream, but these retro camcorders still have their own huge fans.

   Last year, JJ-Abrams (JJ-Abrams) directed a sci-fi movie "Super 8". The name of the movie comes from the eight-millimeter camera in the hands of the protagonist.

However, Alice is not trying to follow suit. This Super Eight camera was twelve years ago. On her birthday, Max and Ronan joined hands to buy a birthday gift for her. Alice loves it and always carries it with her and comes to her. Said that it has a special significance, and now it has become an important helper for her filming work.

Of course, shooting with the Super Eight camera consumes very much film. Alice cannot take a few large boxes of film with her on a road trip. Normally, she still uses a digital video camera for her work. The lens texture of the Super Eight camera takes some specific shots, only at special moments. use.

   later than today.

   Looking at the scene where the performance was too strong, Alice decisively turned on the camera lens and recorded it truly—

  'S jerky and embarrassing performance element, on the contrary, can more truly reflect the true nature of the band.

   But looking at the band members who were obviously stiff and stiff, Ollie even raised his eyes secretly, and then faced the camera.


   Alice couldn’t hold back anymore, she burst into laughter, and jittered along with the camera, which made Alice shook her head repeatedly and said she was speechless—

   The camera must not shake hands. The sense of movement of a handheld lens and hand shaking are two different things.

Alice explained to Ollie, "The significance of the documentary is that I actually recorded what I saw as a bystander. You should ignore my lens, or even my existence. Everything is normal. Just like usual, this will be able to reflect the meaning."

   "Oh oh oh." Ollie nodded repeatedly, lowered his head quickly, pretending that he was busy.

   Alice hesitated: Should she remind Ollie that the book is upside down?

   Then, Maxim, who was struggling to get up from the ground, hit the camera lens head-on with his inadvertently looking up. He was stunned, and lay down again in this place without money.

Alice was full of black lines, "Maxim, you should ignore my existence, but if you accidentally look at the camera, there is no need to avoid it, just pretend that the camera is me, you can say hello, you can talk, or naturally Look away, there is no need to make a fuss."

   Maxim's head popped half of his forehead from the other end of the mattress again, "Request so much! Then what do you want us to do!"

  Although I can only see the eyes, I can still feel Maxim's depression, which makes Alice laugh, "Just be your true selves."

   The three people in the room fell silent, and their stiff body movements could feel that they still hadn't turned a corner.

But Alice also understands that standing in front of the camera also requires an adaptation process, whether it is a professional actor performing or an ordinary person presenting herself, after all, the existence of the camera lens itself is a "interference", the photographer and the filmed Everyone needs a digestion process to be able to truly adapt to the existence of the camera lens.

   For documentaries, the director needs such patience.

   "Where is Ronan?" Alice did not continue to embarrass them, and asked actively.

   Ollie looked out the window, "I don't know, I'm going out, it should be in the corridor."

   Alice left the room holding the camera, stood in the hallway, looked around, and then found the familiar figure by the swimming pool.

   Alice did not approach immediately, but adjusted the focus of the camera lens to aim at Ronan's back. Because the shooting distance of the 8-mm camera is limited, it can't achieve true high-definition. It can only capture a back view outlined by moonlight and light, but she can still recognize it:

   That is Ronan.

  Obviously, Ronan was not sure how to face the camera lens, so he fled with an ostrich mentality and moved his position, much smarter than the other three.

Alice stood quietly on the spot, using the camera film to capture the figure in the night. She likes the rough grainy texture of the night, as if time stays on the film bit by bit, and the moment condenses into eternity , No matter when it will not fade away.

After a while, Alice turned off the camera and went all the way downstairs to the oblique rear of the swimming pool. She sat cross-legged on the ground behind Ronan. Although she did not deliberately hide her figure, she avoided revealing her whereabouts. Turn on the Le Camcorder again.

   Actually, there is a little secret deep in my heart, and Alice didn't tell it.

   She likes Ronan's enthusiasm and persistence, with a majestic beauty of moths flying into the fire, UU reading still refuses to compromise and surrender despite the cruel reality of oppression and waste.

Because in real life, too many people choose to give up, use countless reasons to find excuses for their inaction and mediocrity, and then laugh at the stupidity and embarrassment of those dreamers, and feel complacent that they are wise and clever. But I don't know what I missed.

   But, Alice cherishes such stupidity. So does Max.

  Actually, the Coopers are not the wealthy home you imagined. The three brothers and sisters all relied on their own efforts to obtain scholarships and then entered UCLA to study; and now they still have different amounts of tuition loans.

At first Max gave up his dream for his brother and sister, but Max did not want Ronan and Alice to bow to life, so when the opportunity appeared, Ronan was encouraged by Max to embark on this. The road to chasing dreams-Alice is following Ronan's footsteps.

Over the years, Ronan wanted to give up more than once, but finally persisted because of that silly courage, even if he needed to work continuously, even if he needed to do dirty work, even if he didn’t have a fixed place and three meals. Afterwards, Ronan has always been relying on his own efforts to persist.

   Alice likes Max and Ronan. The two older brothers are the source of her faith and courage. This is also an important reason for her coming to New Orleans. Amidst hesitation and confusion, she hopes Ronan can point her direction again, and she hopes that she can gain the courage to persist in Ronan again.

   But... Alice is not going to tell Ronan, otherwise Ronan will be proud of her tail. It's better to keep this secret to herself.

   At this time, Alice used her own lens to silently record.

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